Auto-retopology algorithms compared
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 From:  Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
8817.64 In reply to 8817.62 
Yeah, I transitioned to a new site CMS and back to Artstation in the mean time. A number of my blog posts died in the updating process. :|

I can safely state that the latest ZRemesher / Quad Remesher versions offer the best auto-retopology algorithms at the moment.

• ZRemesher (version 3 at the time I write this) is part of ZBrush.

• Quad Remesher is the same algorithm, but made available for other DCCs, like Blender, 3ds Max, Maya and more.
─ I've written an extensive post (and thread) about it on Blender Artists, including a FAQ:

• There's also a free / open source auto-retopologizer that comes reasonably close to ZRemesher / Quad Remesher, but its development seems to have frozen for a while now:


─ Metin

visualizer • illustrator • 3D designer —
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