Auto-retopology algorithms compared
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8817.48 In reply to 8817.47 
I have missed the posts...
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
The original files are NURBS models, saved from MoI as
high-res quad/tries .obj meshes and then brought into
ZBrush for ZRemesher.

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
O.k., no problem.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8817.51 In reply to 8817.50 
I don't remember if ZBrush accepts the Ngons ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Haven't tried yet with 2019, but i remember from the past
it did not like ngons.

For this example i used quad/tris output from MoI.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8817.53 In reply to 8817.46 
Hi Stefan,

> But I have never read from them what purpose a quad only CAD model should serve.

Some people have the idea all quads = always good for everything, not all quads = always bad for everything. That can kind of get drilled in for people who have been very focused on sub-d modeling only for quite a while.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8817.54 In reply to 8817.52 
<< For this example i used quad/tris output from MoI.

No more prudent only triangles ?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
There is only that works not! (tell me if you see the images)

I don't know if the problem is from Moi (Nurbs to OBJ) or new ZBrush algorithm...

Inside Moi I take Maximum number of Polygons default, export only triangles and subdivide Larger than 2 unity / All

that was more false then less polygons and no subdivide Larger than

Inside ZBrush it's not me that make the test! (not yet install new zbrush)
Inside ZBrush : Import obj
Polygroups / Normals
Crease / Crease PG borders
KeepGroups & Keep Creases activated
SmoothGroups = 0

a new test must be arrived with a subdivide Larger than 1 unity / All

EDITED: 8 Mar 2019 by PILOU

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Pilou,

very interesting. What i have tried now is to use Ngons/Quads, Mesh Angle 5
and then brought the mesh into Silo and applied a triangulation. My thought
was that then ZBrush must not compute so much when doing polygroups
from normals.

Maybe worth a try, because now i have all small ribs clean. In ZBrush i used
then only keep groups and did not use creases / edges feature.

I am sure your friend can archive much better results.



EDITED: 8 Mar 2019 by STEFAN

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 From:  Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
Hi all,

In the mean time I've installed ZBrush 2019 and had a go at it.

I have to admit I had higher expectations of ZRemesher 3.0. I guess it's more like ZRemesher 2.2 with sharp-edge support. It doesn't feel like a fully reinvented algorithm. As you can also see in Stefans image there are certain smooth areas where mangled multi-edge singularities occur, in favor of maintaining the sharp edges.

I had hoped ZRemesher 3.0 would make use of Machine Learning to recognize shapes and apply a 'Ground Truth' topology to it.

The rest of the features are of less interest to me personally. I experimented a lot with NPR rendering around fifteen years ago, when finalToon, Pencil+ and Liquid+ were exciting, state of the art 3ds Max plug-ins.

Next to MoI I find my focus centering on Blender more and more since the development of version 2.8. There are a number of free or very affordable add-ons that decrease my need for ZBrush as a companion tool.

I've post a top 5 of Blender add-ons that really help my daily modeling workflow to a separate MoI forum discussion here:



EDITED: 10 Mar 2019 by METIN_SEVEN

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Metin,

i somehow agree with you, but on the other side i have not seen
yet a quad remesher which can replace ZRemesher yet. I doubt,
for example, that 3DCoat's autotopo tool can even handle Michael's
sample model properly. Maybe Marco or you can give 3DCoat with
Michael's test model a try.

I am very very thankful that Pixologic gives us still free upgrades,
so this should be no problem, money wise …

Regarding Blender, yes, it is a DCC app, especially 2.8, which everybody
should take a closer look at.

Best regards
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8817.59 In reply to 8817.58 
I think the general difficulty is that auto-retopo is targeting generating uniformly sized quads. That works well for the most common organic model type shaping but CAD models very often have a mix of large areas and then smaller sharply defined features.

- Michael
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 From:  Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
I agree Michael. It's very complex stuff. I'm hoping that AI will bring the final auto-retopo solution.

Stefan, you're right, ZRemesher is still the best auto-retopologizer in the 3D industry, although 3D-Coat's Autopo can yield very nice results as well, sometimes even better than ZRemesher.

There's also a Blender auto-retopo add-on called Tesselator, which is gradually evolving into quite a nice solution:



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 From:  nameless
8817.61 In reply to 8817.60 
Greetings fellow MoIists!

Slightly on a tangent, but I came across this guide and it might prove useful to some of you that use Zbrush.
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 From:  KENMO
8817.62 In reply to 8817.1 
Sorry but your link no longer appears to be working.
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 From:  KENMO
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 From:  Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
8817.64 In reply to 8817.62 
Yeah, I transitioned to a new site CMS and back to Artstation in the mean time. A number of my blog posts died in the updating process. :|

I can safely state that the latest ZRemesher / Quad Remesher versions offer the best auto-retopology algorithms at the moment.

• ZRemesher (version 3 at the time I write this) is part of ZBrush.

• Quad Remesher is the same algorithm, but made available for other DCCs, like Blender, 3ds Max, Maya and more.
─ I've written an extensive post (and thread) about it on Blender Artists, including a FAQ:

• There's also a free / open source auto-retopologizer that comes reasonably close to ZRemesher / Quad Remesher, but its development seems to have frozen for a while now:


─ Metin

visualizer • illustrator • 3D designer —
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
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