Auto-retopology algorithms compared
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8817.22 In reply to 8817.19 
Hi Metin,

> ... the algorithm includes a sharp edge detection feature:

Yes that probably helps some CAD models from just being completely destroyed but I'd think that having a uniform size output is not going to work well with many mechanical objects.

It would be good to see the result on something like this for example:

In the paper there is one screenshot of a motorcycle that was converted and it looks pretty weird to me, many areas are mutated pretty significantly.

This isn't to say at all that it's not a useful tool when used where it is intended.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8817.23 In reply to 8817.19 
Hi Metin, I've attached an example CAD model here (taken from, it would be interesting to see what the output is on these:

- Michael

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 From:  archetype (FABIENF)
Hi Michael,

I've ran your example through QuadriFlow using these parameters:

quadriflow -i examples/Untitled.obj -o examples/untitled_quadriflow.obj -f 3200

The result is pretty bad, and that's an understatement (first one comes from N-gon OBJ, the second from Tri OBJ):

Adding the -sharp option gave me a segfault on the first, and abort trap error on the second run. So no results at all.

Too bad ...

- Fabien

EDITED: 30 Aug 2018 by FABIENF

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8817.25 In reply to 8817.24 
Hi Fabien, thanks for testing it. That definitely shows to me that it would be really weird to try and bundle that directly with MoI, since that's the kind of stuff that MoI is good at making.

And that doesn't mean that QuadriFlow is bad, just that it is not intended to work on CAD models.

It's also really cool that the authors set it up to compile on multiple platforms and released it under a permissive license as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8817.26 In reply to 8817.24 
Come on guys, this algorithm turns technical models into art, what more could you ask for? ;)

OK, I'm convinced. Please keep your polygon mesher as it is, Michael! :D

It's a pity though. For a moment I thought Quadriflow could form the ideal connection between NURBS and quad-poly subdivision modeling.


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D design —

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8817.27 In reply to 8817.26 
Hi Metin, yes over the years I have learned that you often need to take research paper results with a grain of salt, you can't just assume that the results that are shown apply to every situation. Which is fine though, it shouldn't be required that only things that give perfect results in all cases should be published.

But adopting it as a built in feature that users will get surprised by when they use it is a pretty different matter.

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8817.28 In reply to 8817.27 


— Metin


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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
At least it works good with organic shapes and maybe they improve it for hard surface cases.

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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8817.30 In reply to 8817.29 
Hi Stefan,

Quadriflow is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Did you get the sharp edge option to work? I'm curious how different hard-surface models are retopologized with that option.


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D design —

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Metin,

i exported from MoI as high-density triangle mesh and was able to
use QuadrFlow with the -sharp option on the first model. But in
QuadriFlow i used also a higher poly count setting. The second
model failed here too. But for me it makes not much sense to
use also a high poly count setting, to only have many small quads.

But this is no problem for me, because i have ZBrush, in case
i need to auto-retopo a CAD mesh... :-)

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 From:  chrisd (CHRIS_DORDONI)
8817.32 In reply to 8817.31 
I'm not aware of any auto-retopo process for CAD meshes in ZBrush, can you elaborate? I was under the impression using poly groups was required for good results, which means a lot of manual work to break up the surfaces.
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Chris,

Paul Gaboury showed once in a video, how to poly group a CAD model fast.

starts at 39:04.

Then you have also the option with MoI to create with a script random
style colors to a model and can use these for poly groups in ZBrush.

But to be honest why to auto-retopo a *MoI* CAD mesh... MoI has the
best mesher available! :-)

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 From:  chrisd (CHRIS_DORDONI)
8817.34 In reply to 8817.33 
Thanks for that link. I'll have to watch it several more times.
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8817.35 In reply to 8817.32 
Hi Chris,

Here's an image by a company called Kermaco I once found on Pinterest, explaining a multi-stage CAD model retopology process in ZBrush:

I expect you'll have to open the image in a new tab to see the full-size version.


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D design —

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Metin and alll,

have you already tried ZRemesher v3? I have not downloaded yet, but i am
very curious how it would remesh the models Michael has posted.

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
BTW. i have just seen that there is an online version of Quadriflow.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8817.38 In reply to 8817.37 
Quadriflow online : seems you can't upload your own model for quadrangulate it?

Else Zbrush seems robust :)

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Sorry, overlooked it ...

So can you try ZRemesher v3 please, with the models Michael provided?

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 From:  Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
Hi Stefan, Pilou and others,

Being in one of my many wrestling matches with the dreaded deadline monster, I regret not having found the time yet to try ZBrush 2019.

From what I've seen in the Pixologic introduction video I’m reasonably excited about ZBrush 2019. Personally I can’t wait to have a go at ZRemesher 3.0 with the new hard surface improvements. The subtool folders are great too, also the ability to use them in Live Boolean mode.

I feel a bit ambivalent about the Spotlight alpha mesher feature. It feels a bit like a revisit of the old Shadowbox, a feature I usually forget during modeling.

The NPR rendering possibilities look very good, but to me that also feels like going back in time about 10 to 15 years, back when finalToon, Pencil+ and Liquid+ were state-of-the-art 3ds Max NPR plug-ins.

Any tips and observations regarding ZBrush 2019 are welcome.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Have you the OBJ files triangulated of objects concerned ?
Can you post them...
I have not yet the last Zbrush version, but I can make test them by someones! :)
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