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 From:  eddi
8814.71 In reply to 8814.1 
Hi Michael,

>>In the future I do want to add a display mode for showing back facing surfaces.

Is that on the focus vor v4 ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.72 In reply to 8814.71 
Hi EDDI - I'm sorry I can't promise exactly what will be in v4. Previously viewing backfaces hasn't been a major priority because nothing in MoI's own operation is sensitive to it and if an app that you are exporting into is sensitive to it, it kind of makes sense to me that they would have a flip function that works in it.

- Michael
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 From:  eddi
8814.73 In reply to 8814.72 
Hi Michael
Yes it's ok, special commands have a flip function.

But in modeling space it's good to know:


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 From:  Rudl
You look in the window!
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 From:  eddi
8814.75 In reply to 8814.74 
Hi Rudl
I can ask differently, I stand in front of the window or behind it ?
So what is the position in front or behind, if you do not see "normal direction".
Regards and good neight.
I'm look in to my bed under back face from my blanket.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.76 In reply to 8814.73 

re: window - in MoI if that's a solid I guess you'd say you're looking AT the window. There isn't anything built into MoI that considers one outer side of a solid to have a different property than the other side. The Flip command previously referenced only does something to a surface object, it doesn't do anything to a solid. A solid is automatically oriented to have its surface normals pointing to the outside region of the solid volume.

Similarly a "show backfaces" function will only show something of note on open surfaces, a solid doesn't have any visible backfacing polygons unless your eyepoint is located inside the solid itself which would then show all parts of the solid as backfaces.

- Michael
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 From:  eddi
8814.77 In reply to 8814.76 
Good morning Michael,

re:re: window - in MoI if that's a solid....

That's why I also took this supposedly stupid example/question.
The windows glass panes are not solids in this example (why too).
1. With "show back faces" you can see it immediately.
2. And the answer for the position would be immediately visible.
3. If the normal's are aligned correctly,
and surface model is exported to other CAD with "show back faces" on (I mean, "on" inside other CAD),
it also looks clean and aesthetically.

But.... I belong to the faction of followers for "show back faces" and put my point of view.
If no further followers word annotate (there are some here),
then the discussion for this function is over here.

EDITED: 19 Feb 2018 by EDDI

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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
8814.78 In reply to 8814.77 
Hi Eddi,

I use for this purpose Orient Command inside MoI. I learned it from forum some time ago, but I cannot find this thread. On picture below you can find two windows. I've modelled frame (solid) and then glass (surface only), then I've copied this model and rotated by 180°. So now the windows surface is "flipped". In MoI both surfaces looks same, but if you select them and use Transform/Orient command you can see difference in axis orientation. When you use this model in some rendering software for example, you can see same difference as well.

This is very useful trick especial for mesh emitters in renderings sw.

Hope this helps.



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8814.79 In reply to 8814.78 
You can make the same with Press TAB then write Flip (you can also make a shortcut with this hiden function Flip! )

Maybe more tricky when you have several objects with many orientations, forms etc...! ;)

And it's only the surface(s) who is flipped... can be useful in certain cases!
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 From:  eddi
8814.80 In reply to 8814.78 
Hi Mik,

Thanks for comment.
>> I learned it from forum some time ago, but I cannot find this thread

I know the thread
The second method described was with command >SHELL<, that's wrong, I meant >OFFSET<

But all too much clicking in a big scene.

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 From:  bemfarmer
Hi Michael,

In MoI4 beta, Feb 2018:
There appears to be a bug when changing the color Style of one or two curves that are to be blended again.

1. Draw two red curves that are to be blended.
2. Select the two curves, and blend them. The blend is red.
3. Delete the blend.
4. Change the color style of the two curves to blue.
5. Select the two curves and blend them. The blend is red.
For these two curves, blend is stuck on style red.
Replace the first curve with another curve, of a 3rd color style, next to the first curve. Blend is "stuck" on style red.

Also, the blend is stuck on the first two ends blended. A second Blend does not work between different selected ends. The first blend keeps reccurring.
(Maybe one of the reasons I commented about selecting "close to ends" of curve, with Blend the other day.)

I came across this while testing clothoid created between two end points of curve(s), versus Blend.

- Brian

(Also I see that Blend does not work between the ends of one open curve, in either MoI3 or MoI4beta.)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.82 In reply to 8814.81 
Hi Brian, yup that's definitely a bug. It looks like it has to do with a new caching mechanism in v4. I'll see about fixing it, thanks for reporting it!

> (Also I see that Blend does not work between the ends of one open curve, in either MoI3 or MoI4beta.)

Yes, you'll have to split a single curve into 2 pieces to do that particular blend.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.83 In reply to 8814.81 
Hi Brian, also if that bug is getting in your way a temporary fix for the moment is to open task manager and kill the moi_commandprocessor.exe process before doing the blend again. That's where the old version of the curves are being cached.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Thankyou Michael.
I'm working on 3D Euler "blending" of curve(s), if my math and programming is up to it☺
It will be a clothoid in 2D.
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 From:  bemfarmer
Circle Tan and Arc Tan are not working on my work computer, but do work at home.
I'll check the error message more carefully tomorrow. I must have a missing helper script, maybe.
The error involves "GetPointOsnappedOnCurve.js", which is in the scripts #include statement.
- Brian

EDITED: 27 Feb 2018 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.86 In reply to 8814.85 
Hi Brian, yeah GetPointOsnappedOnCurve.js should be part of the default installation located at C:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta Feb-9-2018\commands\GetPointOsnappedOnCurve.js .

Is yours missing from there?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
I'm sure this has been covered before, but how (if) can I use my v3 .ini file and scripts with the v4 beta?

Thanks in advance.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)

New Mac Wacom drivers won’t resolve the middle clicking issue (

I was wondering if there was any way to revert to the old way of two finger scrolling to zoom?
It may sound counter intuitive but I always use the pen's the middle button to pan.
The pinching method doesn't work as well for me.

Also, is there any way that Moi exports to the last used folder (of the last session)?
I always export temp stuff to desktop.

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 From:  bemfarmer
8814.89 In reply to 8814.86 
Hi Michael,
I re-installed Moi4FebBeta, over its previous installation, and all is well.

The file GetPointOsnappedOnCurve.js was present, but I think the problem was that in between the recent customUI upgrades, I had modified CommandBar.htm, which is no longer necessary for "AppData..." storage... Sometimes its better to "let the dust settle." :-)

So at work all of the stock Commands are under ProgramFiles/MoI 4.0 beta Feb-9-2018/commands

_prefix commands are in another commands directory a few directory levels below AppData..., but could be in the old commands folder. (I think)

- Brian
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
8814.90 In reply to 8814.89 
Thanks Brian! That did the trick!
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu http://www.coroflot.com/DesignsByTuttle
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