V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now
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 From:  r2d3
8814.5 In reply to 8814.1 
Thank you VERY MUCH Michael!!

Will test it on Mac - hard and without mercy ;-)

looking for moments of inspiration...
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8814.6 In reply to 8814.3 
Hi Ralf,

In fact my CustomUI project is obsolete since Michael implemented this startup engine.
I'll rewrite all CustomUI mods and release them as a startup mods bundle.
Also I'll add support for this new commands directory
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 From:  r2d3
8814.7 In reply to 8814.6 
Hi Max,

that makes sense...
Thanks a lot for your work!

looking for moments of inspiration...
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 From:  Finema
8814.8 In reply to 8814.7 
Thanks Michael !
all is ok for me on Mac OS 10.13.3
the custom UI work fine also
only the text for view is too little
see my screenshot

EDITED: 9 May 2020 by FINEMA

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 From:  bemfarmer
Lots of questions, but only three rhetorical ones now:

Karsten's CCC can be updated to show more curvatures/tangents?

Closed curve start points might be moveable?

Clothoids could access starting tangents of two existing curve ends?

- Brian
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery
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 From:  mkdm
8814.11 In reply to 8814.1 
Hi Michael.

Thank you very much for this huge update!!!

Just installed and after a brief look it seems that all works fine :)

A big thank for the update of the API for "crv.isPlanar and the other methods" !!! Long awaited...

Also I've repeated the test of export in AI with super big canvas size and all works fine :)

I have used the same 3dm file : http://take.ms/0wS6q

But i just wanted to make a stress test and I have exported directly in 350 megapixel without follow your suggestion of increase the size 50 by 50 megapixel.

All worked as excepted.

Moi has consumed the same 12.3 Gb of Ram during the operation and has generated a huge png of 24694 x 14174 !!

Now this is perfect for me for what I want to do.

Have a nice day and thanks!

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Thanks everyone!

> only the text for view is too little

Yes, text display inside of viewports is the last remaining area that needs work to catch everything up to V3. This is what I'll be focusing on next.


> Karsten's CCC can be updated to show more curvatures/tangents?

Yes it should be possible for it to use the new evaluateCurvature(t) function. But it might need an additional method for getting curve parameter values for points equally spaced along the curve, I will see about adding that in.

> Closed curve start points might be moveable?

I think you may need a couple more things to make that work. I'm planning on adding another batch of curve functions for the next beta as well, that should do the trick.

> Clothoids could access starting tangents of two existing curve ends?

Yup, you can now use crv.evaluateTangent( crv.domainMin ); to get the start tangent and crv.evaluateTangent( crv.domainMax ); to get the end tangent.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.13 In reply to 8814.3 
Hi Ralf, re:

> But there should be a moi command which gives me the path to the new commands
> folder - the "moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir()" gives only the path to internal commands
> folder..

The new commands directory is always at the same spot inside appdata, so you can get its location by using moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir() and appending 'commands\\' or 'commands/' onto that, a new function for that isn't really needed.

- Michael
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 From:  Lewis3D

Great to see another beta with many things updated, Thank Michael.

Skype - lewis3d

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 From:  James (JFH)
8814.15 In reply to 8814.13 
Hi Michael

Thanks for your great work!

> using moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir() and appending 'commands\\' or 'commands/' onto that

Can you clarify for me the appending of 'commands/'. I have made the following change to ExtScripts.menu.htm

LINE 55: else { dirList.push(moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir()); dirListShort.push(""); }

How do I call directory 'commands/'?

Sorry if this seems a stupid question
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.16 In reply to 8814.15 
Hi James, where you currently have:


Instead put:


So your whole line will look like this:

LINE 55: else { dirList.push(moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir()+'commands\\'); dirListShort.push(""); }

- Michael
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 From:  James (JFH)
8814.17 In reply to 8814.16 
Thanks Michael,
That does the trick!
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 From:  mkdm
8814.18 In reply to 8814.1 
Hi Michael.

I wanted to make a stress test for this new V4 beta, a very heavy stress test.

I have used the latest BETA with "Mesh Angle" set to 5.0 and "add detail to inflection" because this is the settings I always use with Moi, in order to have the best rendered mesh.

My config is :

Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
i7-7700K 4.5 Ghz
32 Gb DDR4 Ram 3000 Mhz
Nvidia Gtx 1080 Ti (11 Gb GDDR5X Ram and 3600 cuda cores)
Moi installed on Samsung EVO M.2 NVME SSD
3dm and step files loaded fropm a normal HD 2TB Barracuda.
(but I repeated the same tests having all files on M.2 SSD but with almost the same results)

I hope this benchmark will be useful for you for all you r next development of Moi :)

1) I downloaded this "motor" in step format from GrabCad : https://grabcad.com/library/engine-v-twin-4-valve-heads-1
and loaded into Moi V4 latest beta

Total loading time from scratch to 4 view displayed : 4 min and 10 secs (rather slow if I have to be honest)
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.4 Gb

2) Saved in native 3dm file format
Total 3dm file size : 385 Mb
Total time : about 7 secs (good)
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.4 Gb

3) Closed Moi then reopened and loaded the 3DM file :
Total loading time from scratch to 4 view displayed : about 1 minute
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.4 Gb

4) Selected ALL objects and simply rotated 90 Deg using Right viewport :
Total time : not measured but extremely slow and Moi frozen for many seconds.
Peak of memory consumed during the operation : 10.5 Gb (!!!! Why ?)
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.6 Gb

Selected all objects, maximized the 3D viewport and exported in AI format to generate a super hires png at 90 megapixel
Final image size : 12522 x 7188
Total time needed : 7 min and 49 secs (very slow)
Peak of memory consumed during the operation : 10.6 Gb
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.8 Gb

This is the image scaled down to 25% in order to "blur" the edges and in this way make a "manual" antialiasing.

Always with all objects selected and in maximized 3D viewport and exported in AI format to generate a super hires png at 350 megapixel
Final image size : 24694 x 14174
Total time needed : 11 min and 50 secs (very slow)
Peak of memory consumed during the operation : 19.4 Gb
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.8 Gb

This is the image scaled down to 25% in order to "blur" the edges and in this way make a "manual" antialiasing.

Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
offset can be fixed :P
further plans of Moi evolution ?
fillet? shell, control pts, lasso ?
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 From:  pafurijaz
Hi and congratulations for the job, I found some files that I can't open them, this is link.

One question, which version of Rhino files can open moi3d v3?
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Hi Michael

Today I added mac trackpad gestures support to Nodeeditor (http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=7713.805)
It works good, but I noticed several issues with trackpad events.

Run MoI (v4 Feb-9 Mac)
Open Nodeeditor window
Place mouse cursor over NE window
Try to use two-finger scroll
(issue) sometimes MoI fires a mousewheel event instead of trackpad scroll event (zooming instead of scrolling)

I noticed the same issue with MoI viewports.
Run MoI
Open any window (Help -> About MoI for example)
Place mouse cursor over any viewport
Try to use two-finger scroll
You will get the same problem with zooming
Click on viewport, then click on About window. Repeat it several times.
The issue will gone.

Open Nodeeditor window
Click on any viewport window (NE window became inactive)
Place mouse cursor over NE window
Try to use trackpad gestures.
(issue) Scroll works good (MoI properly fires a trackpadgesture event) , Zoom and SmartZoom doesn't work at all.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
@Marco - thanks for the benchmark data!

@Cemortan_Tudor, re: further plans of Moi evolution ?

Probably some focus areas coming for v4 will be various functions to help with more complex models and some work on annotations. I don't have any "set in stone" plan though so I can't be exactly sure what will be in for v4 and what will be further off.

@ pafurijaz re:
> Hi and congratulations for the job, I found some files that I can't open them, this is link.
> https://grabcad.com/library/mercedes-gt3-amg-by-gus-1
> One question, which version of Rhino files can open moi3d v3?

MoI v3 can read Rhino v1 through Rhino v5 3DM files, but it will only load NURBS objects from the file, not other object types that Rhino can potentially store such as polygon meshes, block instances, spotlights, etc...

The file you link to there is primarily made up of polygon mesh objects.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.23 In reply to 8814.21 
Hi Max, I'll take a look at your issue #1 .

Your issue #2 as far as I know is just standard Mac behavior. I agree that it's weird but there is a longstanding Mac behavior that mouse events are only sent to the active window, but with an exception for scroll events apparently.

You should be able to reproduce it with most Mac applications. For example launch Safari and size the window a little small so there are scroll bars. Click in the Safari window so it's the key window. Note that you can pinch to zoom and scroll. Now click on the desktop so Safari is not active. Move the mouse cursor over the Safari window without clicking and note that you can't pinch to zoom but you can do scroll gestures.

Maybe there's some way that I can get it to work, but that's the default behavior.

- Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8814.24 In reply to 8814.23 
Hi Michael

>>Your issue #2 as far as I know is just standard Mac behavior.
I didn't know about it. :) In fact I don't really need this function.
I just thought it was a bug and I decided to inform you about this. So don't spend your time to make it work.
Thank you!
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