V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now
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 From:  James (JFH)
8814.15 In reply to 8814.13 
Hi Michael

Thanks for your great work!

> using moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir() and appending 'commands\\' or 'commands/' onto that

Can you clarify for me the appending of 'commands/'. I have made the following change to ExtScripts.menu.htm

LINE 55: else { dirList.push(moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir()); dirListShort.push(""); }

How do I call directory 'commands/'?

Sorry if this seems a stupid question
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.16 In reply to 8814.15 
Hi James, where you currently have:


Instead put:


So your whole line will look like this:

LINE 55: else { dirList.push(moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir()+'commands\\'); dirListShort.push(""); }

- Michael
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 From:  James (JFH)
8814.17 In reply to 8814.16 
Thanks Michael,
That does the trick!
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 From:  mkdm
8814.18 In reply to 8814.1 
Hi Michael.

I wanted to make a stress test for this new V4 beta, a very heavy stress test.

I have used the latest BETA with "Mesh Angle" set to 5.0 and "add detail to inflection" because this is the settings I always use with Moi, in order to have the best rendered mesh.

My config is :

Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
i7-7700K 4.5 Ghz
32 Gb DDR4 Ram 3000 Mhz
Nvidia Gtx 1080 Ti (11 Gb GDDR5X Ram and 3600 cuda cores)
Moi installed on Samsung EVO M.2 NVME SSD
3dm and step files loaded fropm a normal HD 2TB Barracuda.
(but I repeated the same tests having all files on M.2 SSD but with almost the same results)

I hope this benchmark will be useful for you for all you r next development of Moi :)

1) I downloaded this "motor" in step format from GrabCad : https://grabcad.com/library/engine-v-twin-4-valve-heads-1
and loaded into Moi V4 latest beta

Total loading time from scratch to 4 view displayed : 4 min and 10 secs (rather slow if I have to be honest)
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.4 Gb

2) Saved in native 3dm file format
Total 3dm file size : 385 Mb
Total time : about 7 secs (good)
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.4 Gb

3) Closed Moi then reopened and loaded the 3DM file :
Total loading time from scratch to 4 view displayed : about 1 minute
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.4 Gb

4) Selected ALL objects and simply rotated 90 Deg using Right viewport :
Total time : not measured but extremely slow and Moi frozen for many seconds.
Peak of memory consumed during the operation : 10.5 Gb (!!!! Why ?)
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.6 Gb

Selected all objects, maximized the 3D viewport and exported in AI format to generate a super hires png at 90 megapixel
Final image size : 12522 x 7188
Total time needed : 7 min and 49 secs (very slow)
Peak of memory consumed during the operation : 10.6 Gb
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.8 Gb

This is the image scaled down to 25% in order to "blur" the edges and in this way make a "manual" antialiasing.

Always with all objects selected and in maximized 3D viewport and exported in AI format to generate a super hires png at 350 megapixel
Final image size : 24694 x 14174
Total time needed : 11 min and 50 secs (very slow)
Peak of memory consumed during the operation : 19.4 Gb
Total memory occupied by Moi at the end of operation : 5.8 Gb

This is the image scaled down to 25% in order to "blur" the edges and in this way make a "manual" antialiasing.

Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
offset can be fixed :P
further plans of Moi evolution ?
fillet? shell, control pts, lasso ?
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 From:  pafurijaz
Hi and congratulations for the job, I found some files that I can't open them, this is link.

One question, which version of Rhino files can open moi3d v3?
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Hi Michael

Today I added mac trackpad gestures support to Nodeeditor (http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=7713.805)
It works good, but I noticed several issues with trackpad events.

Run MoI (v4 Feb-9 Mac)
Open Nodeeditor window
Place mouse cursor over NE window
Try to use two-finger scroll
(issue) sometimes MoI fires a mousewheel event instead of trackpad scroll event (zooming instead of scrolling)

I noticed the same issue with MoI viewports.
Run MoI
Open any window (Help -> About MoI for example)
Place mouse cursor over any viewport
Try to use two-finger scroll
You will get the same problem with zooming
Click on viewport, then click on About window. Repeat it several times.
The issue will gone.

Open Nodeeditor window
Click on any viewport window (NE window became inactive)
Place mouse cursor over NE window
Try to use trackpad gestures.
(issue) Scroll works good (MoI properly fires a trackpadgesture event) , Zoom and SmartZoom doesn't work at all.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
@Marco - thanks for the benchmark data!

@Cemortan_Tudor, re: further plans of Moi evolution ?

Probably some focus areas coming for v4 will be various functions to help with more complex models and some work on annotations. I don't have any "set in stone" plan though so I can't be exactly sure what will be in for v4 and what will be further off.

@ pafurijaz re:
> Hi and congratulations for the job, I found some files that I can't open them, this is link.
> https://grabcad.com/library/mercedes-gt3-amg-by-gus-1
> One question, which version of Rhino files can open moi3d v3?

MoI v3 can read Rhino v1 through Rhino v5 3DM files, but it will only load NURBS objects from the file, not other object types that Rhino can potentially store such as polygon meshes, block instances, spotlights, etc...

The file you link to there is primarily made up of polygon mesh objects.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.23 In reply to 8814.21 
Hi Max, I'll take a look at your issue #1 .

Your issue #2 as far as I know is just standard Mac behavior. I agree that it's weird but there is a longstanding Mac behavior that mouse events are only sent to the active window, but with an exception for scroll events apparently.

You should be able to reproduce it with most Mac applications. For example launch Safari and size the window a little small so there are scroll bars. Click in the Safari window so it's the key window. Note that you can pinch to zoom and scroll. Now click on the desktop so Safari is not active. Move the mouse cursor over the Safari window without clicking and note that you can't pinch to zoom but you can do scroll gestures.

Maybe there's some way that I can get it to work, but that's the default behavior.

- Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8814.24 In reply to 8814.23 
Hi Michael

>>Your issue #2 as far as I know is just standard Mac behavior.
I didn't know about it. :) In fact I don't really need this function.
I just thought it was a bug and I decided to inform you about this. So don't spend your time to make it work.
Thank you!
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 From:  mkdm
8814.25 In reply to 8814.22 
Hello Michael.

@You : "...thanks for the benchmark data!"

You're welcome Michael!

Please, as soon as you finish this first beta stage period, start to improve Moi's viewport performance using all GPU available power :)
When heavy models are loaded, like the engine picked from GrabCad, viewport standard operations, like rotate, pan, zoom, are actually extremely slow, when using a mesh angle of 5, also on my Gtx 1080 Ti.

Ok. I know that I can set mesh angle to a greater value, but at a cost of a coarse rendering of the curved surfarces.

These are the benchmark when rotating the maximized 3D viewport (based on the value displayed and the upper left corner of the viewport)
The model is always the "engine" that I download from GrabCad and then converted (3dm file of 385 Mb)

Mesh angle of 5 : 616 millisecs and 5.5 Gb of ram occupied
Mesh angle of 7 : 224 millisecs and 3.1 Gb of ram occupied
Mesh angle of 10 : 194 millisecs and 2.9 Gb of ram occupied (quality of rendering of curved surfaces is starting to get coarse when the camera is close to surfaces)
Mesh angle of 15 : 80 millisecs and 2.2 Gb of ram occupied (quality of rendering of curved surfaces is starting to get coarse even with wider zoom)
Mesh angle of 20 : 77 millisecs and 2.1 Gb of ram occupied (quality of rendering of curved surfaces is coarse)
Mesh angle of 25 : 50 millisecs and 1.9 Gb of ram occupied (quality of rendering of curved surfaces is coarse)

Hope this benchmark can help you :)

Thanks for all your support!


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
8814.26 In reply to 8814.13 
Hi Michael,

I may have found a bug. When using rotate (right click) with a framing model for a house, MoI 4 beta, the system hesitates frequently. Sometimes it takes up to 30 seconds to recover and at times reverts to a previous view. It is a fairly large file but not huge by any means. A couple of times it killed MoI and I had to start it up again.

This does not happen with Rhino using the same model (and various view styles) and it does not happen with my laptop (a considerably less powerful machine). I also ran this model on a client's All in One older Acer Aspire with no problem

My main system is Windows 10, i7 with 16 GB ram and an Nvidea 1060 with 6GB. It has the latest drivers. My Displaythread limit =1

After a lot of repetitive testing I have come to the conclusion that this may be a conflict between Nvidea and MoI 4. I have had this video card for a couple of months and did not experience this problem. This model currently does not have any problems with MoI Ver 3.

MoI is my favorite modeler and I use it for nearly everything by choice and switch to Rhino for annotation and dimensions as well as Octane for Rhino, so I am finding this problem a little disconcerting.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.27 In reply to 8814.25 
Hi Marco,

> Ok. I know that I can set mesh angle to a greater value, but at a cost of a
> coarse rendering of the curved surfarces.

One thing you may not be aware of - the mesh angle does not have any effect on the shaded background image generated by AI and PDF export, that generates a custom mesh that's dynamically refined to the canvas resolution.

So even if you set a coarse display mesh resolution, you will still get high quality during the AI export process.

A coarser viewport rendering does not really do any harm during modeling, so if the problem is that you are having sluggish display performance while modeling the solution is just as you write here, set the mesh angle to a higher value so the display mesh is not so heavy.

I do plan on improving the performance for video cards with high VRAM available (about 75% of the infrastructure needed for this is in place now) but there is already a solution you can use right now which is effective.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8814.28 In reply to 8814.27 
@You : "...One thing you may not be aware of - the mesh angle does not have any effect on the shaded background image generated by AI and PDF export, that generates a custom mesh that's dynamically refined to the canvas resolution..."

Perfect! I didn't know.
For the moment this should be enough.

@You : "...I do plan on improving the performance for video cards with high VRAM available..."

Good to know. When Moi will have also this improvements it will be wanderful :)

Thanks a lot!

Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.29 In reply to 8814.26 
Hi eric, thanks for reporting the display problem.

> I have had this video card for a couple of months and did not experience this problem.

Do you mean that previous versions of v4 did not have the problem?

Or is it that it only seems to happen with one particular model and not with other models?

Is it possible for you to send me the model by e-mail at moi@moi3d.com so I can test with it over here?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.30 In reply to 8814.21 
Hi Max, re trackpad issue #1:

> 1.
> Run MoI (v4 Feb-9 Mac)
> Open Nodeeditor window
> Place mouse cursor over NE window
> Try to use two-finger scroll
> (issue) sometimes MoI fires a mousewheel event instead of trackpad scroll event (zooming instead of scrolling)

I couldn't make this happen at first but eventually I was able to. It happens if you do an initial index finger touch over one window, then drag your index finger keeping it constantly in contact over to another window and then add in the second finger without ever having released the index finger.

MoI is mistakenly only detecting one touch in this case. Unfortunately Apple does not provide any built in method for determining if a scroll event came from a trackpad or a mouse wheel. MoI has to figure that out manually by keeping track of touch events and seeing that there are 2 active touches at the time of the scroll.

Hopefully it will be an easy tuneup. Right now you should see that it won't happen if you lift up your index finger and then put down 2 at once to do scrolling.

One other note on the new node editor trackpad support - I think it's not good to set:
this.canvas_moved = true;
in the trackpadgestureHandler, over here at least it makes it a little difficult to get the context menu on a 2 finger right-click because if you move even the slightest amount while doing the right click this.canvas_moved = true; gets set and then that's used to ignore the context menu event. It seems to be used to disable the right click context menu that would be triggered after a right-click drag when the click is released. But a scroll event won't automatically trigger a context menu event like a right click will so it shouldn't be needed for the trackpad.

Thanks for reporting the bug!

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8814.31 In reply to 8814.1 
Hi Michael,

Many thanks for the new beta, much appreciated.

I've done some quick tests on MacOS:

• Appdata commands folder: works!

• Separation of Alt and Command keyboard shortcuts: works! Great!

• Extrude responsiveness: better now!

• Alt+RMB view manipulation: works! I'm very pleased with this, many thanks! I can now fully synchronise MoI's viewport navigation with the navigation in ZBrush. Now let's hope Wacom soon fixes the driver issue that causes a viewport to become inactive until left-clicked.

— My only remark is that after the initialisation of any object, shape or solid, the realtime size manipulation in the viewport feels slightly unresponsive / laggy. This is the first time I notice that, but I can't say with full certainty if it was better in the previous beta. It might also have something to do with the latest High Sierra AMD graphics drivers update.

— One last, very minor reminder: the viewport indicator text labels (Front, Left, etc.) are still tiny on a Retina display.




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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
8814.32 In reply to 8814.29 
Hi Michael ...

After I experimented some more yesterday I did an incremental save. This morning I cannot duplicate the problem. I rotated it many times ... sometimes fast and sometimes slowly ... up, down and about. No problem.

It's a mystery to me. I'll let you know if this happens again.

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
8814.33 In reply to 8814.29 
Persisting ... I tried an older 'save' and cannot duplicate the problem.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.34 In reply to 8814.33 
Hi eric,

> Persisting ... I tried an older 'save' and cannot duplicate the problem.

It's likely to be some bug in the display driver that only manifests intermittently. If you run into it again probably try rebooting your machine to let the video driver start totally fresh again and keep on the lookout for new driver releases which will hopefully fix it up. Or on Windows 10 it looks like there is a shortcut for resetting the video driver by using the key combination: Ctrl+Win+Shift+B , that would be more convenient than rebooting.

If it starts happening frequently you might also want to try installing an older driver to see if that works better until a newer driver is available.

Another thing that I'll do is add in an option for the next beta to make MoI use OpenGL on Windows rather than Direct3D11 as it currently does. Usually the Direct3D drivers are much more robust than OpenGL but maybe you've got a case where it happens to be the reverse.

- Michael
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