V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now
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 From:  dinos
8814.117 In reply to 8814.116 
Hi Michel,

i just retried my example and yes it does keep the name so its not as reproducible as i thought.
But if i select the unnamed face first and join it then it is named "box" which is still wrong.

I've noticed this issue some time ago but if no one else has it then its probably something wrong with my setup.
I'll look into it some more when i have a chance and I'll let you know.

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 From:  Finema
I can reproduce it sometimes on V4 OSX but it's OK on V3

EDITED: 20 Mar 2018 by FINEMA

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.119 In reply to 8814.113 
Hi dinos, there is indeed a bug there - the bug is that a cached older version of the objects can be used by the moi_commandprocessor.exe worker process and that means that recently applied changes to names and styles can end up being ignored. It's a little finicky to reproduce because the first time you try it there aren't any cached objects and so the current object goes through and it works ok. You've got to get a mismatch between properties on your current objects and cached objects in order for it to reproduce.

It's another manifestation of the styles bug that Brian reported here:

I've been working on a couple of different possible fixes for the next beta.

Thanks for reporting it!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.120 In reply to 8814.118 
Hi Finema,

> I can reproduce it sometimes on V4 OSX but it's OK on V3

Yeah it's a new bug in V4 because of a new function in V4 where the worker process keeps hold of objects that were recently sent to it so they don't have to be resent by interprocess communication.

- Michael
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
8814.121 In reply to 8814.120 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the explanation.
I was about to write that after trying again on the original test I also got the problem...

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 From:  dinos
Hi Michael,

thanks for the explanation and it does make a lot of sense why it was so difficult to reproduce.
Its note a huge issue for me and i'll definitely keep using the V4 beta as my primary version of Moi3d.

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 From:  J. Boyd (JBOYD-DDC)
Just bumping this because I wasn't able to locate it in the thread: Will there be another beta round for 4.0 or is there a scheduled release date now?

J. Boyd

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.124 In reply to 8814.123 
Hi J, there will be a few more v4 beta releases yet, there isn't a scheduled final date right now.

- Michael
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
8814.125 In reply to 8814.124 
Hi Michael,

In version 3 , the MacBook pro trackpad behaviour for "pinching" and "two finger sliding" is the same. It zooms in/out.
Same also under Windows version 4 beta.

In version Mac 4 beta , by default, the trackpad zooms in/out when "pinching" and pans with "two fingers sliding" but whenever the Mvt, Rotation or Center View control is used, the pan with "two fingers sliding" behaviour changes back to Zoom in/out behaviour and it's not possible to go back to "two fingers panning".

Hope it's not a too obscure description of the problem,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.126 In reply to 8814.125 
Hi Michel, it sounds like a bug that I do have fixed for the next upcoming beta - the bug is triggered on Mac if you do a 2-finger drag but start the initial gesture with one finger in a different window than the viewport (the view controls panel is actually a separate window), then drag over and add the second finger inside the viewport without ever having lifted up the first finger.

If it is the same bug then it should be fixed in the next beta release, please let me know if it isn't. I'll be trying to wrap up the next beta in the next week or so.

- Michael
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
8814.127 In reply to 8814.126 
Hi Michael,
Yes. It seems to be that bug.
I'll check for it in the next beta.
Thanks for the answer,

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 From:  Unknown user
Hi, Michael. It's me again and MoI error.

This time the problem of the cursor and the text field.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.129 In reply to 8814.128 
Hi Vladimir, thanks for reporting this and showing it. I can't seem to get it to happen over here but I will keep trying.

Does it happen only to that particular text field or have you seen it happen with other ones too?

- Michael
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 From:  Unknown user
8814.130 In reply to 8814.129 
About all I can't say, but where I watched there it was.
This is well seen where one input field.
Perhaps a shift in focus of the cursor relative to the input fields?

If possible, I would like to know what program you use to create a video from the screen?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.131 In reply to 8814.130 
Hi Vladimir, I use Camtasia by TechSmith for doing screen captures.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8814.132 In reply to 8814.130 
For little part of screen (for not big files result to send on the Net) you have little free true gem!


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 From:  bemfarmer
8814.133 In reply to 8814.128 
The reluctance of the little popup window to appear also occurs on my Windows7, with wireless logitech mouse. Nice keyboard mouse combo, MK735, from Costco.
(Same reluctance with USB wired mouse.)
- Brian

EDITED: 31 Mar 2018 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.134 In reply to 8814.133 
Hi Brian,

> The reluctance of the little popup window to appear also occurs on my Windows7, with
> wireless logitech mouse. Nice keyboard mouse combo, MK735, from Costco.
> (Same reluctance with USB wired mouse.)

Sounds like this might be a different bug? The problem that Vladimir is showing in that video is that the mouse cursor isn't changing to the "text field" I-beam shape.

Could you please give a little more description of what you're seeing?

Is the "little popup window" you're talking about the "Edit size" one that normally shows up when you click on the size line in the properties panel?

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
8814.135 In reply to 8814.134 
Hi Michael,

In MoI4FebBeta: Select a line. In the upper right of the screen, left or right click on the Length field, (not on cm). The Edit box appears. So far everything is OK.

Right clicking in the Edit box only occasionally brings up the box with (cut/copy/paste/delete/select all) (Which I guess are Windows7 commands.)

(Similar result for circle or ellipse Edit box.)

In MoI3 Right clicking in the Edit box brings up the cut/copy/... box right away.

- Brian

(I do get the I-beam shape OK.)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.136 In reply to 8814.135 
Hi Brian, yup I can reproduce yours over here - thanks for the additional details! I will investigate it.

I can also get part of what Vladimir showed which is the Cut/Copy/Paste context menu shows even when clicking slightly outside the edit field.

- Michael
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