Line width
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 From:  BurrMan
8799.5 In reply to 8799.3 
"Line width" in MoI comes into play when doing ai and pdf exports.... when you want to takenyour drawings into vector programs....

The MoI ini file can be accessed from "options" dialogue that has an EDIT button.

You can also try finding it in windows by typing %appdata% and hit enter, then looking for the moi folder.
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 From:  Claus
8799.6 In reply to 8799.5 
Thanks all, found the ini-file and tried out different line weights. Not much difference in MoI UI and PDF.

However setting the line type to different shades of gray looked promising to me (not working with vectors). On attached PDF bottom line is standard line weight in black style. Next is dark gray style and upper line is light gray. Hope you can see, what I mean.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8799.7 In reply to 8799.6 
Hi Claus, MoI does not yet have any function in it for assigning line weights to different individual objects. That's something that you need to do in a 2D vector drawing program like Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Xara, Corel Draw, Inkscape, etc...

I do want to add more 2D vector-like controls in MoI but it's something that's happening slowly over time - the primary focus in MoI is on 3D model construction and it does not yet incorporate all the same functionality you would find in a 2D vector drawing program. It's assumed that if you need that type of functionality you can get it already by opening your PDF file in one of those programs, that's why it hasn't been a big priority yet.

You can control the line weight that's used for different visible/hidden/silhouette categories of lines in hidden-line PDF export by clicking the "Line style options" button as shown here:

Then the "Width" column has controls for what widths will be used in the generated 2D drawing:

That will only be applicable though if you are exporting solids to PDF or AI format, that's when a 2D hidden line drawing will be generated. If you export only curves that will be a wireframe export instead of a hidden line drawing export and they will just all get line weights of 1.

As you've seen mentioned there is also another line width setting in the moi.ini file, under [View] LineWidth=1.0 - that controls the line width used for all curves drawn in MoI's viewports, it will only affect the on screen display and has no impact on exports.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  Claus
8799.8 In reply to 8799.7 
Learning, thank you all !!
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