Multiple sweeps
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 From:  mat10x
8739.18 In reply to 8739.11 
Hi Karsten,

"Flow along Surface"...yup, that worked nicely. That might be better way to go than "sweep" in this case with multiple rails. Can't seem to sweep one profile with multiple rails for some reason.

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8739.19 In reply to 8739.18 
Hello Mat,

you can also use line to curve;-)
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 From:  mat10x
8739.20 In reply to 8739.17 
Hey Karsten,

Ok, if it's working for you...then I must be doing something wrong here. Ha.

>Select the outer face of the big sweep and select your small circle centers to place the isocurves. Then select one small circle and click sweep. Select all isocurves as rails - thats all:-)

Made the Iso curves in relation to the circle profiles, no issue.

Multiple isos are still highlighted/selected from the last operation as you suggested...I add/select one small "Sweep"...and the selection window says "select rails" MOI thinks the Isos and the small circle are the "profiles" and now wants the rail information.

In the "Sweep" function button "profile" (my circle) first, then "rails". So if I'm selecting all the Isos first...then the small circle...I don't see how that can work. Maybe I'm missing something?

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8739.21 In reply to 8739.20 
Hello Mat,

here is a file to test. The rest is hidden. Select circle -> sweep - select-> rails ...
-> autoplacement!
Have a nice day

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 From:  mat10x
8739.22 In reply to 8739.10 
Wow Marko, you went all out, nice! Thanks for taking the time!

Couple questions:

1- Curious, where did you use "project"?
2- Which custom commands/scripts did you use?...have some of Max's as well.
3- In image #2 (Step 3 to 4) how did you go from the Isos to the pipes? Was that one done in one command as a group...or individual sweeps? I don't see the profile curves for the pipes, just the end result.

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 From:  mat10x
8739.23 In reply to 8739.21 
Hi Karsten, it's working. Found the issue. I was trying to select only 2 rails in particular...which would give me 1 larger diameter pipe instead of 2 pipes. When I selected 3 or more rails/ I guess with 2 rails I have to do that manually.

I'm still going to try your Node Editor trick too...!

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Message 8739.24 deleted 15 Dec 2017 by MAT10X

 From:  mkdm
8739.25 In reply to 8739.22 
Hi mat10x.

@You : "...1...2...3..."

I will reply in a couple of hours.

P.S. My name is Marco (Italian) not Marko :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8739.26 In reply to 8739.15 
Hi Mat,

> with this one, unless I'm doing something incorrectly, is that the two individual
> rails become the diameter for the single profile. I'm not getting 2 separate tubes...I get
> one large tube from the profile (which is set of to the side on the flat cplane as you
> suggested). If I select just one rail...I get one tube of that profile, no issue. Just not 2
> separate tubes of that one profile, in one command operation. Setting was "autoplace".
> Tried playing with the other options, no go.

I should have been a little more precise with that description - the way the sweep rail selection goes is like this:

1 rail selected = 1 rail sweep along that rail.

2 rails selected = 2 rail sweep using those rails - this is the "diameter" style that you are seeing, it's for having the profiles stretch out along 2 differently shaped rails.

3+ rails selected = 1 rail sweep along each individual rail.

I didn't mention it previously because it looked like your case was using more than 2 rails.

- Michael
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 From:  mat10x
8739.27 In reply to 8739.26 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the clarification.

I was using 2 rails to test for simplicity, thinking if it worked for should work for 20 or 200.

I didn't realize it would act behave similar to a "2 rail sweep" in Rhino. Now it makes sense that it acts like a diameter.

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 From:  mkdm
8739.28 In reply to 8739.22 
Hello Mat!

As promised here's a little tutorial about the section of my previous video where I use the "project" command : where and why.

This is the video :
(it's about 240Mb so if you have a slow connection maybe it's better that you first download it and then watch it)

As usual, the way I show you in this tutorial is jut one of many alternative ways that you can follow to achieve the same results.
It depends on what you want to do and what kind of model you are treating.

As I said in other post, for me Moi is like a video game and sometimes I prefer to follow a certain technique that maybe can be slower than other
but for me in that particular moment is more fun :)

1) I use the project command to create this blend :

2) At some point I've used the Max's ScaleIndividual commad : get it at
(unzip and copy the .htm and .js files into the Mo's "commands" folder)

3) how did you go from the Isos to the pipes?
I did it in one shot.
I've simply created a circle somewhere on the top plane, then I have selected all the sweep rails (created with iso command) and finally I have performed the
Sweep with "pointy end" Ends.

I hope I made myself clear enough :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mat10x
8739.29 In reply to 8739.5 
Hi Karsten,

I got the Node you sent to work.

Loaded up the additional extensions from the link you provided (I had read chunks of that thread before to get started in NE).

I see the "isoCrvs" option in the menu...but I still don't see the "getCrvSFrame" option...was that renamed?

I noticed in the right hand side of the circular array, the pattern is not evenly spaced, slight gap. I put 20 in BRep...I get 21 in the output..? And the pattern is not evenly spaced. How to you adjust or set spacing?


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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8739.30 In reply to 8739.29 
Hello Mat,

getCrvStartFrame should be found under Points2 3rd option from the top. The problem with the missing element is caused by the effect that MoIs isocurve factory don't give a result from the edge. So if you want that, you have to use individual spacing supported by the node and give so a point very close to the edge. Try this please:

You can also calculate the values and add them with concat to 0.001.

Have a nice day
p.s.: Switch also in isoCrvs to edge E1 and look what happens:-)

EDITED: 16 Dec 2017 by KMRQUS


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 From:  mat10x
8739.31 In reply to 8739.28 
Hi Marco!

Thanks for much for the video, very helpful. Appreciate you taking the time.

3) Ok, I figured you had used a profile somewhere to get the pipes.

I gotta do I get those great rendering viewing options from the light bulb button? I have the button from Max's custom UI...but no lighting options presets?


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 From:  mat10x
8739.32 In reply to 8739.30 
Hi Karsten,

I see the "getCrvStartFrame" now...missed it with all the options in my now updated library.

Is there some resource where I can learn what all the nods do and what they names mean? You mentioned "concat" clue, ha.

Are these terms from Grasshopper or related to Grasshopper? I've played with GH a little bit with Rhino.

Maybe a better question is...what is the functional relationship between NE and Grasshopper? Or no relation at all?

"const" with the value settings you used worked great to array.

Cool trick with "edge 1" too!

I'm hooked on NE...need some resources to learn what does what, how and why.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8739.33 In reply to 8739.32 
The only complete ressourse are the 2 Threads themselves! ;)

Official Max Smirnov Elephant :

and the deviant by some genious coders!

I have a data base but in French because I translate Elephant and all nodes that please to me that are not inside the native Elephant! :)

But you have all original links! ;)

what, how and why is only a question of hard training! :)
I am not sure that me, myself and I, be the best one for that! :)

EDITED: 16 Dec 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
8739.34 In reply to 8739.31 
Hi Mat.

For custom" Lighting Options" you can follow this old thread by the great "K4ICY" user.

"K4ICY" have created also a bunch of excellent modelling tutorials!
IMHO the best tutorials ever seen on the Moi's forum:)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mat10x
8739.35 In reply to 8739.33 
Bonjour Pilou,

Zut, mon français ne pas très bien. Vous avez un bon website avec tout les choses de nods.

I guess I better get reading on those Moi threads!

Merci beaucoup!
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 From:  mat10x
8739.36 In reply to 8739.34 
Hi Marco,

Thanks for the links! I will check them out for sure!
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