Considering buying MOI to do this
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.9 In reply to 8732.7 
I need to start from there. Then I need to build the two profile to curve to sweep along the rials. I used the blend crv in Rhino.

It seems I could do this entirely in MOI with half of the hassle.

Thanks so much for your help!
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
Do you think I can avoid the process to send it to MODO to UV map it ? It looks so cool in MOI already.
When I export the model you generally uploaded..polygon start to get a little bit weird. Still much much better than Rh outcome so far.

I will start to re build it in Moi!
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 From:  Barry-H
8732.11 In reply to 8732.10 
Hi Bruno,
this is produced by projecting lines onto the cube. These can be used as rails to sweep a profile.


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 From:  mkdm
8732.12 In reply to 8732.11 
...Moi is so far the very best tool for a 3D designer!

For concept creations and ultrafast products presentation there's nothing into the actual 3D consumer modeler market that can compete against Moi.

Less than 10 minutes and you can create stunning and strange pieces of industrial design concepts :)

Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.13 In reply to 8732.12 
It seems so!
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.14 In reply to 8732.11 
I will get back with a screen shot of the exact cube I need in MOI. Then I will find the way how to project the lines I need.

Thanks so much...this is the concept. Now I need to find the way to do exactly what I need in dimensions. Its my first day with MOI so I probably will back to you.

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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
Ok I am starting. I have a few questions. Not sure if I should open a new topic.

I am building the rials.

1. Did the polysurface + Radius
2. build a grid with an array to place my diagonals
3. Manually draw each line between vertex (please see the attachment)
4. Mirror them in order to build a loft = surface
5. Intersected them.

Questions: Is there any way to project the lines faster? Maybe a contour ? Maybe an offset of each oblique line ?

I seen some of the users built it super fast. I would like to ask you the procedure to make the projections that you use .

Thanks a lot

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 From:  Barry-H
8732.16 In reply to 8732.15 
Hi Bruno,
try this.


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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.17 In reply to 8732.16 
Thanks @Barry-H .

Getting there. Tomorrow I will continue.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.18 In reply to 8732.8 
Hi Bruno,

> Is it possible to blend curves in Moi ? ?

Yup, select your curves and then run the Construct > Blend command.

One of the differences between MoI and Rhino is that MoI doesn't have separate commands for doing things to curves and surfaces, there's just one Blend command and it will do either a curve blend or a surface blend depending on what you have selected.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.19 In reply to 8732.15 
Hi Bruno,

> Questions: Is there any way to project the lines faster? Maybe a contour ? Maybe an offset of each oblique line ?

I'd probably make one line and then use Transform > Array > Dir to duplicate it to make the rest of them.

- Michael
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.20 In reply to 8732.18 
Thanks Michael. I also noticed that the blend has less options than Rhino. For example the ends of the blend are managed always under the same continuity.

Is this right ?

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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.21 In reply to 8732.19 
That was the technique! Thanks!
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
I tried making one surface with Rhino imported curves and other one natively in MOI.

I must say the result is the same. Please not misunderstand. The sweep was always performed by MOI which looks neater.

I am just thinking that I could import all my lines from Rhino. I just wanted to check if this is as expected to happen. As long as the procedure is performed by Moi the structure in Rhino will not change the behavior in respect to the one made in Moi.

Thanks a lot.

You can check here.

Red one is coming from Rhino. Grey Moi. In order to see the isocurves I imported to Rhino again both.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.23 In reply to 8732.20 
Hi Bruno,

> Thanks Michael. I also noticed that the blend has less options than Rhino. For example the ends of the blend are managed always under the same continuity.
> Is this right ?

Yes, that's correct. If you need a really fancy blend with different continuity for each individual end I'd recommend doing it in Rhino and then bring it back into MoI. You can use copy/paste Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V to move objects back and forth between MoI and Rhino quickly.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.24 In reply to 8732.22 
Hi Bruno,

> I am just thinking that I could import all my lines from Rhino. I just wanted to check if this is as
> expected to happen. As long as the procedure is performed by Moi the structure in Rhino will not
> change the behavior in respect to the one made in Moi.

Sorry I'm not quite following this part, what is the question exactly?

> Thanks a lot.
> You can check here.
> Red one is coming from Rhino. Grey Moi. In order to see the isocurves I imported to Rhino again both.

Did you mean to attach something to your post? I didn't see anything. Also it really does help if you can post a 3DM model file that can be loaded and zoomed and rotated around and inspected in detail rather than only an image, you can e-mail them to me at if you want, if you sent one previously please re-send it as I don't seem to have received any.

- Michael
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.25 In reply to 8732.24 
Hi Michael! Yes I forgot ...Just uploaded now.

I mean the result between making the model in Moi and importing the lines from Rhino and making the sweep in Moi...seems to be the same.

I guess I can import all my lines from rhino and do the sweep in MOI.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.26 In reply to 8732.25 
Hi Bruno,

> I mean the result between making the model in Moi and importing the lines from Rhino
> and making the sweep in Moi...seems to be the same.

Yes, that does make sense for the case of using Sweep - Sweep does not use the control point structure of the rail curves directly, a sweep is formed by an iterative refinement process which means it's only really the shape of the curves that is important not particularly how many control points are in it.

It looks like the problematic part of your sweep is a bend where the radius of the bend is tighter than the width of the curve going around it, that tends to produce a bunching effect similar to this:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.27 In reply to 8732.25 
Hi Bruno, another thing you might try is to use the long curves as the profiles for the sweep and the short curves for the rails. The reason to try that is that it can be easier to control how the profiles connect to each other by their segment structure. For example here I've rebuilt the corner areas to make them single segments structured like this:

Then if joined together and used as profile curves for the sweep, it will result in those areas being matched with each other and that will probably help get a better shape in those tighter bend areas:

If you look at the surface control points generated from this method in those corners, it looks like this:

That looks pretty good, with things more evenly spread from one station to the next, the things that cause poor quality surfaces are when the stations are kind of diagonally slanting or crossing over each other because of bunching.

- Michael

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 From:  mkdm
8732.28 In reply to 8732.27 
Hi Michael!

...reading your last post looks like Moi has a new display routine....a new and smoother mesh shader.

Is that the case or not ?

If I remember well some times ago you talked about new improvements for the display engine of V4.

Thanks! (I will read you reply tomorrow morning)

- Marco (mkdm)
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