Considering buying MOI to do this
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.63 In reply to 8732.62 
Hello Pilou, The script without coloring and the node is in the extensions under infos. Insert the node, connect a curve to it and the out to an output. Press run - that's it.

Have a nice evening
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8732.64 In reply to 8732.63 
@ Karsten
Ok I answer on the other thread about curvature info!

EDITED: 20 Dec 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
Few things. I will put today and Friday as my deadline to finish this model.

I started with Michael's technique. To reconstruct some segments and then have the same amount in both profiles in order to have an even 'surface'.

I started with one of the corners. My idea is to get rid of the discontinuity in Modo. I am planning to uv the model so I guess I can spend some time to eliminate the polys that generate the wrinkle.

I did find a problem joining the grooves. It seems the cap and the first groove are joined (the surfaces get highlighted when I touch them). The other grooves give me the 'two surfaces joined' sign , but when I click on them they do not look together. Also when I apply a fillet edge on the edges (I would like to have a tiny radius in each sharp edge) nothing happens.

You can find the file attached too.

I also wanted to know if its possible to visualize the 'isocurves' of the model in MOI, so I can avoid jumping in to Rh.


Also I wanted to know if there is any tutorial regarding how to export efficiently to MODO or other polygonal software.

So far this is the best I could get playing around:

In the meantime I will check the manual.

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.66 In reply to 8732.65 
Hello Bruno,

your surfaces are not well connected - to check it use this script as a shortcut:
script:var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; gd.deselectAll(); var breps = gd.getObjects().getBreps(); for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) breps.item(i).getNakedEdges().setProperty( 'selected', true );
Open the options and go to the short cut keys and press add. copy the script under command in the free field. Choose a shortcut in the first free field and close. Now press the shortcut and look what happens - the script will mark open edges. Showing isolines is only possible for a single surface/face. You can use Curves - isocurves for that.

Is the idea for this cube made by Ernő Rubik?

Have a nice day
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.67 In reply to 8732.66 
Hi Karsten.

This project? mMM Rubik cube ? mmm nope. Its furniture that I want to cnc.

I will try with your script. The strange thing is ...I am not understanding how am I getting naked edges...when I am using the rials and profiles of intersections...

I am not imagining how a sweep can leave gaps...if i am sharing the rials (???)

Anyway when you say they are not well this affecting the fillet or exporting...or both.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.68 In reply to 8732.65 
Hi Bruno,

> I also wanted to know if its possible to visualize the 'isocurves' of the model
> in MOI, so I can avoid jumping in to Rh.

Sorry no there isn't any way for an isocurve display in MoI. Is there a reason why you're concerned about the isocurve structure in particular? It tends to be better to focus on whether a surface has a good shape or not. The density of the isocurve display in Rhino has to do with a low level NURBS detail of how many "knots" the surface has. It's not particularly something that is necessary to worry about compared to issues like shaping and accuracy.

Typically all an isocurve display tends to do is get in the way of seeing the surface shape more clearly, that's why it's not implemented in MoI.

> Also I wanted to know if there is any tutorial regarding how to export efficiently
> to MODO or other polygonal software.

Usually it's best to crank the slider more towards the right rather than towards the left as you're showing there, and then sometimes it can also help to use "Divide larger than" as you have done there. Also usually I'd recommend having "Weld vertices along edges" to be turned on.

Also for Modo .lwo is usually the preferred export format, for other polygonal software it's usually .obj format.

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.69 In reply to 8732.67 
Hello Bruno,

attached is a file with the generating curves, I have used. The magenta curves was used to place the profiles. After placing them, I made a copy and joined them together again. The joined curves I rebuild -> select them all - press the tab key and type rebuild - standard tolerance 0,01. After that I've used two of them as rails for each sweep. If you can't join the results together, there is a trick. Select them all and scale them down by a scale factor of 0,01. After that press join without to deselect. After that scale them up with scale factor 100. So you get back your surfaces joint. The scale down lowers the gap between the surfaces under the threshold of what MoI accept as coincident means 0,005 units!? The connection information will not be lost while scaling up back. Have a look if the method used here works for you, if not I can't help.

Have a nice day

EDITED: 28 May 2018 by KMRQUS


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