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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.44 In reply to 8732.43 
Hi Bruno, yeah I do see the same thing over here. maybe that technique is not so good after all...

Maybe you could minimize that by extending the corner segments of the small side a bit too like this:

It can be a pretty difficult task to work with tightly bent curves.

As sort of a general rule you usually want to keep things like that sharp and use filleting later on to put in the tightly rounded corner areas rather than having them baked directly into your surfaces. But I'm not sure that's really an option for your case here.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Why this corner is so distorted ?
Does exist a rational reason of that ?
When a form is not "natural" it's normal that you obtain such difficulties! :)
Make simple and harmonious :)
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.46 In reply to 8732.45 
>Why this corner is so distorted ?

I am not sure what do you mean with distorted. It is a poly-surface (filleted cube G1) and then intersected lines.

>Does exist a rational reason of that ?
I guess the reason why 'this' exist it is cause I exist. Which is the same reason why things (not talking about nature)
have a shape, someone existed. This is not a challenging answer, I actually wonderer why this shape exist.

>When a form is not "natural" it's normal that you obtain such difficulties! :)

Can you clarify what should be 'natural' . Again you are challenging my perspectives (which is good). There are thousands cars
I can see from my window now. Do you believe they are 'natural' ? Or they are more logical for a cad software than a cube with radius ?

I apologize if this sounds too much. The truth I am frustrated. I am wondering how is possible I saw so many crazy shapes on CAD software.
I ve seen an AUDI R8 in CAD, Its been weeks making a cube with G1 filleted edges and grooves :(

Thanks a lot for participating. I am looking forward for suggestions :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8732.47 In reply to 8732.46 
Hi Bruno, well a couple other things you could try to smooth out the discontinuity would be to trim away a small slice around it and use Construct > Blend to build a blend surface through it. Also Rhino's MatchSrf command could be worth a try, if all the other shaping is looking good other than those discontinuities.

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.48 In reply to 8732.46 
Maybe something like that.?

The radii on the sidewalls are all equal. 8 Profiles 2 rails. In the corners the radius will be stretched. If you want avoid that the radius/diameter has to be big enough that he can fit to the distance of the rails in this area. But think about what happens then - the path of the grooves will moves up/down there.

Have a nice day
p.s.: The curvature of isolines shows a little swinging

EDITED: 20 Dec 2017 by KMRQUS


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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.49 In reply to 8732.48 
And that is possible with G3 fillets for the cube and a curve rebuild for the rails.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8732.50 In reply to 8732.46 
< distorted.

Just that following materials and sizes used any curves can't be realized! ;)
So more fluent more easy...

Your cube is for a jewel ?

EDITED: 20 Dec 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
8732.51 In reply to 8732.50 
LOL :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Technic of Gaudi can't be applied here ?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.53 In reply to 8732.47 
I will go for your technique without looking the discontinuity. If MOI and Modo can translate good I might correct the ''problem'' through erasing some polygons or edges.

I will also try the technique of Karsten with the G3 cube. I am curious to see how will be the result.

Thanks so much for your time again.
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.54 In reply to 8732.49 
Karsten thanks so much. Today I am going to try with the G3 cube. I remember you said you used two rails and one profile in an oldest post.

Now you did a new technique I think. With 8 profile and 2 rials and rebuilding.

I will come back with results of your first attempt ( since that rebuilding and making 8 profiles for each groove...will be an experiment that will need more time).

Thanks so much!
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.55 In reply to 8732.50 
Furniture ;)
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 From:  Bruno (ZOOROPA)
8732.56 In reply to 8732.52 
Mmm I think Gaudi used that technique in order to calculate the structure tension-forces of Sagrada Familia.

I love that place. Thanks! I will apply it to my cube
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 From:  Barry-H
8732.57 In reply to 8732.49 
Hi Karsten,
How did you do the curvature anylsis it looks like it’s in Moi.
Is there a script for it ?
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.58 In reply to 8732.57 
Hello Barry,

there is a script called CCC (calculate curves curvature) and a curvature node with the psychodellic colors. The disadvantage is the node throws 255 new styles to the file. For each color of the rainbow one ;-) You will find it under Infos in the extensions. You can switch also to a radius mode, only useful when the curve has no straight segments. With scale factor 1 the lines shows you the center of the local radius. Min and Max radius is also evaluated. Useful for e.g. sweeps with a circle as profile. then you can compare local radius of the curve with the profile radius and know if the resulting surface will be squeezed.
Have a lot of fun with it, it was a lot of work;-)

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 From:  Barry-H
8732.59 In reply to 8732.58 
Hi Karsten,
thanks for the info will take a look.
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.60 In reply to 8732.59 
Curvature analysis is an objective judgment of the quality, sometimes it's hard to see the bullshit I have produced. But then there is no space left for a discussion about the result. And then - again!
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 From:  Barry-H
8732.61 In reply to 8732.60 
Hi Karsten,
found the node, tried it and found a practical use for it.
The max and minimum radii function is useful when machining a profile and the minimum cutter diameter needs to be known.
So keep up the good work with creating nodes I enjoy the challenge of using them for solving practical problems.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< there is a script called CCC (calculate curves curvature) and a curvature node with the psychodellic colors.curves curvature) and a curvature node with the psychodellic colors.

Sorry where is it ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8732.63 In reply to 8732.62 
Hello Pilou, The script without coloring and the node is in the extensions under infos. Insert the node, connect a curve to it and the out to an output. Press run - that's it.

Have a nice evening
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