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 From:  mkdm
8731.93 In reply to 8731.90 
Ok Michael.

I understand that you need a 3dm file to test.

But unfortunately today I'm very busy at work and I didn't find a bunch of minutes to find the 3dm file that caused the issue...

I will try my best to find it and send to you.

If I remember correctly when I had the issue I was performing a Fillet command on a messy geometry.
I was doing nothing serious, only a quick and dirt 3D doodle while I was waiting the compiling of my AndroidStudio projects.

So maybe I've discarded the model after the crash.

I will try to reconstruct what I was doing to replicate the issue.

I will let you know.

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.94 In reply to 8731.93 
Thanks Marco, I can wait until you find it. If I sounded urgent it's just because you yourself described it as a very serious problem and it sounded like it was happening frequently to you. It is sort of frustrating for me to hear that there's a serious problem but having no steps to reproduce it or any examples of the behavior at all.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8731.95 In reply to 8731.94 
I can fully understand Michael :)

It is sort of frustrating for me also not to be able to replicate this very sporadic issue I had.

I don't know what I can say.

I had this strange issue only a couple of times but as I said it happened while I having a little break during my daily job
and many times I do things so quickly that i'm pretty sure I discarded the model and I went back to my job.

I never had any kind of issue like this with Moi and also V4 is fine.

So, don't worry :)

I did so many things quickly and about some weeks ago that for sure I'm getting confused.

I will continue to try to replicate the issue but if I will not find the file you can forget what I've said and not worry about it.

In that case evidently I've made some strange operation or my mind is confused :)

I will let you know.

Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.96 In reply to 8731.95 
Thanks Marco, if you run into it again certainly it would be good to know! But yes please, concrete examples are absolutely vital. Of course I want you to report bugs so I can fix them but at the same time it's not so good to report a sort of "theoretical bug" that you just think is likely to happen based on extrapolation from some other information. That's because when you raise a big alarm about a pervasive and serious bug it makes me stop everything else that I am doing and try to reproduce it over here.

If you just have a worry about whether something like canceling a fillet is not going to work anymore in v4 because of those scripting changes it's probably better to ask a question about it.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8731.97 In reply to 8731.96 
Hi Michael.

I tried many times to reproduce the issue I described, but without results.

@You : "...That's because when you raise a big alarm about a pervasive and serious bug it makes me stop everything else that I am doing and try to reproduce it over here..."

I apologize Michael!!!
I know what you mean. I'm so sorry... :(
Evidently it was my mistake!!

I really don't know what to say :(

This is the very first time I say a thing here on this forum that I can't prove.
Usually I don't write anything that I can't prove with a real 3dm file.

As I said, many times I do things so quickly during my job break that next time it's better that I save the 3dm file and annotate precisely what I'm doing.

This time I simply remembered that some weeks ago I had an issue while trying to cancel a Fillet command but evidently I'm wrong.

I apologize again.

Forget what I said in my previous posts.

If you want you can also delete all the messages that today I've written about this "hypothetical" and unproven issue.

No problem for me.

Maybe it's better you do so.

Ciao and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8731.98 In reply to 8731.89 
Hi Michael,

I've got the Wacom Intuos Pro Medium PTH660.



— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design — https://metinseven.com

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.99 In reply to 8731.97 
Hi Marco, it's ok - don't worry I know that you're just trying to help make MoI better!

Just next time it would be good not to raise the alarm quite so quickly. The messages don't need to be deleted, they will be fine.

Thanks, - Michael


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 From:  mkdm
8731.100 In reply to 8731.99 
Thank you for understanding, Michael!

It's ok!

@You : "...Just next time it would be good not to raise..."

Message received :)

Have a nice day.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.101 In reply to 8731.82 
Hi Metin, re: Wacom middle mouse button only works after an initial left click - I went and got the same model tablet over here and was able to reproduce the same problem. After digging into it, it appears to be a Wacom driver bug. I was able to also reproduce the same problem in a simplified separate test case project that just makes a window and displays what events it is receiving and it never receives any drag events if the first thing you do is middle click and drag, but it does get them (although actually with a wrong event type) if you do a left click before doing the middle button drag.

So I'm fairly sure that it's something that has to be fixed in the Wacom driver and not in MoI. I've sent in a bug report using their contact form with the minimal test case project code attached.

If you also want to send in a bug report to Wacom to increase the chance that it will reach someone who can fix it, send in the attached .zip file which contains the test case and the bug report can say:


Subject: Missing or incorrect middle mouse drag events on Mac

Note minimal test case xcode project attached.

Bug #1 - if the first thing you do is try to middle click and drag inside the window, no drag events are sent, only otherMouseDown on press and otherMouseUp when released. Drag events for middle button dragging are only sent if you have done a left click at least once previously.

Bug #2 - when drag events for middle mouse drag are sent after having once done an left click, they are sent as mouseDragged (left button) events and not otherMouseDragged events.

Expected results - drag messages should be sent when the middle button is clicked and dragged same as left/right buttons without requiring an initial left click and they should be sent as otherMouseDragged events rather than mouseDragged events.

Test case is a minimal window/view that sets the window title text when it receives mouse events.

Tested on XCode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014), OS X El Capitan 10.11.4 (15E65)
Wacom Intuos Pro Medium size PTH660
Wacom driver version: 6.3.27-2
Wacom configuration - only setting changed from default is setting the upper barrel button to Middle Click.

Thanks, - Michael

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 From:  bemfarmer
I saw "WACOM pen bugs" with other software here, and a support link:


Is this pen tablet a useful tool?

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.103 In reply to 8731.102 
Thanks Brian!

> Is this pen tablet a useful tool?

It's particularly useful for artists who have spent a lot of time using a regular pen or pencil for drawing, it gives a lot closer feel to that then using a mouse.

- Michael
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 From:  pafurijaz
I downloaded V4 today after buy v3 and it also seems to work with Linux in Wine HQ. You're a great one!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.105 In reply to 8731.104 
Hi pafurijaz, that's great - I'm glad v4 is working for you in Linux Wine!

What video driver are you using in Linux?

- Michael
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 From:  pafurijaz
8731.106 In reply to 8731.105 
Hi, Michael, some more clarifications:
In my laptop and desktop PC I have Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
The Graphics Card on laptop: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2). Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2)
In the other desktop machine I have a the little GeForce GTX 750Ti and moi v4 works even with this card. And with this nvidia proprietary drivers


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 From:  Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
Michael will be there, in the v.4, a 'move, rotate, scale' gizmo? Something as the 'gumball' in Rhino? Even Zbrush implemented such a gizmo in its latest version. It is something that makes working in 3D space much more intuitive and easy. I you do not have it your plans have it in mind please. It is a much needed thing. Thanks...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.108 In reply to 8731.107 
Hi Dimitri - MoI does already have a move/rotate/scale mechanism for 2D curves, it's called the edit frame:

The focus in general for MoI is trying to make things primarily using 2D curves so that's also why the focus is on a 2D manipulator as well.

I'd like to add in a 3D manipulator at some point as well, I'm not sure if it will be in for v4 or not though - possibly. It hasn't been a priority as of yet because the primary NURBS modeling strategy doesn't involve doing 3D "point sculpting" like poly modeling does.

- Michael
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 From:  Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
Yes it is true that in Nurbs things work in a different way but I still think that such a manipulator is necessary. It plays a very significant role on giving to the user a very intuitive feedback regarding moves in the 3D space. Having such a manipulator for solids too would be very helpful. But anyway, Moi is already great, wish that the v.4 will be ready very soon... : - )
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8731.110 In reply to 8731.101 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the update regarding the Wacom issue. My apologies for not responding sooner.

Good to know that it's a Wacom matter. I will send the bug report to them as well.


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design — https://metinseven.com

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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Hi Michael,

I've just installed the MoI beta of 12 Dec 2018 on a Mac with high-DPI display. I don't know if this has been reported before, but the viewport indicators ("Perspective", "Front", etc.) are tiny on a hi-DPI display:

If you want me to test anything, just let me know.


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design — https://metinseven.com

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.112 In reply to 8731.111 
Hi Metin,

> I don't know if this has been reported before, but the viewport indicators
> ("Perspective", "Front", etc.) are tiny on a hi-DPI display:

Yes, that's expected for the moment, I don't have proper in-viewport text working quite yet. It shouldn't be too much longer before I'll be able to work on that.

- Michael
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