V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now
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 From:  mkdm
8731.172 In reply to 8731.168 
Thank you very much Michael for this very good news !!
Today I will try with V4 following your suggestion :)

...Moi it's an endless source of good surprise!!!

We'll catch up and I will let you know.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
8731.173 In reply to 8731.170 
Hello Michael!

All is OK with V4!!!

I have generated a 350 megapixel image (with export AI) with a final resolution of : 24694x14174

The operation took about 12.3 Gb ram!!
(My config i7-7700K nvidia gtx 1080 Ti 32Gb Ram 3000 Mhz Windos 10 Pro 64bit)

All is OK!

I have used this 3dm scene : http://take.ms/0wS6q


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Engimur67 (ENGIMUR)
8731.174 In reply to 8731.98 
I use MOI Software all the time to create 3D bases for my paintings. It's a really great piece of software. I can do basic building block-ins in minutes, no keyboard needed.

It has a bit of a learning curve to figure out the most efficient way of doing things, but once you learn it, it's super quick.

MoI - > Zbrush works great for getting quick block-ins with a bit of textural detail sculpting in Zbrush.

But Moi3D is really fun using with a XP-Pen https://www.xp-pen.com drawing tablet, I find I can work faster because I dont have to "drag" the cursor around. I can only describe using a tablet with Moi3d as being a more fluid and visual experience versus and mechanical one when using a mouse and keyboard.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8731.175 In reply to 8731.174 
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  Flowgun
8731.176 In reply to 8731.134 
Hello Max.
First of all, thank you for all the great addons.
Is it possible to share the cloth addon (or any other addon) updated with the requestanimationframe?
I checked your website and it seems not updated. I tried to do it by myself but I'm no programmer.
Thank you.
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