hopefully a simple question or three
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 From:  Michael Gibson
871.5 In reply to 871.3 
Nope, sorry there is no group function for V1.

This is definitely a big missing area and working on grouping and object organization type methods is a big priority for version 2.0 .

For now you'll have to use stuff like a strategically placed window select to grab batches of things at once.

One quick note on the window select - if you click and drag a selection window starting from the left side and moving towards the right, you will get a selection rectangle with a solid outline - this type of selection window will only select items that are completely contained inside of it.

On the other hand, if you start on the right side and then drag towards the left, you will see a dashed outline window - this one will select anything that intersects the window in any way, not just stuff completely inside.

Sometimes strategic use of these selection windows can help to grab the right stuff pretty quickly.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
871.6 In reply to 871.4 
> say I build a simple object that inc a bunch of booliens and fillets
> on different parts of the model, is it posible to remove the
> booliens/trims and have the original shape/or get part of the
> original shape back

Yes - if you have a trimmed surface you can "untrim" it to restore the full original surface.

To do that, select all the trimming edges for one boundary loop of the surface (like around one hole), and then hit delete. You can grab all edges of one surface quickly by selecting one first and then doing a Select All (Ctrl+A).

Here is one post that describes untrimming in more detail:

Also here is a more complex mini tutorial that talks about using untrimming and re-trimming to repair an object that had a boolean done to it in an incorrect location:

- Michael
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 From:  mushroomgod
cheers again Michael, youre a star

I have to say, sence using this software (start of today) I have produced more work/easly and quickly in the last few hours than I have of weeks of owning PowerNurbs for max

Im working on a project for Popular Science magazine at the moment, ill post the image when its finsihed...needless to say, MOI will be making a bulk of the image ;)

cheers again
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 From:  Michael Gibson
871.8 In reply to 871.7 
Very cool, I'm glad you're zipping along with it!

Looking forward to seeing the image!

- Michael
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