hopefully a simple question or three

 From:  mushroomgod
Hi, just playing with MOI again, and I have a few questions

Say I make a sphere, can I add extra ISO lines and the detach/delete part of the object at that iso line?

If I project a curve onto a shape, can I then trim it

Is there a rebuild function

Is there a short cut key to move from split/4 views to top/left etc....I know about the buttons at the bottom of the screen, but im so used to maya being able to jump from view to view quickly

other than that im really enjoying using the app!!!

cheers all
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 From:  Michael Gibson
871.2 In reply to 871.1 
> Say I make a sphere, can I add extra ISO lines and the detach/delete
> part of the object at that iso line?

V1 doesn't have anything to add isocurves specifically, but you can trim or do boolean operations between a sphere and some lines - the projection of a straight line onto a sphere will be the same as an isocurve of the sphere.

One thing that is cool about MoI is being able to do booleans (not just Trimming) between a solid and a 2D curve directly. Unlike trimming this will keep the result as a solid.

> If I project a curve onto a shape, can I then trim it

Yes, but projection is already built in to the trimming and boolean functions, so there isn't any need to do the projection first. Just trim or do a boolean with the original curve directly.

> Is there a rebuild function

No, not for V1. Note that if you have Rhino, you can use copy/paste as a quick way to move objects back and forth between them.

For v1 MoI is not very focused on manipulating surfaces by control points - it's more focused on drawing curves and constructing things by sweeps, lofts, etc..

> Is there a short cut key to move from split/4 views to top/left etc....I know
> about the buttons at the bottom of the screen, but im so used to maya
> being able to jump from view to view quickly

Yes, this is possible by setting up a shortcut key with a script macro attached to it.

One that has been pretty popular for switching the view is to set up the Space bar to either switch from a maximized view to the split view, or from the split view to maximize the view the mouse is currently over. To set this up, go to Options / Shortcut keys, and add a new entry in, set Space as the Key, and for the command put in this (paste this in as one long line):

script:if ( moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode != 'split' ) { moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'split' } else { var viewport = moi.ui.getViewportUnderMouse(); if ( viewport ) { viewport.viewPanel.mode = viewport.name } }

It's also possible to set things up so that one key corresponds to one particular view, like 1 = split, 2 = top, 3 = front, etc... - let me know if you want the scripts for this type of thing.

Petr has also collected a bunch of other shortcut key scripts on this page: http://kyticka.webzdarma.cz/3d/moi/

Hope this helps!

- Michael
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 From:  mushroomgod
cheers Michael

thats a great help!!

Once small question...is there a group function anywhere...I just built a simple object and would like to boolean about 10 vent holes out of it...so I build a simple box and duplicate it 10 or so times...now, is it posible to group those 10 objects together and than I can easly move them into posision and only have to select them once to move them everytime?

cheers again!
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 From:  mushroomgod
oh, another question....

say I build a simple object that inc a bunch of booliens and fillets on different parts of the model, is it posible to remove the booliens/trims and have the original shape/or get part of the original shape back

cheers once again
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 From:  Michael Gibson
871.5 In reply to 871.3 
Nope, sorry there is no group function for V1.

This is definitely a big missing area and working on grouping and object organization type methods is a big priority for version 2.0 .

For now you'll have to use stuff like a strategically placed window select to grab batches of things at once.

One quick note on the window select - if you click and drag a selection window starting from the left side and moving towards the right, you will get a selection rectangle with a solid outline - this type of selection window will only select items that are completely contained inside of it.

On the other hand, if you start on the right side and then drag towards the left, you will see a dashed outline window - this one will select anything that intersects the window in any way, not just stuff completely inside.

Sometimes strategic use of these selection windows can help to grab the right stuff pretty quickly.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
871.6 In reply to 871.4 
> say I build a simple object that inc a bunch of booliens and fillets
> on different parts of the model, is it posible to remove the
> booliens/trims and have the original shape/or get part of the
> original shape back

Yes - if you have a trimmed surface you can "untrim" it to restore the full original surface.

To do that, select all the trimming edges for one boundary loop of the surface (like around one hole), and then hit delete. You can grab all edges of one surface quickly by selecting one first and then doing a Select All (Ctrl+A).

Here is one post that describes untrimming in more detail:

Also here is a more complex mini tutorial that talks about using untrimming and re-trimming to repair an object that had a boolean done to it in an incorrect location:

- Michael
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 From:  mushroomgod
cheers again Michael, youre a star

I have to say, sence using this software (start of today) I have produced more work/easly and quickly in the last few hours than I have of weeks of owning PowerNurbs for max

Im working on a project for Popular Science magazine at the moment, ill post the image when its finsihed...needless to say, MOI will be making a bulk of the image ;)

cheers again
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 From:  Michael Gibson
871.8 In reply to 871.7 
Very cool, I'm glad you're zipping along with it!

Looking forward to seeing the image!

- Michael
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