V4 beta Nov-18-2017 available now
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.93 In reply to 8682.83 
Hi Val,

> I think I might have found a bug. If I make a box (or any solid) and then scale it then go
> to undo It solid disappears instead of returning to it's initial state.

You've definitely found a bug, thank you for reporting it! Looks like something going wrong with undo and Transform commands that show the original object in wireframe at some point during the command.

Tomorrow I will dig into it in more detail.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8682.94 In reply to 8682.91 
Hi Michael

>>I put in your LightingOptions="" value but still couldn't get the failure
Sorry, it's my mistake. I accidentally put this option to View section instead of Commands.
I don't know why, but I thought that getOption function can read any option from moi.ini
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.95 In reply to 8682.94 
Hi Max, re: getOption - no problem I'm glad it's working ok now.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.96 In reply to 8682.50 
Hi Marco, so it looks like I will be able to tune up the shortcut keys for V4 to avoid that Shift key problem. So the next v4 beta should generate Shift+1 instead of Shift+! and shouldn't cause trouble with V3 anymore.

Thanks for reporting it! - Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
The antiprism script does not show the build list in MoI4betaNov18. (It works in MoI3.)
The problem is a missing ">" after td in the .htm file.
- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
Another minor difference, where the programmer made a minor error:-)
For _Braid scripts, in particular _Braid04.htm,
class="unsignedintegerinput" default="3.0" yields an input window value of "0" in MoI4BetaNov18,
versus MoI3, shows up as a "3".
(Obviously 3.0 is not an integer, default="3" yields 3 in MoI4 beta.)
- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
The script _CoilRectangular.js, for the first Update line, contains
ui.RightHandCheckkbox.value );
NOTE the extra "k", which is an error.
This spelling error runs in MoI3, but not in MoI4.
- Brian
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 From:  Unknown user
Hi Michael.
Can't insert images. The program prints a message and exits. In v3 everything is fine.
Files attached.
If you need something, let me know.
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 From:  mkdm
8682.101 In reply to 8682.96 
Ok. Thanks a lot Michael!

We'll catch up.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Finema
8682.102 In reply to 8682.100 
Hi Vladimir,
I can't reproduce it on Mac. it's work fine.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8682.103 In reply to 8682.100 
@ Vladimir
You have an easy version of this headache!
It's not fair to give solution! :)

Here mine! :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.104 In reply to 8682.100 
Hi Vladimir, thanks for reporting this bug and posting the crash report and image files, that helps a lot for tracking down the bug!

It looks like the crash has to do with MoI v4 not handling lower color depth images properly. I should be able to fix it but for the moment you can get these images to work ok in the current v4 beta by converting them to 24-bit images, currently they are 8-bit images. I've attached converted versions here that you should be able to use until the next beta release. Be careful to not download the thumbnail image from the attachment, you need to use something like "Save link as..." if you right-click on the thumbnail, if you just use "Save image as" it will probably download the small thumbnail instead of the full size image.

Thanks, - Michael
Image Attachments:
Size: 75.3 KB, Downloaded: 39 times, Dimensions: 1000x680px
Size: 110.8 KB, Downloaded: 35 times, Dimensions: 690x1000px
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 From:  Unknown user
8682.105 In reply to 8682.102 
Hi Finema.
Only these files result in an error. Maybe the files are bad. Crash has created a report that can be useful for Michael. Thanks for checking.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.106 In reply to 8682.105 
Hi Vladimir, the images are not bad but they are a little unusual because they're stored at a lower color depth. It's that low color depth that MoI v4 isn't handling properly yet. I attached some replacement images above which should work ok until the next beta. The crash report is very useful, thank you for posting it and the images.

- Michael
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 From:  Unknown user
8682.107 In reply to 8682.104 
Thank you Michael for the detailed answer, help and your wonderful program.
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 From:  bemfarmer
The SpurGearProfile script is faulty.
- B
I have nearly the same code in LogSpiral script, which works fine.

SpurGear may have a misplaced
near the end of the .htm file?

EDITED: 25 Nov 2017 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8682.109 In reply to 8682.106 
Hi Michael,

it seems that openFileStream / writeLine / readLine functions are using Western codepage instead of UTF8. Mac version only.
I attached a nod-file with russian characters. Nodeeditor can't read this file properly.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.110 In reply to 8682.109 
Hi Max,

> it seems that openFileStream / writeLine / readLine functions are using Western codepage
> instead of UTF8. Mac version only.
> I attached a nod-file with russian characters. Nodeeditor can't read this file properly.

For the next beta I've converted the internals of openFileStream to use the Qt text stream functions, it should provide better consistency in unicode support like be able to detect any encoding signature at the start of the text file and use UTF-8 by default.

- Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8682.111 In reply to 8682.110 
Hi Michael,

Thank you! Could we expect a binary read/write functions in v4? ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.112 In reply to 8682.111 
Hi Max, I'm not sure about that, there could be some complications like trying to send binary data back and forth using strings can run into problems with things like illegal character encoding sequences and 0 values being treated as end of string markers.

There is a new kind of "typed array" thing that's meant for working with binary data in JavaScript but the version of JavaScriptCore that MoI v4 is currently using doesn't seem to have it included in the JSC API yet. That might not be possible without updating to the latest QtWebKit which is unfortunately a highly time consuming job.

- Michael
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