Hi Michael
>>This is one of those cases where it's kind of hard to decide to do, should it do what's probably the wrong thing since v3 did? But that might make it harder in the future for someone to find out their new script isn't doing what they thought it was... Maybe wait and see if it comes up with some more older scripts?
Yes, you're right. As a programmer I agree with you.
>>I can't seem to reproduce this one over here, is it possible that the option isn't present in your Mac moi.ini file? moi.command.getOption() will throw an 'Operation failed' exception if there isn't any such option in there.
I'm sure this option exists in moi.ini. Maybe it's too long? I noticed this problem with mac version only (Operation failed).
LightingOptions={"selected":"Oil Slick","themes":{"Default":{"lightingStyle":"Default","specularHighlights":false,"specularBrightness":0,
"specularFocusSize":0,"metallicLighting":false,"fixedLightPositions":false,"customKeyLightLevel":0,"customFillLightLevel":0},"Oil Slick":{"lightingStyle":"Default",
"fixedLightPositions":true,"customKeyLightLevel":0,"customFillLightLevel":0},"Car Body":{"lightingStyle":"CustomLevels","specularHighlights":true,
"customKeyLightLevel":0,"customFillLightLevel":0},"Showroom Shine":{"lightingStyle":"LessFill","specularHighlights":true,"specularBrightness":0.3,
"specularFocusSize":0.89,"metallicLighting":false,"fixedLightPositions":false,"customKeyLightLevel":1,"customFillLightLevel":0.14},"Clear Coat":{"lightingStyle":"CustomLevels",
"HighGloss Plastic":{"lightingStyle":"CustomLevels","specularHighlights":true,"specularBrightness":0.16,"specularFocusSize":0.62,"metallicLighting":false,"fixedLightPositions":false,
"Velvet Night":{"lightingStyle":"CustomLevels","specularHighlights":true,"specularBrightness":5000,"specularFocusSize":6,"metallicLighting":false,"fixedLightPositions":false,
"customKeyLightLevel":-4,"customFillLightLevel":1},"Zebra Stripe":{"lightingStyle":"CustomLevels","specularHighlights":true,"specularBrightness":200,"specularFocusSize":0,
>>This one is going to take me quite a bit of effort to analyze very well, so probably after the next beta I can take a look. It is possible that raw script performance has taken a hit with the 64-bit transition, but it will take some profiling to try and see what's going on. EDIT: maybe I should ask you to clarify - is it only the v4 Mac version where this is happening?
Yes. Mac version only. Windows version works perfectly.
You can test it with my SpherePointsPlus script (
http://moi.maxsm.net/media/files/SpherePointsPlus.v.1.1.2014.10.23.zip). When I move slider I notice a significant stutters.
Also you can check this nod-file with the same functionality. It works much smoother than script.