Hi Michael
Thank you for a new version.
I tested both windows and mac versions with windows7 64 and MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1.
I noticed a following problems:
1. factory.setInput function stops with "Invalid function argument" error when an argument type is wrong. In fact it's not a MoI problem, but (if I understand clearly) v3 in this case just set input to null and don't stop a script.
I found this errors in two or three my scripts and successfully fixed it. But it can cause a potential problems with other old scripts.
var f=moi.command.createFactory("loft"); f.setInput(1, ""); moi.ui.alert("Test passed");
2. moi.geometryDatabase.findstyle function returns a wrong data when it creates a new style.
var t=moi.geometryDatabase.findstyle("test", true); moi.ui.alert(typeof(t)); moi.ui.alert(t.index);
Mac only:
3. Something wrong with moi.command.getOption function. I can't read data from moi.ini
moi.ui.alert(JSON.stringify(moi.command.getOption('LightingOptions', true)));
Win version returns a correct data.
4. Interactive scripts perfarmance problem. MoI v4 18.11 works much faster than with 13.11, but still slower than MoI v3/4(Win) and v3.1(Mac).
You can check it with my SpherePoints+ script.
5. I noticed a rare Orientation Picker bug. Unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce it.
P.S. I tested toNativePath and toScriptPath functions with CustomUI (Mac). Everything is good. Object Library now can correctly create, rename, delete an objects and a preview files in ~/Library/Application Support/Moi/Objects directory. Unfortunately I can't find a way to show previews in Moi html windows. Neither native nor script paths doesn't work.