V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8675.175 In reply to 8675.174 
It's just a version(s) for validate the 64 bits new paradigm! (Mac & PC)
As soon as all works fine, all new functions will be added! ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.176 In reply to 8675.174 
Hi Simon, yes the differences for this version are all under the hood in the foundations. The main differences are that MoI is now a 64-bit program and on the Mac it's a native build rather than using the Wineskin system.

The 64-bit part means that MoI can now make use of all your system memory instead of only being able to use around 3.5 GB. For example if you were working on a large model in V3 and attempted to export it out to a mesh file format, you would easily run into an "Insufficient memory" error and you'd be unable to do the export. With v4 doing that same export won't run into that problem anymore. So it basically sets the stage for being able to use MoI with much more complex objects than before.

For the Mac there are other additional improvements, the "native Mac build" part means it's 64-bit there too and numerous glitches in things like general window sizing behavior won't be a problem anymore.

But yes if you're not working with large files and not working on the Mac there won't be anything really noticeable for v4 quite as of yet. That's actually why I put off this work for quite some time but the longer I put it off the harder it would become to make the switch over.

There are still a few details to finish up for the foundational work but then I will be shifting back to working on some more regular individual features rather than the foundational stuff.

- Michael
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 From:  archetype (FABIENF)
Hi Michael,

Great work as always! One thing though ... after running the beta, my v.3.1 (on Mac OS 10.12.1) is now displaying any UI fonts very course and bitmapped. It appears that there's no font smoothing being performed anymore.

Is there a way to bring it back for v.3.1? Thanks!

- Fabien
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8675.178 In reply to 8675.176 
First of all.. many many thank! Its so fast, so nice. Huge improvement.

A few things I found on OSX:
- The trackpad zoom is very very tiny. I set it multiply to 100 to even see it. However on larger models it get tiny again. So maybe you could make it more scene size dependent?
- Trackpad role doesn't work.. not so important. (Two finger turn, works in Blender).
- The Mesher in OBJ export doesn't remember the Angle after an export, so its set to default value again (12). Also it would be good to have these settings general saved, like last session or so.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.179 In reply to 8675.177 
Hi Fabien,

> Is there a way to bring it back for v.3.1? Thanks!

It's probably the result of a bug in the v4 beta where it overwrites the UI font name property used by v3 in moi.ini - I had meant to keep them separate but made a mistake there.

To fix it, try copying your moi.ini file which is at ~/Library/Application Support/Moi/moi.ini into the Contents/Resources folder inside the v4 beta's app bundle. This should make the v4 beta use its own separate moi.ini file instead of the normal shared one.

Then edit your main moi.ini file and remove the UIFontName= line in the [UI] section. This should reset v3's font back to default.

This will be fixed up for the next v4 beta so v4 and v3 will use separate font name properties in moi.ini so it allows v4 to use a new font while still sharing other settings.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.180 In reply to 8675.178 
Hi Robert, thanks for reporting these problems.

> - The trackpad zoom is very very tiny. I set it multiply to 100 to even see it. However on larger
> models it get tiny again. So maybe you could make it more scene size dependent?

Does this only happen in the 3D perspective view or does it also happen in an ortho view?

> - Trackpad role doesn't work.. not so important. (Two finger turn, works in Blender).

I think you can enable a 2 finger turn under Options > View > MultiTouch options. You can set "Rotate ortho views" and/or "Allow 3D rotation tilt" there, does that do it?

> - The Mesher in OBJ export doesn't remember the Angle after an export, so its set to default value
> again (12). Also it would be good to have these settings general saved, like last session or so.

Hmm, the way it's intended to work is that settings should be saved for any further exports in the same program session but not if you exit MoI and start a new session. You can enable settings persisting between sessions though by setting PersistSettingsBetweenSessions=y in the [Mesh Export] section of moi.ini .

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.181 In reply to 8675.160 
Hi Finema, I got a Magic Mouse 2 over here now and I've been testing with it but can't seem to repeat the problem of it getting stuck and not allowing to pick the other corner point in commands like rect or box. I'll keep trying but please let me know if you get any idea of when it might happen like if you think it might be if you were panning or dragging a construction line right then as well or whatever.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Finema
8675.182 In reply to 8675.181 
Hi Michael,
It's randomly. Sometimes when i open moI V4, i can't draw shapes or solids.
it seems to be i haven't focus to draw, i haven't icon below the arrow for the Pick corner point.
note : when this happens, Grid snap and Object snap no longer works
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 From:  Finema
8675.183 In reply to 8675.182 
in attachment , icon i could have when i take a tool to draw a shape or solid

EDITED: 9 May 2020 by FINEMA

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.184 In reply to 8675.182 
Hi JP,

> It's randomly. Sometimes when i open moI V4, i can't draw shapes or solids.

Ok, this sounds a little different than what you were reporting before, when this happens you can't place even the first point in a draw command no matter how many times you try to run a drawing command? Are all commands like even File > Open also blocked or just drawing commands? In your original report it sounded like you could pick the first point but not the other corner point.

How often does it happen, like only once every hour, once every minute, ... ? Is it frequent enough that you're pretty sure it doesn't happen with your Magic Mouse 1 ?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Finema
8675.185 In reply to 8675.184 
Hi Michael,
Just drawing commands (panel pick corner, pick radius etc...) is freeze and empty but i can clic on other part. The drag is ineffective.
yes i can pick the first point (no icon circle with cross) but not the other corner point.
It happen after launching V4 (1 time on 5). This morning , i haven't this bug.
I'm not sure it's caused by Magic Mouse 2 but my test with magic mouse 1 was good. I'll retry.
it looks like a problem of focus or pick panel "initialization".

EDITED: 18 Nov 2017 by FINEMA

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.186 In reply to 8675.185 
Hi Finema, so just to make sure I completely understand when it happens it happens to all draw commands you try to run during that same program session, not just on random individual runs of a draw command? So about 1 out of 5 times you run MoI, no draw commands work during that whole program run is that correct? But it's always that the first point of the command can be placed but not any further points?

When it happens does the MoI window title bar look ghosted out or does it look normal with the 3 colored buttons on the left side showing with colors and not gray only?

One thing which might give me some information is on one of the bad runs, while you're in a draw command at the part where it's not working please go to Activity Monitor, highlight MoI in the program list and on the little gear menu at the top of the window choose "Sample process", then save the report that's generated and please e-mail it to me at moi@moi3d.com . There's a chance that may give me a clue.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Finema
8675.187 In reply to 8675.186 
I think I've identified the problem. This happens all the times when I go to another application or on the finder and come back to MoI.
Looks like the application is out of focus.
If I click on the MoI icon in the dock bar, I find the focus on the application and the tool becomes operational again.
Is that clearer?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.188 In reply to 8675.187 
Hi Finema, but when you were running into this problem with drawing a rectangle for example, you weren't switching to a different app and then back again right in the middle of the rectangle drawing were you?

To set focus back to MoI it should be sufficient to click anywhere in the window to give it focus.

- Michael
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 From:  Finema
8675.189 In reply to 8675.188 
here a step by step :

Open MoI V4
Draw a rectangle for example (all is Ok, all the draw tools works)
Hide MoI (not quit)
Go the Finder or other apllications
Go back to MoI
Choose Rectangle tool or other draw tool
Clic to draw , drag have no effect
Result : no icon tool and panel stay empty (sse my screenshot)

Solution :
clic on Icon Moi V4 in the Apple Dock bar (click anywhere in the window don't work)
choose a draw tool

Bing ! i can draw again.

EDITED: 9 May 2020 by FINEMA

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.190 In reply to 8675.189 
Hi Finema, it sounds like we're getting closer but I still can't quite replicate it. Can you please be very specific about how you're doing the "Hide MoI" and "Go back to MoI" steps? I tried hiding MoI by clicking on the yellow button in the title bar, and going back to it by clicking on its icon in the right-hand side of the dock where it shrunk down to and I can't replicate a problem.

- Michael
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 From:  Finema
8675.191 In reply to 8675.190 

If i hide MoI by clicking on the yellow button in the title bar and return to MoI > draw tool works
but :

Hide MoI > command H or clic on other appli in the Dock
return to MoI > Dock bar > clic on MoI v4

 draw tools don't works, i must clic again on MoI in the dock bar to give a focus


ps : i sent you the report of Monitor activity

EDITED: 18 Nov 2017 by FINEMA

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.192 In reply to 8675.191 
Hi Finema,

> return to MoI > Dock bar > clic on MoI v4

I don't see any text "MoI v4" in the dock bar over here, do you mean left click on the lightbulb icon in the dock bar?

When you see the problem does it look like the title bar of the MoI window is grayed out, are the 3 buttons on the left-hand side of the title bar showing colors or are they only showing gray? Also does the menu at the very top of the screen have "MoI v4 beta" on it or is it the menu for some other app?

- Michael
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 From:  Finema
8675.193 In reply to 8675.192 
"do you mean left click on the lightbulb icon in the dock bar?" > yes

"are the 3 buttons on the left-hand side of the title bar showing colors or are they only showing gray" no colors on 10.13.1 > always grey (i never see colored icons on 10.13 high sierra

"Also does the menu at the very top of the screen have "MoI v4 beta" on it or is it the menu for some other app?" > always MoI v4 beta
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.194 In reply to 8675.193 
Hi JP, well that's pretty mysterious to me - over here I have tried using Cmd+H to hide it, then clicking on the dock icon to restore it and I can draw and click on things immediately after that. Tomorrow I'll try updating from 10.13.0 to 10.13.1 and see if that makes any difference.

Are you possibly running any utility or helper type programs that involve window handling?

- Michael
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