Hello Michael.
@You : "...At this level what is the approximate 3D view performance in MoI v3?..."
Well, as promised I repeated the test with my desktop PC both in V4 and in V3 to check if there's some performance improvement in terms of
loading time and viewport responsiveness.
I repeat here my config :
Windows 10 64Bit Pro Eng
i7-7700K 4 cores/8 Threads 4.5 Ghz (running at constant 4.45 Ghz)
32 GB DDR4 at 3000 Mhz (dual channel)
SDD NVME M2 Samsung Evo 500 GB
Svga Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (11 TFLOPS in FP32 and 11 GB GDDR5X RAM) with latest drivers.
And this is the detailed report :
Loading in Moi V3 with Mesh Angle of 10 + Add Detail
Memory occupied : 2.474 GB
Complete loading : 4 min and 38 secs
Complete loading + displaying all the geometry (until task manager cpu% value returned to zero) : in 4 min and 46 secs
3D Viewport performance : about 195-202~ millisecs
Loading in Moi V4 with Mesh Angle of 10 + Add Detail
Memory occupied : 2.474 GB
Complete loading : 3 min and 23 secs
Complete loading + displaying all the geometry (until task manager cpu% value returned to zero) : in 3 min and 30 secs
3D Viewport performance : about 192-201~ millisecs
Brief video to show viewport performance :
These are my final considerations :
1) Loading time of V4 is 1 min and 15 secs faster compared to V3 : very good result!!
Anyway I suppose (and hope) that these results could be even much better with a more optimized multicore routine.
2) Unfortunately I see that the viewport performance are almost identical...
But, as you said, this is only the very first beta and I'm confident that ASAP you will improve Moi's performance.
If I remember correctly, some times ago you have written that you are planning to include some sort of settings or internal behavior that
would make Moi able to use the all the power and the huge amount of Vram of the modern GPUs if one of them is found into the System.
I strongly hope so, because it's really a pity to see a GPU with 11GB and 11TFLOPS (and 480 GFLOPS in Fp64) almost underused.
I stay tuned.
Have a nice day and thanks for all.