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 From:  mkdm
8675.113 In reply to 8675.112 
Hi Max!

@You : "...I'll check all my scripts today evening..."


Moi without your scripts is like a sword without the blade :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  daniii (DANILIESCUDSG)
8675.114 In reply to 8675.100 
Thank you for the reply.
I've attached an image that shows recent filenames.
Turning hidden lines on fixed the snapping.
I tried setting the nvidia x-server to override application anti-aliasing to no anti-aliasing. It was letting the app configure it by default. Nothing changed regarding the selection. After that I tried on the Noveau driver and selection works. I've also attached the winelogs for both runs(I don't know if that helps).

A bit off-topic: performance on my main rig (new GTX 1080) is way worse than on my laptop (GTX 1050), I'm thinking something else is causing the trouble hardware-wise (motherboard maybe?). Do you have any experience with that? I just ordered another PC for my office and I will start testing with it as soon as it arrives.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.115 In reply to 8675.114 
Hi daniii, so that screenshot looks really good, everything there looks exactly as it's supposed to right now.

So with the recent filenames showing the native paths (with / separators and not Wine paths which would look like z:\home\dan\Test2.3dm) , that means that MoI is recognizing that it's running under Wine and is translating those paths and so it should be using OpenGL there.

Do you mean everything works ok using Noveau or are there still problems?

re: performance on desktop worse than laptop the only thing that's really coming to mind there is if the particular motherboard slot you've got the card in doesn't have as many lanes on it as another one. There's usually one or two heavily loaded slots and you want the graphics card to go into there. Or maybe if you've got other cards in there as well they are ending up robbing your video card slot of bandwidth.

- Michael
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 From:  daniii (DANILIESCUDSG)
8675.116 In reply to 8675.115 
Everything works except for very slow performance. I hope to get it running with nvidia drivers because it's faster and I can use CUDA for rendering.
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 From:  moritzbock (MORITZ)
8675.117 In reply to 8675.65 
Hi Michael,
thanks for trying to help.

I have tried your description but I can't get my CustomUi to run.

I give up and stay with V3.1 for Mac until someone writes a routine that makes the necessary changes.

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 From:  Finema
8675.118 In reply to 8675.112 
Thanks a lot Max !
Where could we download scripts updated ?
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 From:  moujiik
Hi Michael. About the construction line problem:

EDITED: 14 Nov 2017 by MOUJIIK

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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
Hi Michael,

I confirm the experience of Michel, VIP (VINC)

A simple extrude in the new version from NOV 13 still calculates infinitely.
I also use OS X 10.9.5
And I have a non-retina display

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8675.121 In reply to 8675.118 
>>Where could we download scripts updated ?
You can check my file archive http://moi.maxsm.net/files
All updates will be there ;)
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 From:  Finema
8675.122 In reply to 8675.121 
Thanks a lot Max :)
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Many thanks Max and Michael!

Michael, an option to switch off V3 compatibility and get the Alt key for keyboard shortcuts in return would be nice, but it's not a priority to me personally. A higher priority level for me would be more navigation customization options, particularly being able to set Alt + RMB for panning.


— Metin


metinseven.com — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.124 In reply to 8675.119 
Hi moujiik, thanks for the screencaps for the construction line problem. Can you also please post the 3DM file so I can follow along with the same data you were showing?

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.125 In reply to 8675.120 
Hi Martin,

> I confirm the experience of Michel, VIP (VINC)
> http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=8675.56
> A simple extrude in the new version from NOV 13 still calculates infinitely.
> I also use OS X 10.9.5
> And I have a non-retina display

Thanks for reporting this - that you're both using 10.9.5 is probably the clue I needed. It could be something simple like I forgot to set the minimum allowed OS version just on one particular module. I have a partition of 10.9 over here so I'll check it out.

- Michael
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 From:  Przemas
8675.126 In reply to 8675.100 
> I can introduce a flag to allow you to force either Direct3D11 or OpenGL mode, maybe the other one will work better.

That would be great and would help those trying to use it under WINE. Personally the only thing that stopped me from purchasing MoI were the small but annoying issues when I tried to run it on my Linux workstation (the common one was that while I've been able to start it quite easily, mouse-over highlights were always a frame off so for example I didn't know what was going to be selected). Extra options that would allow us to troubleshoot are very welcome :) .
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 From:  moritzbock (MORITZ)
8675.127 In reply to 8675.117 
Ho Michael,
after some attempts I managed to restore the CustomUI.
Unfortunately I still have error messages with some scripts (see photo)

- Obj Library = Operation failed - Line 0
- Ext Scripts = dto.
- Snapshots = dto. + Background changes to white, Language changes from German to English

Have you got a clue for me?

And some icons are still missing....
Do you have any idea where I could look for it?

thanks in advance
Image Attachments:
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8675.128 In reply to 8675.127 
Hi Moritz,
wait a week (or two). I'll release new version of CustomUI
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 From:  moritzbock (MORITZ)
8675.129 In reply to 8675.128 
Hi Max,
I'm looking forward to it....
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 From:  Marbleman
8675.130 In reply to 8675.128 
Sounds great Max
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 From:  mkdm
8675.131 In reply to 8675.66 
Hello Michael.

@You : "...At this level what is the approximate 3D view performance in MoI v3?..."

Well, as promised I repeated the test with my desktop PC both in V4 and in V3 to check if there's some performance improvement in terms of
loading time and viewport responsiveness.

I repeat here my config :

Windows 10 64Bit Pro Eng
i7-7700K 4 cores/8 Threads 4.5 Ghz (running at constant 4.45 Ghz)
32 GB DDR4 at 3000 Mhz (dual channel)
SDD NVME M2 Samsung Evo 500 GB
Svga Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (11 TFLOPS in FP32 and 11 GB GDDR5X RAM) with latest drivers.

And this is the detailed report :

Loading in Moi V3 with Mesh Angle of 10 + Add Detail

Memory occupied : 2.474 GB
Complete loading : 4 min and 38 secs
Complete loading + displaying all the geometry (until task manager cpu% value returned to zero) : in 4 min and 46 secs

3D Viewport performance : about 195-202~ millisecs

Loading in Moi V4 with Mesh Angle of 10 + Add Detail

Memory occupied : 2.474 GB
Complete loading : 3 min and 23 secs
Complete loading + displaying all the geometry (until task manager cpu% value returned to zero) : in 3 min and 30 secs

3D Viewport performance : about 192-201~ millisecs

Brief video to show viewport performance : http://take.ms/2KcSm

These are my final considerations :

1) Loading time of V4 is 1 min and 15 secs faster compared to V3 : very good result!!
Anyway I suppose (and hope) that these results could be even much better with a more optimized multicore routine.

2) Unfortunately I see that the viewport performance are almost identical...

But, as you said, this is only the very first beta and I'm confident that ASAP you will improve Moi's performance.
If I remember correctly, some times ago you have written that you are planning to include some sort of settings or internal behavior that
would make Moi able to use the all the power and the huge amount of Vram of the modern GPUs if one of them is found into the System.
I strongly hope so, because it's really a pity to see a GPU with 11GB and 11TFLOPS (and 480 GFLOPS in Fp64) almost underused.

I stay tuned.

Have a nice day and thanks for all.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.132 In reply to 8675.131 
Hi Marco, thanks for the additional test! For viewport performance that's actually great news for now that it's the same as V3 and not regressed. It's looking like the transition to 64-bit and using a new cross platform graphics layer have not run into problems.

> If I remember correctly, some times ago you have written that you are planning
> to include some sort of settings or internal behavior that would make Moi able to use
> the all the power and the huge amount of Vram of the modern GPUs if one of them is
> found into the System.

Yup, and I'm still planning on that and have some of the infrastructure needed for that in place, it's something that I'll continue once things stabilize and reach full parity with V3.

Thanks! - Michael
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