A free subd to NURBS solution
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
@ Stefan: Thanks for the info. I guess I'll stick to Max's subdiv tools for MoI.

@ Max / Michael: If you could build something like this for MoI, I'd gladly pay an extra sum for it — http://masterviacad.com/powerpackoverview/PowerPackPro/page36/page36.html

Here's a video:

The main difference with Max's current subdiv tools is that not every quad polygon is converted into a NURBS patch, but the patches are generated based on curvature and detail level, resulting in relatively lightweight, uncluttered solids. T-Splines works that way as well.

— Metin


metinseven.com — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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Message 8667.10 deleted 5 Nov 2019 by STEFAN

 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Metin,

i did a test with Max's subd script and the merge command in other software. I could bring down
the file size from 10 MB to 5,7 MB. Now i must find a way to replace the 3 and 5 edges pole areas,
because merge does not work well with them. If we had a least something like merge in MoI then
we would have a good start with MoI and Max's subd script, i would say. This is of course a time
consuming process, but IHMO worth to explore more.


EDITED: 5 Nov 2019 by STEFAN

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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8667.12 In reply to 8667.11 
Hi Stefan,


A few questions:

1: How did you get the nice all-quad topology on the Stanford bunny?

2: Which tool did you use for the merge command?



— Metin


metinseven.com — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Metin,

the quad mesh is auto retopo from 3DCoat or was it ZBrush (trial) ZRemesher,
i did years ago. Can't remember wich one i used...

The merge command i used is from ArtForm Pro 4.0 NURBS Modeler module.
But i think others like Rhino etc. have a merge command too.

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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8667.14 In reply to 8667.13 
Thanks Stefan!

Have a nice Sunday,

— Metin


metinseven.com — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
You're welcome Metin.

Have a nice Sunday too!

Best regards
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 From:  PaQ
8667.16 In reply to 8667.15 
I really hope/pray Max will find the time and will to work on the surface simplification from his amazing subdiv script. The work he did on the surface quality was (is) amazing !

Maybe it could even become a native MoI function ?
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 From:  mkdm
8667.17 In reply to 8667.16 
Hi PaQ.

@You : "...Maybe it could even become a native MoI function ?..."

You hit the crux of the matter :)

We all know that Michael is super super busy right now, but it could be amazing if he could bring the excellent job that Max did with subDiv tools,
into the "core" of Moi (doing a translation the Max's JS code into the native compiled language with which Moi was written)

I think, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so, that Max's subDiv code "deserve" to be stable part of Moi's core :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8667.18 In reply to 8667.17 
I was under the impression that there still some remaining issues about surface continuity at extraordinary vertices. Is that not the case anymore?

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8667.19 In reply to 8667.18 
@You ".. remaining issues about surface continuity at extraordinary vertices. Is that not the case anymore?"

Well...Maybe you're right but for what I've tested so far I didn't see any issues lately. But I'm not the best person to check this kind of "math" things.

Maybe it's a better idea to ask Max or other "math" guys here :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8667.20 In reply to 8667.19 
Hi Marco,

> Maybe you're right but for what I've tested so far I didn't see any issues lately.

Could you post a couple of the tests?

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8667.21 In reply to 8667.20 
@You : "...Could you post a couple of the tests?..."

Hmm...nothing serious model right now....only some old practicing but I have to search and I will post some 3dm file.

Maybe if you ask PaQ you will be provided with much more "heavy-duty" and reliable stuff :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
8667.22 In reply to 8667.20 
Michael please try this and see if you see something wrong with the "subDiv" elaboration.

I've made with V3. It's a very simple use-case.

The red mark id where I think there's some strange "flow" but i don't know. Please check the entire model if you can.

Hope this can help :) This is the best I can do right now.

This is the 3dm file : http://take.ms/rhLTD


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8667.23 In reply to 8667.22 
Hi Marco, well it looks pretty good. You have to do a pretty detailed reflection analysis to see any problems. (screenshots from Rhino Zebra analysis)

Some things are pieces that are tangent continuous but not curvature continuous like this:

So the question is - is that good enough for manufacturing? Maybe yes for some things and maybe no for others.

There are also corner spots where it's not quite G1 though:

Those are probably bigger issues.

So no doubt it's useful for a whole lot of cases but finicky industrial designers are going to be upset about those little details.

- Michael

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 From:  mkdm
8667.24 In reply to 8667.23 
Thank you very much Michael for this detailed analysis. Much appreciated!

Well...I was already aware of "continuity issues" with this kind of stuff but as I said today I don't have enough spare time to dig into it :)

But...Do you think that the G2 continuity offered by the Moi's "Blend" tool is enough to deal with this kind of things ?
Or we (and Max) should need a more extended set of tools to generate this kind of "continuity" SubDiv ?

@You : "...So no doubt it's useful for a whole lot of cases but finicky industrial designers are going to be upset about those little details..."

I understand.

So...this mean the end of our (or my) dream to see one day the "subDiv" script fused into the Moi's core engine ?



- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

> So...this mean the end of our (or my) dream to see one day the "subDiv" script fused into the Moi's core engine ?

With all due respect to Max's work, i would like to see a standalone version of a subd to NURBS solution.

Why, you never know what will happen in the future with Software solutions who work only for app x,x, or z.
Best example is T-Splines for Rhino, which Autodesk killed and then included in Fusion360. And if done right,
i would also assume that the price of MoI would increase drastically. See ViaCAD Pro when you have to buy
their subd to NURBS solution as an extra plug-in.

The person(s) who would take care of this problem *as a standalone product*, with crease edges functionality would
IMHO win the jackpot, in the 3D Industry.

Best regards
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 From:  mkdm
8667.26 In reply to 8667.25 
Hi Stefan.

I understand your point of view...

But...I was thinking only to a more "simple and limited" tool.
I mean the porting of the current Max's subDiv scripts, with a some degree of improvements, into the Moi's core tool set.

I was not thinking to a totally brand new "area" of Moi :)

Thanks for sharing.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  bemfarmer
Patents might be a consideration?
- Brian
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Well, the T-Splines folks are not the only ones who created such technology.
The IntegrityWare folks created a subd to nurbs solution (patend pending) too.
ViaCAD has subd to nurbs tech also. And if you look at Github there are
also things called T-Splines.

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