A free subd to NURBS solution
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8667.45 In reply to 8667.42 
Hi guys,

The Resurf application is very old, and looking at the examples it doesn't do anything other than what Max's tools already do in MoI — converting each polygon of a low-res quad mesh into NURBS surfaces to form a solid.

Being able to do this in MoI would make me a veeery happy man:

Video 1:

Video 2:


— Metin


visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design — https://metinseven.com

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Metin,

sure it is very old, but does it produce the same little errors
Michael has shown with Zebra Analysis on Marco's model?

That was the question... ;-)

Best regards
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 From:  mkdm
Hello Max and everyone.

I've assembled another (I hope) useful model to test the SubDiv scripts and its results.

I've made the base OBJs with Rocket3F and exported to Moi V3. Then applied the Max's SubDiv script.

Here's the 3DM file : http://take.ms/H7CMS

Here's the "Obj_Level_0.obj" : http://take.ms/yXXj4

Here's the "Obj_Level_1.obj" : http://take.ms/53rjXL

Please keep in mind that "Level_0" means that no subdivision was applied to the original obj model.
"Level_1" means that 1 level of Catmull-Clark subdivision was applied with Rocket3F to the obj model before exporting the obj to Moi.

In Moi I've used these settings to perform Max's SubDiv :

Now I don't have enough spare time to do an exhaustive checking of the subDiv results,
but you can use these stuff to make a test on your own, even better if you ca do a zebra analysis with a tool like Rhino or other.

As you can see within this 3dm file there are different "difficult" zones, different "criticality" areas for the SubDiv process.

Here's a Moi's screenshot :

I hope that this can help.

Have a nice day :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  pafurijaz
Hi everyone I would like to resume this discussion; the difference I noticed, using FreeShip to convert subdivision surfaces in addition to the extreme speed in generating nurbs surfaces, is also sometimes a clean and simple surface, and in some cases follows the edges of the object.
Then you could in moi3d select the edges of the surface to be sharp or to use as a limit of the surfaces a bit like when using the edges creases in Blender, before generation of surface.
A last one also gcad3d converts files in vrml1 format if someone want try my tips..
Below the link to the file that generates the nurbs but I'm not sure ..:P


Here a new test with the difference on patch generation, but even this is a bit mess, and will be awesome have the ability to determinate the edge of resulting surface even manually with some work flow on the script. But anyway the Max's script is very useful and that's one of the reasons I bought moi3d, which also works in Linux, and now I have a good CAD modeler for some task if someone want a done in Nubrs, but I'm too familiar with Blender where I do every thing also CAD design and sheet metal parts.


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