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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
move with hotkeys restrictions, similar to blender
move +x/y/z
wanna add one more future for softimage users )) middle click -> move with restrictions to closest bbox axis location

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
It's not dangerous to name your function with the same native one ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
8665.91 In reply to 8665.90 
i'm replacing natives with new ones, u can read comments where and what i've changed
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
move with hotkeys restrictions, similar to blender
move +
s - bounding box
a - screenspace (targetFrame)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.93 In reply to 8665.91 
Hi Cemortan_Tudor, so just a heads up - when you replace the standard commands you can encounter 2 problems later on when installing new versions. The first problem is the new install won't have your mods in place so you'll need to reapply them. The second one is if the standard command has any other new functionality added you will lose that new functionality if you just copy over your entire modified file rather than merging your changes in to the new one.

So you can do that if you wish but it's not recommended and you will likely encounter some problems down the road.

What I often see happening with this type of customization is that it tends to bind you to one particular MoI version for a long time and then you're not able to get bug fixes and other new things with new program version updates.

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
O hayo !
can u make a future that disables object selection while in wireframe mode (hidden brep's or faces)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.95 In reply to 8665.94 
Hi Cemortan_Tudor,

> can u make a future that disables object selection while in wireframe mode (hidden brep's or faces)

You can prevent an object from being selected by turning on its "locked" property, the Edit > Lock command will do that, or in the scene browser use Ctrl+click on the left status area.

Also another way you can screen objects from being selected is by turning on a selection filter. That's done in the scene browser by a Ctrl+click on the selection dot area.

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
8665.96 In reply to 8665.95 
Intuitively that should be turned on by default

Unfortunately if any 'esc' event will cancel filters
Toggle shaded mode
script:/*!Toggle shaded mode */ var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps();var hide = true; for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { var faces = breps.item(i).getFaces(); if ( i == 0 ) hide = !faces.item(0).hidden; faces.setProperty( 'hidden', hide ); } if (moi.selection.isFilterActive( 'Types', 'Edges')) moi.selection.clearSelectionFilters(); else {moi.selection.setFilter( 'Types', 'Edges', true); moi.selection.setFilter( 'Types', 'Points', true); moi.selection.setFilter( 'Types', 'Curves', true);}
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
i haven't thought that fillet can fail on curves
red - points selection to fillet -> if number is bigger then 1.66 fails to fillet, radius should allow that (no points nearby)
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
found smt today and it's awesome ! Copy paste between Moi & Rhino ! Great one & thanks !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.99 In reply to 8665.97 
Hi Cemortan_Tudor,

> i haven't thought that fillet can fail on curves
> red - points selection to fillet -> if number is bigger then 1.66 fails to fillet, radius should allow that (no points nearby)

Can you please post the .3dm file with your curve in it?

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor

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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
O hayo !
several questions for today !
1. Are any other waiting events then pointpicker ? If so how do I write them ? ( ex: I wanna do a script that runs from 2 hotkeys, c +q, c +w or c +r)
2. I've read changelog of v4, there's a future that can store history from file to file, i thought i might be handy for storing history of fillets/chamfers or other global variables -> Notes, how do i write, get from notes, examples please
3. another script that can be handy will be to give smallest fillet possible, detecting smallest edge - there's a script for that, but connected to the selected edges list how do i get them !
4. get point position other then moi.ui.alert
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.102 In reply to 8665.101 
Hi Cemortan_Tudor, thanks for posting the curve fillet file. I have a fix for that for the next v4 beta.

> 1. Are any other waiting events then pointpicker ? If so how do I write them ? ( ex: I
> wanna do a script that runs from 2 hotkeys, c +q, c +w or c +r)

There are other waitable objects than the pointpicker, including PointStreamPicker, ObjectPicker, OrientationEditor, CommandUIContainer, and PopupWindow which is the base class for flyout menus and dialogs. You can make an event loop calling waitForEvent() on any of those.

But for making a script that runs from 2 separate keypresses in sequence probably the way I'd try that is to open a dialog box on the first keystroke. Then when a dialog box has focus it can intercept all keystrokes and handle them with its own script code including overriding any normal shortcut key handling for the keyboard event.

You do that by implementing script functions for OnKeyDownEvent( event ) and/or OnKeyUpEvent ( event ) in a <script> block inside the dialog box .htm file. There's an example and comments in ShortcutKeyDialog.htm , that's the dialog that pops up when you add a new shortcut key.

> 2. I've read changelog of v4, there's a future that can store history from file to file, i thought i
> might be handy for storing history of fillets/chamfers or other global variables -> Notes, how do
> i write, get from notes, examples please

Well the notes is supposed to be used for storing some text information that can be displayed to the user just for additional information about the file. You can access it by moi.geometryDatabase.notes . It is stored in the .3dm file.

> 3. another script that can be handy will be to give smallest fillet possible, detecting
> smallest edge - there's a script for that, but connected to the selected edges list
> how do i get them !

Do you mean the largest possible fillet? There are many factors that would go into that beyond just edge length. For example fillets are wider or shorter depending on the angle that 2 surfaces are meeting at (see http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=9815.7 for an example) , it's not just edge length that determines the maximum size.

> 4. get point position other then moi.ui.alert

You mean you want to display x,y,z coordinates somewhere on the main window instead of in an alert dialog? Where do you want to show them?

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
I know that's not vanilla, that's why i'm adding comments where I'm adding script for vanilla, later on other installations will be welcome to dl this scripts/modify
I'd wish to have a hardOps hotkey helper - xD far from that

added hotkey for closing curve/polyline while drawing
'c' - close curve
- Tudor -

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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
reworked offset curves
added hotkeys
r - realtime or throught pt
d - distance
s - sharp/round
t - trim
c - cap ends
b - both sides

wanna add one more future, dont know how to do it !
if on brep first point was on surface - restrict to normal, there's restrictToObject (dont know much about it) and havent found normal* as reference scripting
- Tudor -

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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
fillet curves
if selected more than 1 fails - i've read fillet script, it fails from start
earlier I was trying to fillet curves after array - now i know why it fails, for solids it might skip(process time), but for curve I think will be welcome
About max distance - wanna start with curves, later will see where it will come,
Before that let's say they are 2 types of fillets - one only with corners, others curves with curvature (curves.js)
*for corners - task one can be done
found article on wikipedia, math around

*for curvature
haven't found any curvature scripts related (forum)
don't now yet about math - but there should be one !!!!
to find ~ S shape of meeting tangency circles on a curve


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.106 In reply to 8665.104 
Hi Tudor,

> wanna add one more future, dont know how to do it !
> if on brep first point was on surface - restrict to normal, there's restrictToObject
> (dont know much about it) and havent found normal* as reference scripting

To restrict a point pick on a surface normal you would need both the point on the surface and also the surface normal.

Then on the pointpicker, there's a restrictToLinePtDir( pt, dir ) function you can call.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.107 In reply to 8665.105 
Hi Tudor,

> fillet curves
> if selected more than 1 fails - i've read fillet script, it fails from start

If you select 2 separate curves it will do a fillet between those curves, that's to support AutoCAD style fillets.

> About max distance - wanna start with curves, later will see where it will come,
> Before that let's say they are 2 types of fillets - one only with corners, others
> curves with curvature (curves.js)

Sorry I'm not understanding this part.

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
expanding hotkeys
setting filters
s - Solids
f - Faces
b - Surfaces
e - Edges/Curves
v - Points
d - Annotations
- Tudor -

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