yes, thats what i've wanted
u've reworked after all )))
I haven't read v4 script changelog
one future that i wanna add is to deselect edges and add factory to selection since most likely will be a join or union after that,
found only SelectLastCommandCreated from and it works after end of the script
inside script with getCreatedObjects() will try to make planar from current selection -> error.
So it's good as it is !
thanks !
mirror Y
selected objects will mirror only one direction on Y axis and will be renamed with mirrorY,
on next pushed button all mirror will be deleted and replaced with new one (getBoundingBox check)
addded 'R' hotkey for round corners
I'd wish to combine all 3 together under one runtime fuction with option to change to another one, later mb will do
also wanna ask if is any rect3pts with a center point , mirror being the first point, on axis of second
selection 1, 2 ,3
red square should be as mirror, final result should be 2, 3 and right bottom corner of red square
could be written, i'm asking if smt like this was done before
Hi Cemortan_Tudor, sorry the part I don't understand is if you want to make a mirror of an existing rectangle why not use the Transform > Mirror command (or Transform > Copy) to do it rather than rectangle 3 pts?
However if you do want to use a 3 point rectangle for that you can use Construction lines to do point mirroring. When you place a construction line the mirrored end is available as a snap point. Here's an example:
Thats the desired action, result
i'm doing now in 2 ways. except manual
1. make a rectangle, mirror, adjust, union
2. make a rectangle with center, move, adjust points
Hi Cemortan_Tudor, I'm not sure if I understand correctly but if you want to make a rectangle with 3 points but with the first point being at the midpoint of the rectangle's edge you can do that now by placing one construction line at the start to get the snap points you need. When you create a construction line the mirrored point is available as a snap point to enable things like this:
move with hotkeys restrictions, similar to blender
move +x/y/z
wanna add one more future for softimage users )) middle click -> move with restrictions to closest bbox axis location
Hi Cemortan_Tudor, so just a heads up - when you replace the standard commands you can encounter 2 problems later on when installing new versions. The first problem is the new install won't have your mods in place so you'll need to reapply them. The second one is if the standard command has any other new functionality added you will lose that new functionality if you just copy over your entire modified file rather than merging your changes in to the new one.
So you can do that if you wish but it's not recommended and you will likely encounter some problems down the road.
What I often see happening with this type of customization is that it tends to bind you to one particular MoI version for a long time and then you're not able to get bug fixes and other new things with new program version updates.