not quite that i'm searching for
there's a filter for curves biggest, smallest, or min/max , but I'm searching for edges
example - extrude taped, select one side edge of taped - run the script -> fillet/chamfer
or draw a rectangle, extrude by x amount, select 1 edge of height - run the script, or select the edge of original rectangle run the script
i've forgot lots of moi's scripting
select desired edge
moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getEdges().item(0).getLength(); get's edge selection length
get parent object(want only for current selection, in case there are duplicates of same object), get edges, loop through edges, if there's similar length - select
or if i Have a selected edge how can i get object numEdges count for the loop
by my understanding it should be ~ moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getTopLevelObjects().item(0).getEdges().numEdges
moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects() -> selected
.getTopLevelObjects() -> object itself
.item(0) - object nr
.getEdges() - all the edges
.numEdges - count edges
that doesn't work