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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
Shortcuts for manipulation:
Fillet; Inset; Shell ; Offset(Brep)

Numpad+ -> value + value/2
Shift+Numpad+ -> value + value/10
Numpad- -> value - value /3
Shift+Numpad- -> value + value/10
Numpad* -> value*value
Numpad/ -> value/value
- Tudor -

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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
Added additional script interface for Curve and CurveSegment objects.
For both Curves and CurveSegments:

wasn't any mention about edges, will try !
- Tudor -
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
About align - 3d viewport -> I think it should be aligned along camera position - not along axis
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.139 In reply to 8665.137 
Hi Tudor,

> wasn't any mention about edges, will try !

Edge curves and "standalone" curves have the same curve interface object.

> About align - 3d viewport -> I think it should be aligned along camera position - not along axis

Can you show an example of what you mean?

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
Unified under one command Union and Join ~ they do they same, need more testing
- Tudor -

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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
based on camera angle what's left/right/top/bottom

- Tudor -

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.142 In reply to 8665.141 
Hi Tudor, that's an interesting idea. But what if your camera angle is right near a switchover spot? That would probably mean that you could get in a situation where you move the camera a slight amount and get a big shift in the result.

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
8665.143 In reply to 8665.142 
yes, but at the current align i have to guess what button should i press
for static i could change to orto views !


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.144 In reply to 8665.143 
Hi Tudor, you don't have to guess if you look at the x/y/z axis tripod display in the lower left corner:

- Michael

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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
dont have them xD well, it was a suggestion(intuitively will be right and left - ! all we know what it means xD no x & y's - it was written right side ! why it haves weird xD ))

I'm in another propose script ~ isolate update
now - the way it works it now it isolates objects, next call unhides all
what i want - isolate to update on selected objects(ex: doing some operation on objects, isolate to work further), on deselect - call isolate - unhide all. for that i need a global variable ! as I've read scripts all variables are inside scripts (i'm still learning js)
benefits - hitting twice isolate to work further - not to much ~ clicking saving


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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
options vanilla - save current color style as default
I respect blender for community they've grow
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
cplane as internal doesn't have options locating hotkeys reset, etc

I like pointpicker.addSnapPoint( startpt, moi.ui.getText('Closed snap') ); -> moi.ui.getText()
can it be fixed at a viewport camera position (aka : bottom right; wanna do mini helper for added hotkeys that i'm doing ~ https://youtu.be/8k2NGWrKbj4?t=1239 bottom right ) only when moved over show helper (new lines will be welcome) : personalized -> mb yes -> if u won't see growth in this direction ! (I know that u want viewport as clean as possible, asking for ~ a helper point/style without can be improved - need agreement )
this also can be applied to filters ( which I have to have opened browser to view which one is active - aka edg/faces/solids/so on)
- Tudor -
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.148 In reply to 8665.145 
Hi Tudor,

> now - the way it works it now it isolates objects, next call unhides all

No, that's not how it works now. The way it works now is on the first call it saves a snapshot of the hide/show state of all objects to internal memory, then it does an isolate. The next time you trigger it, it restores things to the pre-isolate snapshot.

For example starting with 6 objects, these 4 are hidden:

Select this object:

Do Isolate, now it is the only one visible and the other 5 are hidden:

Do Isolate a second time, only the object that was visible when the first Isolate was done is visible, not the other 4 objects which remain hidden:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.149 In reply to 8665.146 
Hi Tudor,

> options vanilla - save current color style as default
> I respect blender for community they've grow

You can do that in MoI by saving a .3dm file with the colors set how you want, then set it as the startup template file under Options > General > Template file, the styles in that file will be used as your default ones when you start up MoI or when you do a File > New :

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.150 In reply to 8665.147 
Hi Tudor:

> cplane as internal doesn't have options locating hotkeys reset, etc

You can set up a shortcut key for cplane reset by putting in this on a shortcut key:

script: moi.view.resetCPlane();

Also a right-click on the View > CPlane button is a shortcut for reset.

> I like pointpicker.addSnapPoint( startpt, moi.ui.getText('Closed snap') ); -> moi.ui.getText()
> can it be fixed at a viewport camera position (aka : bottom right; wanna do mini helper for
> added hotkeys that i'm doing ~ https://youtu.be/8k2NGWrKbj4?t=1239 bottom right )
> only when moved over show helper (new lines will be welcome) :

There isn't any mechanism for displaying viewport text at a fixed screen location, I would recommend using a dialog for something that stays fixed on screen rather than a viewport display object.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.151 In reply to 8665.147 
Hi Tudor,

> this also can be applied to filters ( which I have to have opened browser to view which one is
> active - aka edg/faces/solids/so on)

It would be a good idea to have an additional indicator for a filter being active up here somewhere, I've added that to my list of things to look into after v4 is finished.

- Michael

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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
1. About isolate - it's not my idea !
It comes from softimage - it has several layers of hidden properties
1. render - can overrides lower layers
2. groups - individual only manual changed - overrides lower layers
3. layers ~ similar to objects name in moi
2. individuals ~ moi - selected object hide
1. isolate - lowest level (can tunnel from isolate to isolate until 1 object will remain - nothing else then exit)

2. Ini - thanks

3. Cplane - my idea is to combine hotkeys under groups, later expand them (c only for cplane, hotkeys after part of cplane grouping - aka reset)
~ on rest of scripts there's a waitable object where it can be placed, here i can't setup under a group
- Tudor -
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.153 In reply to 8665.152 
Hi Tudor,

> 1. About isolate - it's not my idea !
> It comes from softimage - it has several layers of hidden properties
> 1. render - can overrides lower layers
> 2. groups - individual only manual changed - overrides lower layers
> 3. layers ~ similar to objects name in moi
> 2. individuals ~ moi - selected object hide
> 1. isolate - lowest level (can tunnel from isolate to isolate until 1 object will remain - nothing else then exit)

Sounds very complicated.

> 3. Cplane - my idea is to combine hotkeys under groups, later expand them (c only
> for cplane, hotkeys after part of cplane grouping - aka reset)
> ~ on rest of scripts there's a waitable object where it can be placed,
> here i can't setup under a group

Yes, the cplane's event loop happens to be implemented with C++ code inside moi_lib.dll instead of in
script code so there isn't any way you can alter that one. You would have to set up your own
script for it instead.

- Michael
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
now i'm more confused
expanding http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=8818.15 curve explorer
there where only numbers, i've change them to annotation text
1. after saving with annotations, reloading annotations will change positions !
2. crv - evaluateCurvature - understand it's trying to evaluate several connected control pts ?!?!?!
3. tg - evaluateTangent - shoudn't be perpedicular ?
4. evaluateDerivatives - what are those ? (1,2,3 - too far away, pointed direction)

with this script, arrows point different direction (I guess It's correct one, arrows are tangent*)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.155 In reply to 8665.154 
Hi Tudor,

> 1. after saving with annotations, reloading annotations will change positions !

There is a bug with the anchor point switching around when you save/reload annotation text block objects, it's fixed for the next beta.

> 2. crv - evaluateCurvature - understand it's trying to evaluate several connected control pts ?!?!?!

I'm not sure what you're asking here.

> 3. tg - evaluateTangent - shoudn't be perpedicular ?

No, a curve tangent is not perpendicular to a curve, it's the direction the curve is traveling in at that point, like this:

> 4. evaluateDerivatives - what are those ? (1,2,3 - too far away, pointed direction)

That would take a long time to explain, you could try some online descriptions like:

Or check out:
"NURB Curves: A Guide for the Uninitiated" by Philip J. Schneider

These values are vectors that represent directions, it maybe sounds like you're interpreting them as point location values instead of vector directions?

- Michael



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