move + a
*about history, I dont have enough time to go deep into it, I thought will be welcome some kind of history - *Notes
*smallest fillets i'll work on it more, found some scripts and posts on v4 version that might help - curve explorer and ordered curves
*point position - yes, x,y,z somewhere in moi explorer without scripting
*about normals - seems smt new to v4, like it, when offsetting u getting notification of a normal plane to extrude ~ it's the same as perpendicular to a point, normals for me sounds more familiar - was searching for that terminology
some more that i'm interested
moi htlm functions if there's a collection of them - aka moi:options; moi:text; moi:Numeric .. so on
hidden moi factories xD discovered that arrow and might be others same category (aka - dimensions arrowhead)
ctrl clone -> to pick last duplicate todo modifications - as an option ? often it comes that i have to change position/size so on
there's a script
script:var a = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionStart; var b = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionEnd; var objects = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i ) { var obj = objects.item(i); if ( obj.databaseRevision> a && obj.databaseRevision <= b ) obj.selected = true; }
I dont understand it - doesn't respond to ctrl clone/dublicate as well - only to scripts ?
~ buggy
alt + right click - shouldn't repeat last command -> It's supposed to be zoom
and Thanks !
- Tudor - |