Tiles and tile maps
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8663.6 In reply to 8663.5 
Hello Brian,
thanks for the infos - that makes something clear for me. It is similar to James patterns in this post: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=7777.577
You may have a look to the shift-dublicate node - maybe it can help you - the difference to the progression node in arithmetic mode is that the input can take an array and shifts all values.

Have a nice day

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 From:  bemfarmer
Script select object by name, part of the puzzle.
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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.8 In reply to 8663.6 
Thanks Karsten,
More study to be done after work.
- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
8663.9 In reply to 8663.5 
Hi Brian,

Thank you for drawing my attention to Truchet tiling.
I had not been aware my earlier post was an example of them.

I followed your links, and after some further research
I have made another example:

Thank again for the inspiration

EDITED: 6 Nov 2017 by JFH

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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.10 In reply to 8663.9 
Thanks James.

I've fallen behind on all the node editor posts, due to too much work/family duties, and did not realize your prior activity:-)

Currently looking for Surf convert .js

- Brian

Maybe it is hiding in a macro?
OK, it is in a macro, but I still need isoCrvs.js :-)
OK, basicfunctions goes under libs subdirectory in extensions.
Also, should add to nodeeditor wiki docs to check out macros, if a node is red (missing).

OK, do Karsten's menu cleanup from here:
Then do the object2.js update from James.
Now Jame's Truchet.nod runs.
To fix Jame's RandomWrap7.nod, replace IsoCrvs programming rectangle with IsoCrvs rectangle from construct2 menu.
Delete the old IsoCrvs rectangle, and Save the menu-updated node to RandomWrap7.nod.
(should add to wiki)
(Note, IsoCrvs was in a test menu area, and Karsten moved it to construct2 menu.)


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 From:  James (JFH)
8663.11 In reply to 8663.10 
Hi Brian,

I awoke to your tortured post of all the obstacles you
had to surmount in order to get my .nod files to run.

It was a worthwhile exercise to go through,
to update to NE mod with Karsten's rationalised menu,
however I'm sorry that I had not updated my earlier
post attachment. It is done now.

Are you a windows user? I only ask because Karsten
outlines a streamlined method of updating old .nod files
to work with his new NE mod. Found in his original post:


EDITED: also updated attachments:

EDITED: 6 Nov 2017 by JFH

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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.12 In reply to 8663.11 
Hi James,
Never owned, nor used a Mac, maybe someday.

Figuring out a little about the nodes was a great learning experience, and helped understanding forum talk.

- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
I'm making slow progress on my 2D Truchet tile script, and had a question.

I would like to keep edges of a few 2D surfaces hidden, as they impact the display of the surfaces.
But even after hiding the edges, Copy un-hides the edges.

Is it possible to do a Copy, and keep the edges hidden?

- Brian

Found an answer:


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 From:  James (JFH)
8663.14 In reply to 8663.13 
Hi Brian

I have returned to original truchet pattern, but with a different approach.
To do this I have created a macro: ArcCenter. Hopefully this will be replaced
with an Arc node with centre, 3 points and tangent options in the near future.

Given that it is covering old ground, I have posted it here rather than
"playing with nodes" thread because I thought it may be a interest to you alone.

Have a great weekend

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH


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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.15 In reply to 8663.14 
Hi James,

I have not studied the node, but made some observations:
Formation takes about 30 seconds +/-.
Apply yields "exception occurred, line 528", and geometry vanishes when node editor window is closed."
But I was able to save the geometry to a .3dm at about 30 seconds+, while node was open.

Note: Slot of a basic math node is remove-able by right clicking on dot.
I need to learn meaning of wire colors...

- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
8663.16 In reply to 8663.15 
Hi Brian,

<< Formation takes about 30 seconds +/-......exception occurred, line 528>>

That's odd...For me node generates result in 8 seconds, without error message.
I wonder if someone else might run this nod file and see if issue is repeated:

<<and geometry vanishes when node editor window is closed>>

That's true for all (or most) nod files. You need to click "Apply" button to bake out geometry, otherwise it is a preview only.

<< I need to learn meaning of wire colors...>>
Greenish = numbers
Magenta = points
Yellow = objects


EDITED: 11 Nov 2017 by JFH

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 From:  James (JFH)
8663.17 In reply to 8663.15 
Hi Brian,

I have uploaded a revised version of file (attached)
that is reduced in file size by more than a third,
though it does not run any faster (still 8 seconds for me).

Please try, and if error persists, please take screen grab
of error message, so that I might ascertain in which node
the line 528 exception lies.


EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.18 In reply to 8663.17 
Hi James,
Time is still about 30 seconds, on my very good Windows computer, with lots of memory and SSD drive.
Apply causes exception, copy attached.
Possiby my nodeeditor setup is different than yours. (?)
File is ~4,144 kb.

- Brian
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Message 8663.19 deleted 14 May 2019 by JFH

 From:  bemfarmer
8663.20 In reply to 8663.19 
Hi James
After nap, here is the exception.
Copied your extensions. Construct2, max_subdiv..., and basicFunctions slightly different.
Same 30 seconds, same exception upon apply.

- Brian

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
8663.21 In reply to 8663.19 
Hi, James,

I had some trouble running the nod, but after copying your extension folder, all works properly.
Takes about 7 seconds.

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Message 8663.22 deleted 12 Nov 2017 by JFH

Message 8663.23 deleted 12 May 2019 by JFH

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
I tried to reproduce this error using extensions files from James' post.
Everything works good for me. I tested this node with the last NE release (v.0.97) and with v.0.98 (not released yet).
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 From:  bemfarmer
Very weird.
I renamed nodeeditor directory, and reinstalled version 0.97 to a new nodeeditor directory, and loaded Jame's extension subdirectory.
Same 30 second, error message.
(One time MoI crashed.)

Also tried computer reboot.

Tried loading nod from shortcut key, same result.

- Brian
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