Tiles and tile maps
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Message 8663.22 deleted 12 Nov 2017 by JFH

Message 8663.23 deleted 12 May 2019 by JFH

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
I tried to reproduce this error using extensions files from James' post.
Everything works good for me. I tested this node with the last NE release (v.0.97) and with v.0.98 (not released yet).
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 From:  bemfarmer
Very weird.
I renamed nodeeditor directory, and reinstalled version 0.97 to a new nodeeditor directory, and loaded Jame's extension subdirectory.
Same 30 second, error message.
(One time MoI crashed.)

Also tried computer reboot.

Tried loading nod from shortcut key, same result.

- Brian
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8663.26 In reply to 8663.25 
Hi Brian,
Right now I tested this node with NE 0.95, 0.97, 0.98 using Win and Mac versions. ~5 seconds. No errors on Apply.
Try to rename moi.ini file and run MoI with default settings.
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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.27 In reply to 8663.26 
Thank you Max.

I saved my current Moi.ini file, by renaming it.
I was unable, so far, to locate default Moi.ini, but saw one called MarvsMoi.ini, from 2015, and renamed it Moi.ini.

Success running the truchetSweep3 nod, about 6 seconds., and apply works, 0.97 version.

So something in my previous moi.ini file causes the previous failure...

- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.28 In reply to 8663.27 
OK, reverted to my moi.ini file that caused the problem.
My mesh angle was set to 1, (very low).
Changed mesh angle to 15, and now the truchetSweep3 nod works just fine.
(Maybe caused a memory problem with too low a mesh?)

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8663.29 In reply to 8663.28 
Hi Brian, yes a mesh angle of 1 degree will generate very dense display meshes. That would make it likely to run out of memory when dealing with more complex geometry and also take quite a bit more time as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
8663.30 In reply to 8663.28 
Hi Brian,

I set angle to 1 and reproduced this error. I'll add a couple of checks in Output node to avoid this error, but first I'll test NE with upcoming MoI v4.
Also it seems that mesh angle affects on factories performance, so it will be better to use larger values with nodeeditor.
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 From:  bemfarmer
Thanks Michael, Max, and James.
- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
Under MoI4, my incomplete draft 2D truchet tile (.js) script is lightning fast, with no edge "flicker". :-)
- B
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8663.33 In reply to 8663.32 
Hi Brian, yeah that will be because of the change in threading model for how scripts are run. In MoI v3 scripts were run in a separate process and used inter-process communication with MoI.exe to retrieve properties and such. That has a fair amount of overhead but it also made it difficult for an errant script to lock up MoI because it could be torn down any time by killing the worker process. In V4 the .js script file for a command is run on the main thread so there's no interprocess communication (same as if in V3 you moved your code over to the .htm file) so a lot less overhead, but it's also easier for it to lock things up if it doesn't behave well like if it just churns away continuously in a loop too much.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Using Notepad++ only, I just lost 1.5 hours work on my draft script documentation, despite multiple saves :-(
And I was doing such a good job too.

- Brian
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
8663.35 In reply to 8663.34 
What happened?
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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.36 In reply to 8663.35 
Hi Mike,
I made a bunch of edits of documentation, saving about a dozen times.
Then I decided to close Notepad++. There was a message that some directory was gone, and did I want to save the file.
I clicked yes, , and that was the end of my file, but I still have the one from yesterday.
Note that Notepad++ will sometimes backup to appdata, and that there is a 3 level backup system under Notepad++/Settings/Preferences/Backup
none, simple, and verbose. In ignorance, mine was set to none. Now it is set to simple.
( I have had some recent file copy problems/weirdness...)
- Brian


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8663.37 In reply to 8663.36 
Hi Brian, I'd be worried that your hard drive may be dying. Might be a good time to make a full disk image backup to an external drive, and try to check SMART status https://www.howtogeek.com/134735/how-to-see-if-your-hard-drive-is-dying/

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.38 In reply to 8663.37 
Thanks for the link Michael.
CrystalDistkInfo says drive are good.
I'll do a backup this PM...
Cdrive is SSD, and I also have D and G drive.

- B
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
8663.39 In reply to 8663.36 
So is mine - now!
Thanks for the tip.
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 From:  bemfarmer
8663.40 In reply to 8663.39 
One web place said to use the "verbose backup."
- B
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 From:  bemfarmer
Hi Michael,

Given an objectlist filtered from MoI's geometry database, containing say BRep surfaces and Curves,

Is there javascript code to determine the object.type of the various objects in the objectlist?

The question is asked, because Curves do not contain .edges, and I am hiding .edges after using copy.

(Alternatively, I can filter the geometry database, and get two objectlists, and hide the edges for the BReps, and then concatenate the Curves.)

function selectTileCurves( tileName )
//var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects();
//Next line is a test line, to select only curves.
var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getCurves();
//Next line is a test line, to exclude curves.
//var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps();
for ( var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i )
var obj = objs.item(i);
if ( obj.name == tileName )
obj.selected = true;

The question is also asked, because if edges are not hidden, boundaries between surfaces do not look as good.
(unhidden edges do work well visually, if there is only one surface, with screen background.)

Having one Curve at the boundary improves the visual look, by reducing "pixel jaggedness."

- Brian

(I have the truchet tile script working well, but am trying to tune up the boundaries between colors or tones, with hidden edges.
I have code from the forum to hide the edges.)

EDITED: 23 Nov 2017 by BEMFARMER

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