Rebuild dense nurbs mesh to lighter one after importing it as obj/subd (script)
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 From:  mkdm
8622.12 In reply to 8622.8 
Hi bartosh44!

@You : "...Pardon me. I didn't mean to be rude. Thanks for your answers and for time..."

Ok. It's all right. You're welcome.

@You : "...I`ve seen on your movie that you have some fancy icons palette. How to turn it on..."

Well...that fancy icons palette it's part of a huge Moi's UI rewrite I did some times ago.
It includes some plugins also.
I wanted many times to publish my whole Moi's folder with all my UI's plugins and extensions, as I wrote some times in some posts,
but so far, unfortunately, I never had time to cleanup all the html/js code and the Moi's folder in order to create something easily "testable" by all other users.

For the moment all that I can do is to give you the links to the original posts where I talked about this topic :

"Showcase of very personal Moi"
This is not very useful because it's only a showcase of my personal Moi

"Scripts Icons Gallery"
Although this is not referring to what you are asking for, it's another UI's plugin that I wrote some times ago and that I daily use.
If you want to personalize your Moi in that way, you will find all the instructions into the original post.

But I want to advice you that you have to do some heavy modification on some Moi's files and if you are new to Moi maybe it's better not to do.
Or, at least, it's better that you first make a complete backup of your actual Moi's folder.

Unfortunately actually I haven't extra spare time to help you in this configuration.

Maybe some some day I will be able to publish my whole Moi's folder and you or others will be able to easily test it.

That's all!

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8622.13 In reply to 8622.10 
Hello James,


It seems that we are missing a Network node;-) And rebuild curve would also help for a complete toolchain!

In a first step we can use a loft for u or for v, but it's not the same!

Have a nice day
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 From:  mkdm
8622.14 In reply to 8622.13 
Hi Karsten.

@You : "...It seems that we are missing a Network node;-) ..."

Maybe I don't remember well, but...Network node had not already been written by someone ?

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Barry-H
Hi James,
I can not get a result having followed your instructions.
The node loads ok and runs but no result so not sure if
I'm missing something.
Any thoughts?
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 From:  James (JFH)
8622.16 In reply to 8622.15 
Hi Barry

Try the attached, ensuring that "pretopologize.3dm" is opened prior to loading "retopologize3.nod"
"SelectByName" will auto load surface for re-topologizing.


EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH

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 From:  Barry-H
8622.17 In reply to 8622.16 
Hi James,

found the problem when I opened the retopologize macro the IsoCrvs & mPathArray node are in red meaning I don't have them.
So can you post them or point to where they are on the forum please.

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 From:  James (JFH)
8622.18 In reply to 8622.17 
Hi Barry,

Replace nodes/extensions folder with one from here:

It would be prudent to make a copy of existing extensions folder
just in case you need to reinstate it.

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 From:  Barry-H
8622.19 In reply to 8622.18 
Hi James,
sorry still no luck getting the following error message.
Image Attachments:
Size: 151.2 KB, Downloaded: 28 times, Dimensions: 600x562px
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 From:  mkdm
8622.20 In reply to 8622.19 
Hi Barry.

I'm running "retopologize" nodes with LATEST 0.97 version of NE and all works fine.

You are running 0.96

Maybe that is the problem.

Marco (mdkm)
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Message 8622.21 deleted 14 May 2019 by JFH

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8622.22 In reply to 8622.19 
Hello Barry,

it Looks like you don't have basicFunctions.js in extensions\libs Folder.
The additional nodes should work since V0.85 up to now.

Have a nice day
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 From:  Barry-H
thank you all for your answers it's working fine as Karsten said I was missing the basicFunctions.js
Cheers James it's going to be a useful node.
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 From:  mdesign
8622.24 In reply to 8622.4 

Does that method work on full three dimensional objects or only on planes?

May I change mesh in your way (like on your video tutorial) on model like that:

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