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 From:  Colin
855.7 In reply to 855.4 
Hi Michael,

Just been playing with the update for the Sweep & checking out how this new added feature works.
Not sure if it's just me or if there's a slight problem with it? (more than likely it's me!!)

With the open circle sweep, I've selected the small circle on the right, then the star on the left, then selected the open circle as the rail by clicking it near the small circle end.
I expected that the star shape would start at the left side, then morph into the small circle at the right side.
But it seems to be working in reverse, that is the star shape sweeps itself from the right hand side.

I've tried different variations of the profile selection & can eventually get it to work, but thought I'd check with you in case it's a bug??
Or could it just be the way I've decided to lay the profiles out??

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
855.8 In reply to 855.7 
Hi Colin,

> With the open circle sweep, I've selected the small circle on the right, then the star on the left,

What's happening here is at this point, MoI does not pay attention to which profile was clicked first (the circle or the star), it is processing these in just a left-to-right order (as arranged along the x-axis).

It's really more intended that you would place the profiles next to each other in left-to-right order, more like this:

So that's why it is behaving like that, the star will always be the first profile since it is on the left side. Since it is the first profile, the star will be the one that is placed near the end of the rail path that you click.

It's also best to place them a little bit away from the rail, if you have them too close to the rail MoI will assume that you have placed them in the position that you want and won't automatically move and rotate them perpendicular to the rail.

Does that make sense? Let me know if you need additional info.

There are kind of a few subtle mechanisms going on here (left-to-right order, placing profiles away from the rail or directly on the rail...) - at some point I'd like to try and figure some more direct way of controlling these things.

- Michael

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 From:  3dvisuals dude (ODWYERVISUALS)
Thank you Michael,

This is an absolutely awesome new feature, I love it!

Well done!

- 3dvisuals dude
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 From:  anthony
855.10 In reply to 855.9 
If you get script errors with the new "Sweep.js" remember to install this patch too:
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 From:  Colin
855.11 In reply to 855.8 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the explanation, that makes perfect sense to me.
I had a feeling that it was something simple that I was missing within the process.

With this kind of Sweep I'll make a point of setting up my profiles on the left hand side, in line with each other & a bit more away from the rail.

regards Colin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
855.12 In reply to 855.11 
Hi Colin, I'm glad that makes sense now.

One subtle part is whether "auto-place" mode kicks in or not.

The way it is controlled is if your profile curves intersect with the bounding box around the rail curve (like one example is if they are touching it, but it is actually controlled by whether it is inside the box around it), then auto-place mode will be _off_. That means that MoI will not move or rotate your profiles, they will be taken directly from their current positions and then swept along the rail curve.

Otherwise, if your curves are outside of the box around the rail curve, auto-place mode will be activated, and MoI will move and rotate your curves to be perpendicular to the rail before sweeping them.

So that's what placing the profiles off to the side does - it just makes it easier to make sure that auto-place mode is enabled.

- Michael
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