How to get rid of all filleting issues if you don't need a REAL fillet
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 From:  PaQ
8512.33 In reply to 8512.32 
Sweeeeeeeeet :)
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 From:  Finema
8512.34 In reply to 8512.13 
Can you show me how to process in Houdini ?
I don(see the sequence of nodes in the image posted.

EDITED: 20 Jul 2017 by FINEMA

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 From:  mkdm
8512.35 In reply to 8512.27 
Hi PaQ.

Echoing the words of Finema, I also need a little more help.

As I said some days ago, these days I've absolutely no decent amount of free time to learn the very basics of Houdini,
and I have tried to replicate the nodes you posted in your images but without good results.

I mean, I replicated the node structure (clearly without the loop, because I'm testing only one object) to have a starting obj model in input and an ending node that should have created the object with rounded edges, but I think I did not quite understand the way the node "VDBfrompolygons" works.
Does it makes some sort of "voxelization" ?

The image you posted is not enough detailed to see it clearly.

And as resulting obj file I get is a tremendously huge 300 MB obj file, while the input it's only a very simple test file of less than 100KB!

I'm doing something wrong...

My aim is to get better results compared to 3D-Coat only for this particular very common operation (round sharp edges).
I mean better in terms of workflow, speed, quality results, lightweight model.

Actually I only know the 3D-Coat method and i would like to compare it with Houdini.

Please, could you post an example Houdini scene containing the minimum node setup in order to perform an example of "round edges" workflow ?

Thanks a lot.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
8512.36 In reply to 8512.32 
Hi Michael.

@You : "...Right now I'm experimenting with some ideas on speeding up the display engine for large models..."

Very good news!!

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Finema
Hi PaQ
can you post a Houdini file sample and we could replace the mesh
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

i tested PaQ's set-up today and since i could not read the numbers for the Voxel size, i used 0.0001 and got
this result with your test model. Your model was saved in MoI with 3 as Angle an 1 for divide larger then.
After that i reduced the model with Atangeo Balancer to 10 percent in size and finally used the GTK Remesher
to make the triangles distribution look better, with a vertex count of 125.000 vertices. I had to do this,
because when i looked in close-up (in Mesh Lab) the surface from the Houdini mesh looked not smooth,
it was more like a bit bumpy and facetted. When time permits i may check out this procedure in more detail.

When i saved your model from Houdini it had a file size of 156 MB, if i remember correctly.


EDITED: 20 Jul 2017 by STEFAN

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 From:  PaQ
So here's the Houdini project file.

The setup will split and voxel object individually. I also manage to reassign MoI styles back on the 'voxeled' model,
but it only seems to work when using .abc format.
To get the best result, Moi 'divide larger than' meshing option should barely match the voxel grid resolution.

I also use the adaptivity option in the convertvdb operator, to slightly reduce the polycount.

EDITED: 16 Jan 2023 by PAQ


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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Thanks a lot PaQ for explaining "for getting best results and adaptivity option" settings, much appreciated!


EDITED: 20 Jul 2017 by STEFAN

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 From:  Finema
Thanks PaQ.I'll test it.
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 From:  mkdm
8512.42 In reply to 8512.39 
Hi PaQ.

Thanks for the stuff!

ASAP I'm going make a test with some simple objects exported from Moi.
And I will repeat the same test with the 3D-Coat method in order to make a comparison
I will check these things : 1) Polycount, 2) Quality of results 3) Size of resulting Obj (in MB) 4) Degree of difficulty of UVmapping the resulting obj

If I need help I will ask you, because it's the very first time I put my hands on this (for me) unknown "beast", Houdini :)


Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

i did also today a couple of more tests with your "nonsense" test model and like PaQ
pointed out you can reduce the poly count pretty well with the adaptive settings.

It's really nice that PaQ presented his technique to us!

I also run then the final mesh again through ZRemesher and could reduce the
poly count more, while also subdividing after that and got a fantastic result, with
the flow of the quad polygons.

So, yes thanks again PaQ for outlining your great technique!


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8512.44 In reply to 8512.43 
<< I also run then the final mesh again through ZRemesher and could reduce the
poly count more, while also subdividing after that and got a fantastic result, with
the flow of the quad polygons.

When you say final mesh - it's the final OBJ mesh from Moi or other mesh ?

<< In this learning journey, the apprentice edition is the way to go (and yes you can export .obj without any restriction as far as I know).
It's the most addictive software I ever used (it's more like a game than anything else for me :))
I will say an adventure game! :)
I love run a program without read the manual!
I will dowload it (surely a madness folly - I can't resist to the word "addictive" )
and see if I arrive to make a cube that I can't made when dowloaded the first time Blender! =:D

EDITED: 21 Jul 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  PaQ
You are welcome guys !

I need to investigate a little bit more this weekend about this, but as a proof of concept, here's a fist auto edge erosion prototype.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8512.46 In reply to 8512.45 
Alas for me : Hum hum : impossible to install it ! (Houdini Apprentice) Seems the Windows download has something wrong! NSIS error!
I will try again with a new version!
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Pilou,

then final mesh was .obj from Houdini.

@PaQ: Now that is pretty cool. Possibilities with Houdini seems endless. :-)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8512.48 In reply to 8512.47 
With ZBrush an alternative maybe can be this (but sure that is not a "render" method !)
Export Only triangle Triangle from Moi (& Disable Weld along edges)
In ZBrush
- Polygroups /Autogroups
- Geometry / Modify Topology / WeldPoints

Then ZRemesh with KeepGroups actived (not smooth)

Minutes 39.08 to 50.10

EDITED: 22 Jul 2017 by PILOU

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Message 8512.49 deleted 22 Jul 2017 by STEFAN

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
In fact fact seems there is in ZBrush a very easy method! :)
enable Render / Properties/ Smooth Normals (so nothing to do! Except some subdivisions if you want...but not obliged)
and you have even possibility of an slider ehancement factor 1 to 5

Model by Mdkm directly from export Moi.OBJ
Factor minimum 1

Factor maximum 5

EDITED: 23 Jul 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  PaQ
8512.51 In reply to 8512.50 
Edge Erosion V2

EDITED: 18 Jul by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8512.52 In reply to 8512.51 
Obsolescence programmée! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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