How to get rid of all filleting issues if you don't need a REAL fillet
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

You: This is a simple "non sense" model in Moi. Very, very difficult to fillet, maybe impossible...

I think if you would have modeled more cleanly, then there would be no filleting issues, prior twisting... :-)


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 From:  mkdm
8512.25 In reply to 8512.24 

Thanks for sharing but...maybe I'm not being clear :)

I intentionally created a "non sense" model just in order to talk about a situation where you have
some kind of model and you don't want to waste time and brain energy to find a suitable way to perform the filleting in Moi if you DON'T NEED a REAL FILLET.

I know that modelling in this way may lead to use Moi in a bad way, but my aim, for specific scenarios, is just to use Moi
for what it was created, that is, fast and easy 3D concept modelling.

So I think that, for some situations, it's a good thing to model all the main stuff and forms in Moi and create
the other supporting stuff, like the "round edges" for example, with other workflows like 3D-Coat or Houdini or Blender or other.

See you.

Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 16 Jul 2017 by MKDM

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 From:  mkdm
8512.26 In reply to 8512.20 
Hi PaQ.

@You : "...the apprentice edition is the way to go (and yes you can export .obj without any restriction as far as I know)...."

Wow...great things to know!! Thanks a lot.

if the obj export from Houdini Apprentice its not restricted version compared to Houdini Indie then this is getting interesting!!

Even if I will use (for the moment) Houdini Apprentice just only to perform the "round edge" or "fake filleting" it's enough for me.

So I'm going to install and test Houdini Apprentice, but as i said, I don't have time to learn this HUUUGE software,
so for the time being, I will use it exclusively to test the "round edge" capability.

Please PaQ could you tell me which are the necessary steps to perform to get the same results you showed me in your post:

A little minimal tutorial for 1) importing obj into Houdini 2) perform the "round edge" 3) export to obj in order to import in 3D-Coat to paint and texture.

I stay tuned. Thanks a lot.

Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  PaQ
8512.27 In reply to 8512.26 
Hi Marco,

Well the sequence of nodes are visible in the image posted, but I can share a houdini scene.
You can right-click anywhere in the node graph and export the geometry.

Here's a more extreme example from a GrabCad model ... poly count is around 200M tri's.

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 From:  mkdm
8512.28 In reply to 8512.27 
Hi PaQ.

Thanks a lot for instructions.

@You : "Well the sequence of nodes are visible in the image posted, but I can share a houdini scene.
You can right-click anywhere in the node graph and export the geometry."

Well...ASAP I will try to do a personal test based on the image you posted some day s ago.
If I will need help I will ask you far a Houdini example scene.

I will let you know the results of my test.

Thanks again and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
8512.29 In reply to 8512.28 
Stupid me...

Me: "However i have not tried PaQ's technique yet, because i don't know
how he did it, nor do i have so much RAM.

So maybe he can explain to you on how to accomplish this."

Next time i should better scroll to the right side of large images... !!!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8512.30 In reply to 8512.27 
Hi PaQ, if you can find it again easily can you please share the link to that GrabCAD engine model? Thanks!

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
8512.31 In reply to 8512.30 
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8512.32 In reply to 8512.31 
Thanks PaQ, that's another good one for me to test with. Right now I'm experimenting with some ideas on speeding up the display engine for large models.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
8512.33 In reply to 8512.32 
Sweeeeeeeeet :)
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 From:  Finema
8512.34 In reply to 8512.13 
Can you show me how to process in Houdini ?
I don(see the sequence of nodes in the image posted.

EDITED: 20 Jul 2017 by FINEMA

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 From:  mkdm
8512.35 In reply to 8512.27 
Hi PaQ.

Echoing the words of Finema, I also need a little more help.

As I said some days ago, these days I've absolutely no decent amount of free time to learn the very basics of Houdini,
and I have tried to replicate the nodes you posted in your images but without good results.

I mean, I replicated the node structure (clearly without the loop, because I'm testing only one object) to have a starting obj model in input and an ending node that should have created the object with rounded edges, but I think I did not quite understand the way the node "VDBfrompolygons" works.
Does it makes some sort of "voxelization" ?

The image you posted is not enough detailed to see it clearly.

And as resulting obj file I get is a tremendously huge 300 MB obj file, while the input it's only a very simple test file of less than 100KB!

I'm doing something wrong...

My aim is to get better results compared to 3D-Coat only for this particular very common operation (round sharp edges).
I mean better in terms of workflow, speed, quality results, lightweight model.

Actually I only know the 3D-Coat method and i would like to compare it with Houdini.

Please, could you post an example Houdini scene containing the minimum node setup in order to perform an example of "round edges" workflow ?

Thanks a lot.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
8512.36 In reply to 8512.32 
Hi Michael.

@You : "...Right now I'm experimenting with some ideas on speeding up the display engine for large models..."

Very good news!!

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Finema
Hi PaQ
can you post a Houdini file sample and we could replace the mesh
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

i tested PaQ's set-up today and since i could not read the numbers for the Voxel size, i used 0.0001 and got
this result with your test model. Your model was saved in MoI with 3 as Angle an 1 for divide larger then.
After that i reduced the model with Atangeo Balancer to 10 percent in size and finally used the GTK Remesher
to make the triangles distribution look better, with a vertex count of 125.000 vertices. I had to do this,
because when i looked in close-up (in Mesh Lab) the surface from the Houdini mesh looked not smooth,
it was more like a bit bumpy and facetted. When time permits i may check out this procedure in more detail.

When i saved your model from Houdini it had a file size of 156 MB, if i remember correctly.


EDITED: 20 Jul 2017 by STEFAN

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 From:  PaQ
So here's the Houdini project file.

The setup will split and voxel object individually. I also manage to reassign MoI styles back on the 'voxeled' model,
but it only seems to work when using .abc format.
To get the best result, Moi 'divide larger than' meshing option should barely match the voxel grid resolution.

I also use the adaptivity option in the convertvdb operator, to slightly reduce the polycount.

EDITED: 16 Jan 2023 by PAQ


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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Thanks a lot PaQ for explaining "for getting best results and adaptivity option" settings, much appreciated!


EDITED: 20 Jul 2017 by STEFAN

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 From:  Finema
Thanks PaQ.I'll test it.
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 From:  mkdm
8512.42 In reply to 8512.39 
Hi PaQ.

Thanks for the stuff!

ASAP I'm going make a test with some simple objects exported from Moi.
And I will repeat the same test with the 3D-Coat method in order to make a comparison
I will check these things : 1) Polycount, 2) Quality of results 3) Size of resulting Obj (in MB) 4) Degree of difficulty of UVmapping the resulting obj

If I need help I will ask you, because it's the very first time I put my hands on this (for me) unknown "beast", Houdini :)


Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

i did also today a couple of more tests with your "nonsense" test model and like PaQ
pointed out you can reduce the poly count pretty well with the adaptive settings.

It's really nice that PaQ presented his technique to us!

I also run then the final mesh again through ZRemesher and could reduce the
poly count more, while also subdividing after that and got a fantastic result, with
the flow of the quad polygons.

So, yes thanks again PaQ for outlining your great technique!


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