Fillet question
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 From:  BurrMan
8449.13 In reply to 8449.10 
Righteous video!
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 From:  Baris
8449.14 In reply to 8449.10 
OSTexo, thank you so much. This community is so frickin helpful. I learned heaps from yourself, BurrMan and Michael last couple of days. I very much appreciate all your help guys.
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 From:  pixelhouse
8449.15 In reply to 8449.8 
Hi BurrMan,
you wrote "The thing to note is I do the larger fillets first, then work down to smaller ones..."
In my case its work only in opposite direction. In many case, I don't understand the fillet function.
I think we can not generalized it.

Fillet1 works from small to lanrger fillets.

fillet2 try to make fillet from large to small. The small fillets are "corrupt" (not sure with my english ;) )

Scene file

Another try to make 2 fillets on to the same object. One edge can't fillet with 0.1. the other edge works fine with 0.1
the edges are clean and only one segment.



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 From:  BurrMan
8449.16 In reply to 8449.15 
Hi Jorg,

Yes! It's a general rule as A small fillet will fit into a larger area, easier than a large fillet will adapt to a small area... It's just the way it works. But that doesn't mean a scenario cant be created where we can get the fillet engine stuck.

Here's a video where I do both your files. The .1 fillet WILL go!


"""""""" the edges are clean and only one segment""""""""""""

Well, as you can see on your second file, I show that your object is not exactly a planar cut and squared up to the arc that is defined. This creates a very small "angle" between that face and the arcing surface around the outside. Not quite a "simple little fillet"!

Then you are working in "Meters" which is a larger value system, but typing in numbers like ".1" etc... When you make the numbers more disparate like that, then it's easier to run into problems with calcs going on behind the scenes.

With that said, it's noted with MoI that we ALL would like a better fillet library. We're hoping to get one in the future.

With your sample though, going through and trying to do "21 different values and 21 different edges" will most likely lead you to cramped quarters and needing to move out to a different fillet engine. Plan ahead.

I keep ViaCad on my system JUST to fillet things I get stuck in MoI!
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