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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
844.7 In reply to 844.6 
Michael, just a quick note the side pane rearrangement is sweet :) Thanks
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 From:  Michael Gibson
844.8 In reply to 844.7 
Here you go, try this version (make sure to back up your old version first).

Everything works, the question is how long can you stand to use it? ;)

- Michael

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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
844.9 In reply to 844.8 
LOL :)
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 From:  anthony
844.10 In reply to 844.6 
Thanks for the fixup, Michael. I "zigged when I should have zagged," or in my case "copied when I should have cut." Now I have the interface just as I wanted.

PS: now I hate the marquee tag even more than before. And I didn't think that was possible. :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
844.11 In reply to 844.10 
If there was only a <marqueeblink>.... That would be the coolest EVER!!! ;)
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