turning off preselection highlighting
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8435.11 In reply to 8435.10 
What is the syntax for keep the line "background" without use it ?
// ?
/* */
\* *\

EDITED: 23 May 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8435.12 In reply to 8435.11 
Hi Pilou, one way is to rename it to an invalid property name like xbackground instead of background.

You can also comment it out, but for making a comment in CSS you have to put /*        */ around the comment.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I have that ! (made xbackground:)
Seems that make no difference with before ?

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 From:  bemfarmer
8435.14 In reply to 8435.12 
Is it possible to comment out .htm code?

<!-- This is a comment -->


- Brian
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 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
8435.15 In reply to 8435.14 
FP : The highlight effect on the command buttons is being discussed here. Disabling this effect has of course no effect on the preselection highlighting of objects.

Michael : Wow, the whole UI being driven by CSS is fantastic !! It looks very flexible, I see that there are even controls for button size, and it looks like mouseover even supports fade transitions (hard to tell what kind of fading transition/profile curve it is using though).

Simply knocking back the intensity of the hover states really helps already :

(When the user put the cursor over a UI element, any highlighting effect applied to this element can be very faint because the eye is already looking right there and will be sensitive to even the faintest value change. I believe that the trend consisting of making big UI button flash with a lot of contrast is misguided UI/UX design practice : it looks good when presenting the program to a board meeting or during a tutorial, but for the end user it is not necessary. It does work great when controlling a UI with keyboard arrow keys or a gamepad though, like in Steam Big Picture, the Xbox dashboard, and so on).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8435.16 In reply to 8435.13 
Hi Pilou,

> I have that ! (made xbackground:)
> Seems that make no difference with before ?

Changing the background in moi.css will control the background for buttons in the GUI like on the bottom toolbar and side pane, not for 3D objects in the viewport.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8435.17 In reply to 8435.16 
Aaaahhhh ok!
So it's for a relative confort of the eyes depeding of each user! :)

EDITED: 23 May 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8435.18 In reply to 8435.15 
Hi Pior,

> (hard to tell what kind of fading transition/profile curve it is using though)

I think you can control the transition curve with the -webkit-transition-timing-function CSS property , I'm not sure what parameters it takes though. MoI v3 uses an older version of WebKit and some properties like that were implemented before being standardized so it may have non-standard parameters. You may be able to find a reference to it somewhere online though.

MoI v4 will use a newer version of WebKit and should support the standard transition-timing-function CSS property I think.

re: fade-in/fade-out , the thing about UI animations like that is it makes the UI consume considerably more CPU cycles. It's fairly deeply ingrained in me to try and make the UI as efficient as possible and save cycles for things that have to do more intensive number crunching. But it's probably time for me to not worry about that quite to such an extent.

- Michael
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 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
8435.19 In reply to 8435.18 
Hi Michael !

Yeah I too believe that being careful and conservative about that sort of stuff it definitely a healthy way to go. And as a matter of fact a fading effect is definitely not a necessity since simply lowering the contrast between states already achieves a very similar end goal.

But all that said, having access to these CSS tweaks is certainly really nice, and without a doubt people will have a blast creating their own (edit : just saw that an editor was already available, awesome).

Best of luck for V4 again !

EDITED: 25 May 2017 by PIOR_O

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 From:  Bravlin
Just wanna say that this highlight is pretty flickery thing. And it's hard for an eyes. If it would have some opacity option it would be great.
I tried different type of lights, highlight color combination and style color combination. But it doesn't help much.
I can only suggest to use light preset called "Clay".

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8435.21 In reply to 8435.20 
Hi Bravlin, yeah that is pretty flickery if you are using dark colors like that.

If you use a lighter color for your objects it should help to avoid that, using the regular default color goes like this:

- Michael
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 From:  Bravlin
Yes brighter colors helps a little. But to tell the truth it would be greater if we have an option to somehow regulate prehighlight opacity.
Yes it helps to establish right components due mouse hover. But i guess it adds small calculation load and not everyone really need this surfaces prehighlight.
I remember the times when this type of a prehighlite was added in Maya. Lots of guys turned it off. I'm not sure how it warks in Moi3D but in XSI we used
raycust due MouseMove callback to get component under mouse coordinate and it was kinda slow on heavy models.
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 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
Hello -

Has this issue been adressed/feature been added as of V3 or V4beta ? I am just getting back into MOI after purchasing the upgrade and I still find this flickering behavior to be extremely disorienting/distracting ...

It's unfortunately up to a point where this is giving me something similar to motion sickness and I can barely use the app :/ (and no, I am unfortunately not exaggerating here ...)

Any suggestion welcome.
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 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
For clarity here is the behavior that I would like to avoid :


Basically I'd love to set up the software so that *nothing* ever blinks until I actually click on something.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Seems you are in Face selection Mode ?
Just click on an empty space for stop the Yellow enleighting or click on a face for valide your selection
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 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
Yes FP, I am of course aware of that, that's not the point.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8435.27 In reply to 8435.23 
Hi Pior,

> Has this issue been adressed/feature been added as of V3 or V4beta ? I am just getting back into MOI
> after purchasing the upgrade and I still find this flickering behavior to be extremely disorienting/distracting ...

Sorry no, it's the same as previous behavior. It hasn't really been on my radar since it's only been mentioned as a problem by just a couple of people over the last 12 years or so.

I'll see about adding in an option in moi.ini for the next v4 beta.

- Michael
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 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
Hello Michael !
Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply and following up on this, this is sincerely appreciated.

On the topic of user requests about preselection highlighting (or the disabling of it thereof) : in my opinion many users *think* they want/need a preselection highlighting feature, while in reality what they actually need is *some kind* of predictable behavior, conveyed in one way or another.

For instance : Maya has always been infuriating when it comes to selecting the component one hovers the cursor over, therefore users welcomed the addition of pre-selection highlighting because indeed it makes things easier to predict. And then when these users transition to Blender, they *think* they need the feature there aswell because sure enough it sounds like a useful thing to have - and this leads to countless user requests about this feature. Whereas under the hood Blender is doing an excellent job making sure that the selection behavior is always perfectly predictable, thus making preselection highlighting pointless.

I guess what I am getting at is : the ability to completely disable this behavior in MOI might actually make the program more enjoyable overall, even to users assuming that they want things to flash and flicker at all times :P If anything, the component prediction could also be conveyed by a subtle change in the mouse cursor itself, similarly to what happens when one hovers over a link when browsing internet pages. So in the case of MOI one could argue that preselection highlighting doesn't necessarily *have* to be materialized be a literal highlighting of the component.

Anyways - can't wait ! By all means hit me up if you'd like me to test drive any beta implementation of such setting, it'd be my pleasure to test it thoroughly.

Thanks !

EDITED: 25 Nov 2019 by PIOR_O

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8435.29 In reply to 8435.28 
Hi Pior,

> I guess what I am getting at is : the ability to completely disable this behavior in MOI might
> actually make the program more enjoyable overall, even to users assuming that they want
> things to flash and flicker at all times :P

I think that's unlikely - what's more likely to happen is that not having it will be ok for simple situations but the reduced amount of information that is being conveyed to the user will be a detriment to more subtle situations like trying to do a "drill-in" selection on an object that is small in size at the current zoom level.

> If anything, the component prediction could also be conveyed by a subtle change in the mouse
> cursor itself, similarly to what happens when one hovers over a link when browsing internet pages.

Sorry, no - it's a general design guideline for MoI to avoid changing the cursor shape. The cursor shape is considered to be part of the user's operating system and it's polite to try and keep it in its familiar shape.

- Michael
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 From:  pior (PIOR_O)
Hello Michael !

Regarding the cursor thing : oh of course, this was really just an example amongst many. Another example would be Topogun, in which the cursor doesn't change but a little L or R appears next to the pointer to inform the user that the upcoming selection will be either loop or ring (depending on the pointer sitting near the middle of an edge or near its extremities). But this example isn't a suggestion or request either as indeed ideally things should be as non-intrusive as possible, with the pointer being consistent at all times.

Going further, an argument could be made in favor of having three distinct selection modes : the current behavior (objects+edges+face, resorting to clicking multiple times to enter edge or face selection mode), but also : buttons and/or hotkeys for edge mode, and face mode. I do believe I would likely work much faster that way as I would know for sure that the app would only select faces or edges whenever I need it to (as opposed to having to click an object, and then having to click on any edge/face in order to finally be in edge/face mode). Put differently : if I am not mistaken, going to edge mode,to face mode, and back to edge mode currently requires 9 clicks. Whereas if there were shortcuts going directly to edge and face modes, it would be only 3 button presses + 3 clicks.

All that said, when it comes to MOI in particular I certainly see the usefulness of edge highlighting. I must say (and that's a bit of a different topic, related to how the detection of components actually happens under the hood) that even the highlighting doesn't fully prevent selection errors at this time, so there are probably still some improvements to be made there ...

Also, while we are at it : there seems to be an issue with face highlighting at this time, as sometimes it seems like small faces are not being highlighted at all when the cursor is over them (the surrounding faces get the highlight instead). But when actually clicking, the un-highlighted face gets selected.

Anyways ! As said, it would be my pleasure to test out the highligting settings if they ever make it into the V4 beta. Staying tuned, with my fingers crossed :)
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