Edit: Changing Frame to Top yielded analogous results to Front version.
With respect, I think that the BottleFeedArray script is not complete, or not correct.
It seems to me that the bottle is sitting on its bottom, sunk into the cylinder.
The bottles should sit vertically, alongside and partially intersecting the screw/cylinder.
The center of the side of the bottle should, more or less, align horizontally with the axis of the cylinder.
The bottles are to be rotated around their vertical axis, as they move to the right.
The cylinder is the blank stock which will become the screw.
In an actual physical model, the screw rotates, but due to relative motion, the CAD script rotates the bottle around the cylinder,
and the bottles become the cutting object, as the bottles are booleen difference subtracted away from the cylinder, multiple times.
I think that the script needs to have added a rotation of the bottles about the cylinder, "centered" on the helix axis.
(I deleted my previous comments on 2d sweep, which was my faulty thinking.)
- Brian