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 From:  Nico-M
8407.26 In reply to 8407.25 
Hi all,
Basic dimension functions, surface continuity and filleting improvements are necessary for mechanical design.
I hope in MoI V4, it's possible.
MoI it's an great software, will be a pleasure for me to upgrade for V4 but fillet calculation failed...Hrrrr
Best Regards.
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 From:  artisanicview
According to this wiki page:

"On July, 2016 Kubotek Corporation announced that it would no longer develop the KCM modeler for the CAD industry."

So, what's actually the future of the KCM kernel from Kubotek ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8407.28 In reply to 8407.27 
Hi artisanicview, I've heard from them that it's still under development but it was released prematurely. I also suspect that they don't really have a goal anymore of having many other companies license it, I think they mainly want to have it for thier own use in KeyCreator. It will be a while yet before I know if it's going to work for using in MoI or not.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8407.29 In reply to 8407.28 
Hi Michael and thanks for the info.

@You : "... I think they mainly want to have it for thier own use in KeyCreator..."

Hmmm...really a bad news. I hope they will change their minds.

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8407.30 In reply to 8407.29 
Hi Marco, well that part wouldn't be a problem for MoI because it would still be available to existing licensees.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8407.31 In reply to 8407.30 
Hi Michael end good morning.

@You : " would still be available to existing licensees..."

I'm sorry but...I didn't understand what you said :)

Actually Moi's users don't have any KCM license...

Are you referring that anyway the KCM Kernel will be available for you to develop in Moi or what else ?


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8407.32 In reply to 8407.31 
Hi Marco, I have a license to use KCM but I have not made use of it yet.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8407.33 In reply to 8407.32 
OK Michael.

Thanks a lot for clarifying that.

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  James (JFH)
8407.34 In reply to 8407.32 
Hi Michael

>> I have a license to use KCM but I have not made use of it yet. <<

I see that Kubotek has reintroduced KCM a couple of months ago as part of Kubotek Kosmos™ 3D framework release.

Is the transition to KCM still on the roadmap for Moi3d? Is it ready for prime time?

Have a great weekend
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8407.35 In reply to 8407.34 
Hi James, yeah I also happened to notice recently that KCM has been reintroduced which I definitely see as a positive sign.

I don't know what the current status is though, I've been meaning to contact them to see how it's going.

There is another possibility which is C3D: .

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
8407.36 In reply to 8407.35 
Hello Michael!

I think this is a very good news if confirmed.

Anyway, I hope that you can put your hands on one of this new kernel because they seem to be very powerful, a quantum leap for Moi :)

Best wishes for these (heavy) but "thrilling" task :)

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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