Anyone using MoI w/Boot Camp?
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 From:  Aaronic
837.2 In reply to 837.1 
I am and it has been successful.

I basically love this program and I wish so much that it was OSX native.

Any chance of this happening? It kinda has a "mac feel" already...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
837.3 In reply to 837.2 
Hi Aaron, thanks for letting me know.

I wish I could make a native OSX version, but it's going to be quite a bit of work to do it and I just don't have the resources to tackle it anytime soon...

I know it is a shame because the UI would fit in really well with the Mac.

Someday down the road I may be able to give it a try.

- Michael
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 From:  Corzair (SUHAIB)
837.4 In reply to 837.3 
Also in the future if it is feasible please consider a Linux(opengl?) version

I'd consider getting that too
no rush though as I can with win version with no problems

also have you used seen the nokia internet tablet n800 or older 770
thats linux based 4inch screen but that would be cool to doodle on using a linux Moi

but I guess by then we'll have loads of umpc/small tablet pc all over the place
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