Better organized forum needed?
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 From:  WillBellJr
The only thing that erks me about this forum at times is the pagination.

For example if there's say 14 posts and then I reply at the end. When I finish, I'll only see my post and the links at the bottom will say 1-14, 15 with mine being the 15th on the page by itself.

I've set the forum to display 30 posts but it still paginates with the 1 odd page left at times.

I really wish I could set it to display all and not paginate at all. I don't mind scrolling down for 20 minutes to read everything. Scrolling horizontally is usually the annoying one.

I do like the idea of Tags, Michael, that would allow me to easily find threads that I consider informative; the animated GIFs are always great for learning how to accomplish things, and at times I'm too lazy to copy the posts or page links into my organizer program.


PS - Even just now, after posting this, the pagination was 1-10, 11-40 and mine was the 41st all by itself - just give me ALL the posts without pagination!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
833.42 In reply to 833.41 
Hi Will, I've set the max number of posts per page to 100 now, so you can increase that option under Options > Forum options > Style > Posts per page.

When you're doing regular browsing that should make most threads fit all in one page now.

As you noticed, when you post a message you get a different pagination on where you land immediately after the post.

The way that works is if you've replied to a specific message, it sets up a page with the first post in the page being that replied to message, which will probably be a different pagination than one from regular browsing which starts at post #1 and then breaks from there.

When you do a "reply to all" instead of replying to one specific message, that's when you'll land on the page with just your new message in it, with messages being clustered into pages going backwards from there.

The way it works when there is a "reply to" message I think is kind of good actually, I think it has helped sometimes to see posts that may have been added in at the same time you were composing your message.

Probably the "reply to all" one would be better having it broken into pages starting from #1 but navigated to your new message in that list. That may be a bit tricky to set up though.

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
Subforums cause missing of Q & A that can be valuable for advancement even if it does not pertain to active interests. For example, my prime interest is with archviz stills and, due to time constraints and habit, I would probably only visit relevant subforums. With a continuous list of threads, it may include an animation or materials or lighting thread which occasionally I will check into to develop skills. The idea the user is given the choice to sort as either a continuous list or by subforums is a good one.

I believe the comments are valid regarding pagination and a second window in order to respond to a post. Otherwise, this spartan forum is the appropriate companion to the app which is like a tool box containing quality tools for the job arranged in a simple but very accessible way.


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