What I envisioned with those categories probably fits in with how you see the tags working. Right now you have a "View" dropdown at the top of the threadlist pane that filters threads based on how old they are (and if you're logged in, whether they have unread posts) and so on. I was thinking along the lines of having a "Category" dropdown above that, which would filter the threadlist by category as well. The default value for the dropdown would be "All Categories", so the forum would still work the way it does now, but people would have the option to browse with a more narrow focus..
So I guess the only real difference would be the one to many relationships (ie. A thread could have many tags, but only belong to one category). My argument against tags was simply that I couldn't see enough overlap in content to warrant needing the tag system. I know you've given the example of a "can't get this working" thread turning into a "feature request" thread, which I realize suggests a tag system would be more beneficial. At the same, however, I can't see people wanting to browse on a great deal of tags. Topics like "bugs", "feature requests", and "beta announcements" are typically the ones I would want to narrow my focus on, and for the most part they are mutually exclusive. In cases like the one you presented, I would personally prefer if the thread was moved to wherever it fit best (perhaps renaming the topic or making it more descriptive).
In all honesty though, I'm pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. I'm just tossing ideas out. Either method is useful in the end.