Elemental Progressive curve Trasforms
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8305.2 In reply to 8305.1 
Hello Ivan,

your wishes are very special and a script for that is a lot of work, but you can do such things with the nodeeditor written by Max Snirnov in the modified version. Maybe it is not what you want, but something you can get;-)

Nevertheless the fine tuning will not take days ...

Have a nice day
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8305.3 In reply to 8305.1 
Hi Ivan,

> I know this is a big ask, Michael. However, I believe that these functions would make
> the Array type orations infinitely more useful. And save many days of tedious fine tuning.

I'm sorry but there isn't much chance that the regular array commands in MoI would be modified to do this, it's just far too specific of a case. It's a big focus for MoI to be an easy to use program, and often times having a huge variety of options runs very against ease of use, it's easy for a user to just get overwhelmed by a huge detailed control panel for a command and then doing simple things becomes more difficult.

The main strategy for doing such a detailed and specialized type of array like you're describing would be to write a script plug-in or to use the Node editor to make a new command that is specifically tailored for your particular case. (as I write this, I see Karsten has posted an example above).

The node editor is a lot easier to get started than writing script code, so I'd probably recommend digging into that first.

For doing it in script, a way you could get jump started in that would be to use the ScriptArray.js plug-in from here as a starting template:

But definitely with the type of detailed steps you're describing you'd want to use some kind of programmatic way to do it, you shouldn't expect the regular built in MoI array tools to do something so detailed and specialized.

- Michael
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 From:  redraw (MAYSKY)
Thanx guys,
I was hoping.... but deep down I knew. {:(

Nodes and Scripts... here I come!

Again thanx, Karsten and Michael.
Will keep you posted, but may take a while.

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