MassModding the Stock SloLow GUI
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8276.2 In reply to 8276.1 
<< although I speak French - hope they're in English!

Yes they must be! They are in English! :)
thx again to Burman!

EDITED: 24 Jan 2017 by PILOU

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8276.3 In reply to 8276.2 
Disclaimer: Warning! It has been brought to my attention that some people may find my dry writing style may cause them to become anxious, upset, unbalanced - depressed or hurt. If you feel any of these symptons while reading my posts - please! Stop reading now.

PS Regarding trans: Thank you Burrman - however, I speak French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, English, Danish & Swedish. Life is too short to learn German.

Next question! Is it possible to turn these icons to B@W? I've just about got the GUI the way I want it - and despite turning every image b&w - these won't change! Either I'm getting dumber, or the programmers here are getting brighter - which is it?
Magnanimous Narcyst

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8276.4 In reply to 8276.3 
Hi Ced, see here for information on changing those particular icons:

- Michael
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Disclaimer: Warning. My writing style is not for the faint at heart. If you are upset with my writing style - please stop reading immediately and seek help.
Magnanimous The Great

Yes! Success! I cut-off the Gates-style 1970's shag icons and left them with bloody stumps bleeding profusely - and it felt great! Here attached are fresh replacements, and now you have an ideal Moi Gui - all done in good taste - classy - with a full toolBox - including every custom node & script on this forum and elsewhere - having combed through every alley & pub within 5000 miles of London & Madrid - I confess it felt great!

Now you I have the best Modded Moi Gui on the planet - and my fangs can sharpen on everyone of them - until they're razor sharp! Voila!

Meanwhile - all you programmers and engineers can eat your hearts out - that I am the one that made it look THIS LOOK GREAT albeit thanks for the help!

I can't get over how sick this Gui is - and now it LOOKS like it was made by a genius!

You know - Michael - if I were in your shoes - I'd have a bidding war where the top bid would get the Truffle. Like, I'd be willing to bid for what I wanted in this software! In fact - I don't know why you don't go over to where people who have projects - get dedicated/loyal & supportive (sportive?) followers who contribute monthly - and on there you could have bids towards the 'wish lists' and accept any you choose - and actually be building for a paycheck! A sort of 'go-fund-me' but not really - it works differently - plus I'd have a running live chat-room blog - where we could all discuss LIVE and you could jump into the melee. Some of these guys have terrific projects (like you have) - and pull in 10k/mo. and in return - the Lemmings who feed the genius get tidbits along the way - a few crumbs here & there - and price breaks on new releases etc., - in the end - you lose nothing and gain everything!

Enough said - here's the GUI below - all calmed down and elegant in BLACK-WHITE & GRAY without the old-school colors and it has within it every known SCRIPT & NODE in existence - plus - it has one last problem - how do you make the area around the VIEW WINDOWS = black? The scheme is ugly with the white behind the view windows - it HAS to be black!

- See Attachment -

I'll upload the ICONS I used - to replace the color - nothing fancy - it was a rush job.

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
magpie :-)

Hope we see in the future some cool models made by you, with all those scripts installed and your custom UI. :-)

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DISCLAIMER - WARNING - My posts are not for the timid - if you feel dizzy, nauseus, or gaseous - stop reading immediately and consult a psychiatrist.
Vandlegroot Metamorpf

Uh, yea, unfortunately I draw for myself and I'm a new breed of mercenary artist - pure - that only shows my work to the highest bidder - unless I have a fainting spell or the necromorph pushes the 'send' button but that's rare - in fact - the air I breathe is rare - I'm in China -

However - after pleasuring myself with two kingsize bags of M&M's Chocolate Candies and Tea - I'm feeling more benevolent than usual - we'll see... my friend!
PoopyDicker the III


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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Oh, you live in China! Please spread the MoI Love in China! I would love to see MoI works from Chinese Artists too. So far i have only seen mostly amazing ZBrush works from them, or from Vietnamese Artists, doing Artworks with the cool Chinese Software JDPaint and ArtForm Pro 3.0.

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Disclaimer - Warning, content for stable adults only. If my style of writing gives you gas - or makes you dizzy - or you feel upset - stop reading now.

First of all: How do you darken the area around the 'view' windows - that whiteness behind the windows kills me! It should be black - see above in a previous post the background in black OR see the attachment below:

Yeah - in Shenzhen - 1/2hr from Hong Kong - and most everyone here uses ProEng. This is the world's largest marketplace - however - to get into it one needs to know the ropes. They are fascinated with lettering - and they copy first - innovate second, which is why they learn so quickly and develop sharp skills - they are ferocious copiers. That's how I learned to paint - copying. The thing about Moi is that there's a difference between a good tool and a great tool - in usability - and that's what Moi has - it's the 'favorite' tool that works best for any number of reasons.

That said, Michael has lopsided genius (in my humble opinion) in which he - like Apple - focuses on 'minimalism' which is fine to a point - however - even though he's attracted a tribe or cult of minimalist lovers (again, like Apple) - who worship simplicity in a complex world, it you neatly tidy-up the wiring, design the dashboard in an appropriate manner so that it accommodates the whistles & bells without 'clutter' then you have the best of both worlds - if, in Apple's world, minimalist was what they thought it was all that, then a woman would be a cyclops and have one one eye - one breast - and chicken legs. "Less isn't more... " despite the chest thumping it isn't more.

Furthermore, the Wonder-bread Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix colored interface with the 70's style colored icons - the large icon sizes which look like they were forgotten under a Christmas tree in an Alzheimer Ward, don't cut it for me. Especially, since the colors fatigue the eyes. Ever wonder why movie theaters don't have white trim around the screen, with sand colored carpets and latrine greenish whitish seats? Because it detracts from the object - the screen.

The interface should be ALL BLACK - with some gray and the icons should be 1/4 the size they are - and the extra scripts & nodes & shortcuts should be in a popup somewhere where the most used ones would appear at the top or something - and you could use a properties checkbox to 'turn-off' the ones you don't use.

Furthermore - in top you should be have a window where you get 'tips' if you want them 'on' on what the commands you're using do, more detail, like, to help.

Finally - Being able to improve the 'select' and the making groups - or object names - would be a big plus - you know, where you could DRAG the object into the group and you could check 'copy to' or 'add to' or perhaps 'replace' etc., like it works in PhotoShop - the layers and history features in PhotoShop would be a great guide to ease of use in Moi3d - I think.

Finally - the best feature of this program is that is works like a hot rod compared to any Rhino or Blender or ProEng in my experience. It's like KeyShot - works fast and it's easy to use - and easy to learn - it has everything going for it except the problem of 'fixing' the interface to calm it down so it's easy on the eyes - and then beef it up with the 'hidden' treasure chest of tools available for those who are clever enough and have the luxury of spending 2-3 days fishing for the scripts and copy & paste ad nausea.

For the life of me I don't understand why Michael doesn't to a subscriber list on Patreon = where everyone would have the opportunity to donate whatever per month to support him as a patron - in this endeavor = and furthermore, why we don't have a list where we vote for features and Micheal actually makes money picking up the features which have ripe figs attached to them in dollar signs!

There are people who play video games - make crafts who pull in 20k a month -

Then we have the guys like me who love doing icons - and I could bury this forum with icons - ha-ha!
That's a 6-sec rant - and boy does that feel good!
If this doesn't get me blackballed from the forum - nothing will -
Baldash the Biter



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Does anybody know how to turn the white borders around the VIEW WINDOWS from white to black?
- See Attachments -

Makes my teeth curl backwards when I see the 'white background' when it should be black.

Thank you!
Ceremonious Botsch

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8276.11 In reply to 8276.10 
Hi Ced, see here for how to do the viewport borders:

- Michael
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8276.12 In reply to 8276.11 
Thank you!

Here's the finished GUI & the ViewportForeground.png - it's here: C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui
Bon Voyage!


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 From:  PaQ
8276.13 In reply to 8276.12 

If you can speak frankly, mostly every custom MoI UI I've seen so far ends to look like this :

Except maybe File/Save/Undo/Redo/Delete icons that might looks a little bit dated, I find all the other icons gorgeous, and the global readability really good ... even after 10-12 hours of usage.
I kinda like the 'happy' atmosphere from the actual version, something that I'm myself surprised.

Just want to share an other pov, because despite the first look, MoI default UI is much better than many software's I have used ... probably a matter of taste, or a clever design ... but definitively something that should be respected ;)

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Like I said in another post, offer a STANDARD install or a CUSTOM installation where you can checkbox the scripts, shortcuts & nodes you'd like to install, as well as offer a SAVE WORKSPACE for custom setups & GUI SKIN options - which would add exponential VALUE to Moi3d!

I'm not thrilled to install all these nodes - fearing messing up what I've already cobbled together after a month of mining this forum.

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 From:  PaQ
8276.15 In reply to 8276.14 
Maybe you could create a backup of your MoI folder before going further in your customization process ?
I don't know how mac os files structures works. On windows, everything is in the MoI install folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0), and the .ini + keys are in C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\Moi.
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PaQ = alright - I'll do that and see what happens - let you know - thank you.
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