Circle to Square Loft - Why Won't This Fillet in Moi or Fusion 360 - Good Methods and Dos and Don'ts of CAD
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 From:  inPursuitOfArt (VOLEN_CK)
wow... thank you all so much, thank you for taking the time to explain this so thoroughly.

@Karsten - thank you very much, the thread was really useful, ended up making some faucets for practice :) Thank you!

@Michael Gibson - thanks so much Michael, this really cleared things up for me. I've gone through another few iterations, I haven't quite gotten it right yet, but being able to see the images you've posted, especially the step by step, has given me so many new ways to think about making geometry. Thank you so much!

@keith1961 - thank you so much for these... after seeing your example I couldn't believe I was ever struggling with this... you made it seem so simple :)

Thanks so much everybody, have been trying to model some more simple things to wrap my head around more tools, how and when to use them. I think I'll give this thing another try now.
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
8255.23 In reply to 8255.22 
Hello Volen_ck,
attached some other proposals:-)

Have a nice day

EDITED: 15 Jun 2017 by KMRQUS


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 From:  inPursuitOfArt (VOLEN_CK)
Thanks so much everybody. Just a quick update to show my model so far. It really sped up once the weird joint was figured out. It's still not accurate and I'm making tons of mistakes, but I did manage to build something. This is a WIP and will be working on more daily modeling to get more familiar with the process.

@Karsten - this looks awesome, thank you so much, will check the file out as soon as I get back home. Very helpful to have the step by step and the file, thank you for all the help and effort!

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