Making a printable object
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 From:  gunter511
8241.3 In reply to 8241.2 
Hi Stefan,

I see. I'm happy to scale it but the problem is I haven't managed to create a shell. Could you possibly guide me?

Many thanks!
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 From:  gunter511
8241.4 In reply to 8241.3 
Hi Stefan,

Actually I did manage to shell it after scaling!

Thanks :)

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
8241.5 In reply to 8241.4 
Sorry for the late reply, Gunter.

Glad you managed it.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8241.6 In reply to 8241.1 
Hi Gunter, one thing to watch out for is that your model has an area of it where the surface goes into a very tight bend across a short distance:

Surfaces with very tight bends in them like that can be generally problematic for shelling, especially to the inside of the bend. The offset surface will tend to bunch up and cross over itself in cases like that. Any self intersections in an object can potentially confuse the slicing mechanism that the 3D printer prep software will be doing.

If you run into that it you may need to manually make an interior surface doing another loft or sweep similar to how you did the outer one rather than using Shell on a shape like this.

- Michael

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 From:  gunter511
8241.7 In reply to 8241.6 
Hi Stefan,

Thanks for this. Yes you're right there was an area with an overlap. I have a Flashforge Finder 3D printer and, oddly, it printed surprisingly well, although I'm still refining the shape.

Thanks very much!
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