ICONS for Custom Commands
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8238.3 In reply to 8238.2 
Great & thank you!

I'll be thrilled to be able to get Moi3d where I have all the commands at my fingertips NEXT TO my work area - in a floating TOOLBAR!

The LOOK&FEEL between Moi3d & Rhino5 is comparable to the difference between a Bugatti & Hummer, however, I really need some tools!

1. BEND Command w/control or slider
2. SWEEP: Need a % slider w/POINTY END commands
3. Wish Moi3d offered a t-Splines package - now that they're no longer building for Rhino - I'm done w/Rhino. Not having t-Splines is a deal breaker. Everything I do is ORGANIC SHAPES.

-See Illustration-


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 From:  bemfarmer
8238.4 In reply to 8238.3 
Install the LightingThemes script by Dinos!

Visit the post below:
for the script link and usage instructions.
More recent zip file:
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Brian! Thank you~!

Now all I need is a BEND command...

And a SWEEP command being able to adjust the percentage of sweep in the POINTY END selection - sweep MORE OR LESS %


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8238.6 In reply to 8238.5 
Hi Ced,

> 1. BEND Command w/control or slider

You can do a bend operation currently by using Flow, draw a line to use as the base curve and an arc to use as the target curve for the Flow.

> 2. SWEEP: Need a % slider w/POINTY END commands

Sorry I don't understand how a % slider would work for a pointy end, can you describe it with some more detail?

> 3. Wish Moi3d offered a t-Splines package - now that they're no longer building for
> Rhino - I'm done w/Rhino. Not having t-Splines is a deal breaker. Everything I do

You might be better off with a polygon modeling like Modo or Silo for doing organic shapes - MoI is a CAD program and the CAD toolset in general is more suited for precision mechanical shapes rather than organic shapes. Polygon modeling on the other hand is the reverse.

You might try Max's sub-d smoothing plugin for MoI though, you can get that here: http://moi3d.com/forum/messages.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6674.422 .

- Michael
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These are all cool! Thanks you. will Auxpecker work in Moi3d v3? http://www.food4rhino.com/app/auxpecker#downloads_list

I also got Silo for 40 USD on sale - normally 159 USD. The discount code is MERRYSILO

That covers the ORGANIC stuff I need to do - as far as tools.

I think my interface is good now in Moi. I'd say why not GIVE MOI AWAY? They give away HITFILM which is like daVinci which sells for 3000 USD, however HITFILM is free.

What happens is you get the BASIC program and as you learn and grow with it - you can BUY BUNDLES to expand it, which is a lot like what you have, you have the basic operating system, and then someone like me has to spend a week figuring out how to COPY & PASTE all these scripts and shortcuts into some CSS or HTML file - and download ZIP files into UI folders, etc., which is time consuming & not fun.

Why not BUNDLE all these scripts and downloads and sell them on your STORE - collaborating with your helpers to share profits? Hitfilm has a 'starter pack' for 15% off, at 8.95 USD, which I just purchased, and over the course of time I'll probably buy all the bundles - as I learn the ropes.

I would have loved to have paid for a BUNDLE starter pack - with the LIGHTS, and another for the whatever - as I was working - rather than SLOGGING through miles of drivel trying to figure out how to customize Moi3d. Moi3d is probably great for what it is - however for my organic designs I need all these ADD-ONS and I wanted them NEAR my work area so I didn't need to drag my cursor to the edge of (one of my) enormously HUGE COMPUTER MONITOR everytime I wanted a new tool - or remember 100's of shortcuts.

Anyway - I got Moi3d as close to what I need - the interface doesn't look like Wonder Bread - and the minimalist deserted 'look' is gone now - so I can live with it. I like dark, ghetto steamPunk artist's loft look -


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8238.8 In reply to 8238.7 
Hi Ced,

> will Auxpecker work in Moi3d v3?

No - Rhino plug-ins won't run in MoI. Plug-ins are very application specific, they rely on the program's specific environment and won't run in a different enviroment. It's sort of like asking if you can just take the engine from one car and just drop it in another car - you generally can't because the configuration and hookups and everything is different.

> I'd say why not GIVE MOI AWAY?

Because I have to buy food to live and pay my bills and things like that.

> Why not BUNDLE all these scripts and downloads and sell them on your
> STORE - collaborating with your helpers to share profits?

It would require a lot of management and administrative work which I don't like to do.

In the future I do want to make a type of plug-in browser that you could use from within MoI to make finding and installing plug-ins easier. There will be a lot of work involved in doing that.

- Michael
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Silo & Blender solve my organic modelling needs - and tessellation - nice fit with the custom Moi3d scripts and tutorials to meet my requirements which are replacing t-Splines tools. Thank you!
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