FBX multiple objects export to separate files.
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 From:  Moier (STARDUST)
8226.5 In reply to 8226.4 
Great Michael

For me it sure could be very straight forward with "only" a new button - Multiple export
(It might even be dedicated to only fbx format if it will ease up the code)

Function as;

- Activate objects (no styles) to be exported
- Using same dialog as origin Settings
- Easiest way to name separate files, like 001..002..003 (If the files can inherit the object names it would be great)

The goal is only to export separate objects in "one click" operation



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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.6 In reply to 8226.5 
Hi Stardust, someone else had a very similar request today and I just posted a script over in this other thread: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=8230.1

Currently that script exports to .obj format, you can change it to export to .fbx format by editing the line number 42 that currently has this:

var filename = g_dirname + name + '.obj';

to instead have this:

var filename = g_dirname + name + '.fbx';

You also need to edit the directory name at the top of the script, that's the directory where the files will be written to, it will write a separate file for each group of named objects that are in the current model, and the exported file's name will be the object name. Right now it doesn't pay attention to selection, to make it only export selected objects, change line number 18 of the script that currently has this:

var all_objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects();  

to this instead:

var all_objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects(); 

You wrote:
> - Using same dialog as origin Settings

I'm sorry I'm not understanding this part, what is the origin dialog?

Hopefully that is close to what you were looking for though.

- Michael
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 From:  Moier (STARDUST)
8226.7 In reply to 8226.6 
Wohaa.. Michael, you're a genius

Thanks a lot, I will test it right away.

Sorry for not being clear of the part > - Using same dialog as origin Settings
I mean the mesh setting dialog


Merry Christmas


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.8 In reply to 8226.7 
Hi Stardust, you're welcome!

I've attached here a modified version for you, which has the modifications I mentioned above to use selected objects only, and to write to .fbx files instead of .obj and additionally it will show the meshing options dialog during the first export so you can adjust the settings using the dialog, which will then be used by the rest of the exports as well.

- Michael

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 From:  Moier (STARDUST)
8226.9 In reply to 8226.8 
Oboy Michael, what can I say..you are incredible!!

Thanks a million

I wish you the best of holiday


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 From:  Moier (STARDUST)
8226.10 In reply to 8226.9 
Hi Michael

I just want to double check that my changed file path is written correct when use in mac

line 12 ... var g_dirname = '/Users/user name/desktop/fbxexp/';

I am having problem to extract files to this desktop folder called 'fbxexp'


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.11 In reply to 8226.10 
Hi Stardust, sorry yeah for the Mac you'll need to set the path using a Windows path with a pretend z: drive, like this:

var g_dirname = 'z:\\Users\\user name\\Desktop\\fbxexp\\';

V4 will handle native paths better for the Mac version.

- Michael
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 From:  Moier (STARDUST)
8226.12 In reply to 8226.11 
Amazing..Thanks Michael

This is an incredible forum master folks!
I cant think of another where you get this rapid respond, just wow



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 From:  Anton.Berezin (ANTONBEREZIN)

Could it work for .ai format?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.14 In reply to 8226.13 
Hi Anton,

> Could it work for .ai format?

It would work for .ai format too if you just change the file extension to be .ai instead of .fbx .

But one additional thing is that there is a dialog box that pops up when you export to .ai format for setting different options. It is possible to not show the dialog box for a script driven save by passing in an additional parameter to geometryDatabase.saveAs() or geometryDatabase.fileExport() . That would be a string parameter with NoUI=true in it, like this:

moi.geometryDatabase.saveAs( filename, 'NoUI=true' );

You can also set other options through script by having multiple settings in the string separated by semi-colons. The full list of parameters that can be set in this way is:

// PDF/AI export function parameter options:
// NoUI=true
// ProjectionView=top | 3d | front | right
// ScaleType=fit | preserveunits
// MoiScale=1.0
// PageScale=1.0
// PageUnits=mm | cm | in | pt
// CenterOnPage=true
// PageSize=letter | legal | tabloid | a3 | a4 | a5 | custom
// Landscape=false
// PageSizeCustomWidth=8.5
// PageSizeCustomHeight=11.0
// PageSizeCustomUnits=mm | cm | in | pt
// GenerateOutlines=true
// GenerateSilhouettes=true
// GenerateHiddenLines=false
// ShadedBackground=true
// IgnoreTangentEdges=false
// Resolution=25.0
// Line style properties for visible lines:
// VisWidth=0.1
// VisColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// VisColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// VisLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// VisLayerName=Visible lines (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// VisLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// VisLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// VisLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for outlines:
// OutWidth=3.0
// OutColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// OutColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// OutLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// OutLayerName=Outlines (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// OutLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// OutLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// OutLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for silhouettes:
// SilWidth=0.4
// SilColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// SilColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// SilLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// SilLayerName=Silhouettes (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// SilLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// SilLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// SilLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for hidden lines:
// HidWidth=0.1
// HidColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// HidColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// HidLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// HidLayerName=Hidden lines (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// HidLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// HidLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// HidLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// Line style properties for annotations:
// AnnWidth=0.1
// AnnColorMode=fromstyle | custom
// AnnColor=0,0,0 (r,g,b color value for lines when color mode = custom)
// AnnLayerMode=fromstyle | custom
// AnnLayerName=Annotations (layer name to use when layer mode = custom)
// AnnLayerPrefixSuffix=prefix | suffix (which of prefix or suffix are shown in the UI when layer mode = fromstyle)
// AnnLayerPrefix= (prefix to prepend to the layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// AnnLayerSuffix= (suffix to append to layer name when layer mode = fromstyle)
// HiddenLinesOpacity=0.75 (opacity only applies to PDF export, not AI export)
// HiddenLinesDashed=true
// HiddenLinesDashSize=0.75
// HiddenLinesGapSize=1.0
// UseAICB=true (for AI copy to clipboard on OSX, for going into Adobe Illustrator CS3 or older).
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 From:  Anton.Berezin (ANTONBEREZIN)
8226.15 In reply to 8226.14 

I used this script which exporting all objects to AI* files, but all objects (fit to page). I used 3d viewport.
I think it will be good idea if it exporting each object + one test object( named "scale") maybe just line or rectangle.

This will allow the save scale of the objects relative to the test object and to each other

Could you help me to add this function to script?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.16 In reply to 8226.15 
Hi Anton, are you exporting a 3D perspective view? Because if so the length of a line with perspective applied will not be able to give a scale factor like that.

- Michael
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 From:  Anton.Berezin (ANTONBEREZIN)
8226.17 In reply to 8226.16 

Please check my images maybe it will be more clear.

Image Attachments:
Size: 1.3 MB, Downloaded: 32 times, Dimensions: 4000x2250px
Size: 199.4 KB, Downloaded: 22 times, Dimensions: 4000x2251px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.18 In reply to 8226.17 
Hi Anton, so if I understand right you want the line to establish a common page width?

Is the script you are using the "ExportNamedObjectsToIndividualFiles.js" from above in this thread (http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=8226.8) ?

Do you want something like the line has a certain name and the script will export that additionally to each file?

So in the script ExportNamedObjectsToIndividualFiles.js, on line 36 it has this currently:

for ( var name in named_objs )
	// Clear the selection and then set all objects of this name to be selected.
	named_objs[name].setProperty( 'selected', true );

So if you want the line to export with each file, it could go like this:

for ( var name in named_objs )
	// Clear the selection and then set all objects of this name to be selected.
	named_objs[name].setProperty( 'selected', true );

// new code here:

	var line_name = 'reg_line';
	if ( name == line_name )
		continue; //  Don't export the line all by itself.

	// select the line so it will export.
	if ( named_objs[line_name] )
		named_objs[line_name].setProperty( 'selected', true );

I haven't tested that, let me know if it doesn't work.

- Michael
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 From:  Anton.Berezin (ANTONBEREZIN)
8226.19 In reply to 8226.18 

Sorry but it is not working.
Probably just I am not good java developer.

I am getting all 3 objects (1,2, line) as separate files

Thanks for your help again

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.20 In reply to 8226.19 
Hi Anton, can you please post the current script you have and an example .3dm file ?

- Michael
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 From:  Anton.Berezin (ANTONBEREZIN)
8226.21 In reply to 8226.20 

Yes sure.
And sorry for my incompetence

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.22 In reply to 8226.21 
Hi Anton, try this attached one, and also the script is expecting the line's object name to be "reg_line" but in your .3dm file it is named "Testline".

I still didn't test this so please let me know if it still doesn't work and I will take a closer look.

- Michael

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 From:  Anton.Berezin (ANTONBEREZIN)
8226.23 In reply to 8226.22 

Oh thanks man. It is realy working.
How could I thank you?
I am illustrator and if you need something to draw let me know.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8226.24 In reply to 8226.23 
Hi Anton, that's great!

> How could I thank you?

It would be fun to see some of the output that you're using it for! :)

- Michael
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