How can I run MoI faster?
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 From:  bemfarmer
8207.6 In reply to 8207.5 
I like the faster Windows7 bootup with the SSD, but have been saving files to a regular HDD.
I doubt that MoI geometric processing would be any different with an SSD.
Recently, at bootup, a lot of the on screen icons loaded up very slowly, and even remained "white" as they seemed to cease loading.
Yesterday, I ran msconfig.exe with the start orb, and closed some non-crucial programs which were "looking for updates" on the internet.
Now bootup is back to SSD normal. With Malwarebytes anti-malware active, there do not seem to be any "viruses" or other nuisance
programs clogging up the computer. Hooked up a new 5TB Costco Seagate Backup drive Plus USB 3.0 Hub tonight.
- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8207.7 In reply to 8207.5 
Hi woods, well for operations like that, it will mainly be the CPU involved, the graphics card will be for spinning the view around. RAM is only an issue if you run out of it.

When you are operating on a whole lot of objects, there's just a whole lot of number crunching to be done and it's going to take some time.

If you have a good example file that demonstrates that kind of delay, can you send it over to me so I can give it a try over here? If it's a large file you may need to use a file sharing service like OneDrive or Dropbox and e-mail the link to me at .

- Michael
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 From:  woods
8207.8 In reply to 8207.7 
Thanks Michael, I've sent you a file with a pave Bart Simpson- this file is taking me about 25sec to load, and about 25 sec to boolean out the spheres from the shorts section of the piece- does that seem right? Bigger projects might have 2 or 3 times as many elements- right now I'm trying to break them up into smaller files and work on them independently to keep things reasonable. Many thanks in advance!
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 From:  shayno
Hi Woods

I also do jewellery design and manufacture also.
I find my laptop struggles as they are often only a dual core and the graphics cards are not the best.
My desktop system which is a quad core i7 on a SSD with a good graphics card is probably twice as fast.
A lot of filleted beads (like 1600 of them) will really slow you down as they take a lot of time for the graphics card to render.

A good script to use on a shortcut key is
script: /* Toggle mesh angle */ var newang, ang = moi.view.meshAngle; if ( ang == 5 ) newang = 10; else if ( ang == 10 ) newang = 25; else newang = 5; moi.view.meshAngle = newang; var sidepane = moi.ui.getUIPanel( 'moi://ui/SidePane.htm' ); var endsection = sidepane.document.getElementById('MiddleBody').nextSibling; if ( != 'angval' ) endsection.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeEnd', '' ); endsection.lastChild.innerText = newang;

This will toggle between a mesh angle of 5 10 and 25

It should help

Cheers shayne
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 From:  BurrMan
8207.10 In reply to 8207.8 
The "EDGES" will be making things really sluggish.

So instead of making 200 separate files to work on, use the naming conventions to separate objects and hide what your not working on.

For transforms, you can hide the edges of the selected objects also. This will allow you to use face snaps to move the object.
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